This file last updated 19 Nov 1999 ======================================================================= NB The notes on supervenience and implementation below are now partly out of date, though some of the ideas are still waiting to be developed fully, when I have time. I have some shorter papers written in Jan 1998 and more recently, developing some of the points below, in various contexts. These papers are available in postscript format (or PDF on request) in the Cognition and Affect project directory, whose full contents are listed, with abstracts, in The newer papers and discussion notes are: 11. Correspondence with Henry Stapp on quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, supervenience, etc. 10. Architecture based conceptions of mind Slides for an invited talk at LMPS99, Cracow, August 1999 9. Architectural Requirements for Human-like Agents Both Natural and Artificial. (What sorts of machines can love?) To appear in Human Cognition And Social Agent Technology Ed. Kerstin Dautenhahn, in the "Advances in Consciousness Research" series, John Benjamins Publishing 8. The ``Semantics'' of Evolution: Trajectories and Trade-offs in Design Space and Niche Space. Invited talk for IBERAMIA-98 Lisbon, October 1998 7. What sorts of brains can support what sorts of minds? Slidely extended version of slides prepared for an invited talk at the DIGITAL BIOTA 2 Conference, Cambridge September 1998. (See for conference details) 6. Supervenience and Implementation: Virtual and Physical Machines Draft paper, January 1998 5. Design Spaces, Niche Spaces and the ``Hard'' Problem Draft paper, January 1998 4. The evolution of what? (A LONG INCOMPLETE DRAFT paper on consciousness and its evolution -- likely to be updated, and maybe turned into a book one day). 3. Architectures and types of consciousnes (Oct 1997), Abstract for paper presented at Tucson3 conference (May 1998) 2. Beyond Turing Equivalence, in Machines and Thought: The Legacy of Alan Turing (vol I), eds P.J.R. Millican and A. Clark, 1996, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp179--219, (Presented at Turing90 Colloquium, Sussex University, April 1990) 1. There are also many discussion notes in the directory containing this file: The file names should facilitate browsing. ======================================================================= INCOMPLETE DRAFT NOTES FOLLOW: WILL BE UPDATED FROM TIME TO TIME MAJOR REORGANISATION WILL OCCUR AT SOME LATER TIME SUPERVENIENCE AND IMPLEMENTATION Aaron Sloman School of Computer Science The University of Birmingham Last modified: 1 Dec 1997 [Note: the (draft) table of contents appears after this preface.] -- Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ This draft, evolving, paper is in part about the relation between mind and brain, and in part about the more general question of how high level abstract kinds of structures, processes and mechanisms can depend for the existence on lower level, more concrete kinds. Philosophers often refer to the relation between levels as "supervenience" (e.g. asking whether mental states and processes are supervenient on brain processes). Engineers tend to discuss the relation in terms of "implementation" (e.g. asking which sorts of physical mechanisms could implement certain kinds of perceptual processes). The paper is about how to link these notions, which I believe, come to the same thing, in a certain class of cases. By thinking about various relatively simple, well-understood, kinds of implementations, and extrapolating from them, we may be able to develop better ways of thinking about far more complex kinds, including the implementation of human minds in brains, and the implementation of robot minds in other kinds of mechanisms. Several papers on related topics are in the Birmingham Cognition and Affect project directory: Various less formal discussion notes, correspondence with colleagues, usenet postings are in this directory which also includes the paper you are now reading. CONTENTS -- Preface -- INTRODUCTION -- Some of the main questions -- Some notes -- IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPERVENIENCE -- -- Mechanism supervenience -- -- Property supervenience -- -- Pattern supervenience -- -- Pattern in feedback systems -- -- Not all the patterns need be physically describable -- -- Suppose the machine develops without external training? -- -- The irrelevance of QM CM distinctions -- SUMMARY SO FAR: -- INSTANTIATION VS IMPLEMENTATION -- MATHEMATICAL IMPLEMENTATIONS -- DOES CORRECT TIME-KEEPING SUPERVENE ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES -- WHAT SORT OF THEORY DO WE NEED? -- TEMPTING BUT INADQUATE VIEWS ON IMPLEMENTATION -- TOWARDS A THEORY OF TYPES OF IMPLEMENTATION -- -- Not all mathematically equivalent implementations are equivalent -- -- Reliability -- -- Some causal properties matter only in a context -- -- What we do and don't understand already -- LINKS WITH OTHER HARD CONCEPTUAL PROBLEMS -- IMPLEMENTATION (SUPERVENIENCE) VS CORRELATION -- IT'S NOT JUST A MATTER OF SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION OF Y AS X -- A SIMPLE EXAMPLE: A MECHANICAL CLOCK -- -- A clock's implementation machine includes the environment -- -- Is being an implementation of a clock an objective property? -- To be done (1) -- To be done (2) Dynamical systems -- To be done (3) Nothing buttery -- INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------- These notes on how one sort of machine can be implemented in another sort arise in part out of correspondence with Henry Stapp, whose comments and objections have helped me to clarify things, and in part out of an invitation to give a talk on "Bridging the Explanatory Gap" at the workshop on "The Brain and Self Workshop: Toward a Science of Consciousness" to be held at Elsinore, Denmark, August 21-24, 1997 (See ) Henry's papers are accessible at I have also benefited from email discussions with Pat Hayes, Stan Klein, Bill Robinson, Jeff Dalton, Kevin Korb, Roz Picard, Greg Mulhauser, usenet discussions with Jim Balter, Neil Rickert, Anders Weinstein, Pete Lupton (who died alas, early in 1997), and face to face discussions with Inman Harvey, Andy Clark, Mike Morris, Brian Logan and many others. I have no doubt also been influenced in the longer term by the writings of many others, and conversations with several of them, including Maggie Boden, Dave Chalmers, Dan Dennett, Doug Hofstadter, Terry Horgan, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky. Brian Smith and Gerd Sommerhoff. I've never met Norbert Wiener, though I think he had some of the key ideas. I apologise if I have pinched anyone's ideas without acknowledgement: I am not interested in where ideas come from, only whether they are right or wrong. [Henry wrote, on 15th May 1997, in response to a message of mine, about how a virtual machine X can be implemented in a physical machine Y] > Our interest is in the relationship between a certain (high-level) level > of causality X that has a structure that somewhat resembles psychological > process, with conscious and unconscious parts, and a lower level of > causality Y that might be called physical brain process (neuron > firings etc.) And I am interested in how actual psychological processes (X), including conscious and unconscious parts, can be implemented in physical brains of various kinds and possibly also computers and other future types of machines (Y). We cannot understand the conscious subset of mentality on its own. It has to be seen as a tiny, ill defined, and rather diverse, subset of a much larger (virtual) machine, which has a rich functional architecture whose full complexity we can barely discern at present (though I think it's clear that the super algorithm of intelligence which Searle and Penrose claim AI researchers seek is irrelevant: the architecture will inevitably involve not one algorithm but large numbers of concurrent, persistent, asynchronously interacting, functionally distinct components. Whether those components can be built out of algorithms {i.e. computer programs} is a separate question, which is not the main topic of this paper). I.e. conscious mental phenomena are necessarily the tiny tip of an enormous iceberg of interacting mechanisms, and cannot exist without the iceberg. (However, as Brian Logan commented: it's not the same portion that is "visible" at all times. Think of a roughly spherical rotating, or oscillating, iceberg, for instance.) Moreover, clarifying what we understand by "consciousness", "experience", "subjective awareness", "qualia", and so on, requires clarifying how what we are talking about relates to the rest of the (submerged) system in terms of which its existence is defined. This larger mental machine, a multi-faceted information processing engine, is in turn implemented, possibly via several different levels of implementation, in physiological and physical machines in the brain (though some aspects of the mental are implemented in the surrounding physical and cultural environment.) However the situation is even more complicated in that there are different kinds of mental machines and different kinds of implementation machines, e.g. in different sorts of animals and in humans in different cultures or different stages of development, or suffering from different types of brain injury or disease or degeneration. Any good theory has to encompass all of this diversity, and perhaps show to what extent new forms of consciousness can or cannot be implemented in totally different mechanisms, e.g. in computer-based robots. [I've sketched some ideas about the kinds of diversity of information processing control architectures to be found in various kinds of organisms in various papers and lecture notes. One is the paper on evolution of conciousness in the file ] For now I am going to try to put to one side the excessively complex task of analysing the relation between mind and matter, and between conscious and non-conscious aspects of mind, and instead try to get an overview of the sorts of relationships that we already understand can hold between different sorts of machines, including abstract or virtual machines implemented in physical machines. In particular I want to ask: What does it mean for X to be implemented in (or realized in) Y? What does it mean for X to supervene on Y? My conjecture is that the former concept (implementation) which has wide currency among engineers and the latter concept (supervenience) much discussed by philosophers, are the same concept. Or rather there are many cases of supervenience discussed by philosophes where the relationship amounts to the same thing as what an engineer might call implementation. Since there need not be any implementor (e.g. when perceptual functions or memory functions are implemented in certain neurones) some people might prefer to call this "realization". However we can abstract from origins, and just as it is commonplace to talk about spaces of possible designs independently of whether any designer is involved, similarly we can consider a relation of implementation between two sorts of machines independently of whether someone produced the implementation, or it happened via growth, or learning, or evolution, or by chance. (Arguing over whether origins make a difference seems to me to be a complete waste of time since clearly it's a purely definitional issue which addresses no point of substance, though certain philosophers think it important. My guess is that they are clutching at straws trying to distinguish humans from robots, or animals from machines, for no other reason than a desire to keep humans, or some broader class as special.) I've claimed that philosophers who discuss certain types of supervenience are investigating the same relation as engineers who study types of implementation. However, while engineers have a deep and rich intuitive grasp of implementation they have not yet articulated explicitly all the implicit knowledge that they have and use when then design, implement, debug, and maintain systems. By contrast philosophers have put a huge amount of effort into articulating what they mean by supervenience, but their actual knowledge and experience of the variety of types of cases is very limited, and as a result their analyses are too restrictive, and consequently their reasoning about what is possible is often flawed. These notes attempt to bring the two together. -- Some of the main questions On the way I want to address the following questions: 1. If X is implemented in Y and Y is causally complete does that mean that X has no causal powers, i.e. it is pure epiphenomenon? Which other sorts of causal relationships can hold between X and Y? 2. What sorts of differences can be made to X if it is implemented in different ways? E.g. are there any virtual machines that can be implemented perfectly either in biological neurons or in silicon computers? Are there some sorts of virtual machines that cannot be implemented in computers, and if so why not? 3. How are the engineer's notions of implementation related to purely mathematical notions of implementation concerned with relations between abstract structures (e.g. sequences of formulae), not necessarily involving time or causality? 4. If machine X is implemented in machine Y what sorts of relations can or must hold between events and processes in X and those in Y. In particular, must there be observable correlations? Must there be structural correspondences? Must the laws and features of X be logically or mathematically derivable from those of Y? 5. Under what conditions are features of the environment of machine X crucial to its being an implementation of Y. I.e. which states of Y supervene not only on X but also the environment in which X is embedded? 6. Can a machine with mental states and processes be implemented in a purely physical machine? Are there any constraints on the type of physical machines that are capable of providing an implementation? 7. Can a deeper understanding of these matters help us understand any of the old problems about the mind-body relation, or problems about the nature of consciousness? During the course of writing these notes I have learnt much, and my views are still evolving, so who knows what will be here in a few months time. -- Some notes --------------------------------------------------------- Note 1: Brian C Smith's book: On the Origin of Objects (MIT Press 1996) addresses many of these issues in considerable detail: it's one of the few things that do. However, I find it very hard to read, and I don't agree with everything, though a high proportion of what he writes is both true and important. He apparently thinks there is a notion of "computation" which is narrower than the totally general notions of "mechanism" and "process" yet different from the totally syntactic, mathematical notion of computation. I used to think that also, but no longer do: the only precise notion of computation is the subject matter of the mathematical theory of computation, which is purely structural, and does not involve any real notion of causation or time (as opposed to mathematical sequences). Note 2: I assume that physics is the science that explores the fundamentals of the material world, and that ultimately all sorts of mechanisms are implemented in (realized in) physical mechanisms. However, I do not assume that physics has already found the ultimate nature of reality nor that it ever will. In fact I have tried to assume as little as possible about what physicists now or in the future tell us. Thus in what follows there is no commitment either to classical mechanics or to quantum mechanics, though I hope that everything I write will turn out to be consistent with the best physical theories available at present, or in the indefinite future. Likewise, success in this project requires compatibility with good theories about the evolution of human capabilities, theories about the development of individual minds from early infancy to maturity and beyond, theories about how various aspects of mentality can be damaged or destroyed through injury, disease, effects of ageing, or congenital defect. Too many theories of consciousness focus on only a tiny subset of the relevant phenomena. If that's all they explain, then they explain nothing. Note 3: One thing I see no basis for is the fairly common assumption that the only {\em real} kind of causality is physical causality. In fact it is not at all clear what sort of role causality plays in modern physics: in some ways our ordinary notions of causality seem to break down in the framework of quantum mechanics. Our ordinary notions of causation get a grip only at {\em intermediate} levels in the implementation layers of the universe, including most of the levels that have been studied by scientists of all sorts, with the possible exception of quantum physicists. For instance there are economic causes, social causes, mental causes, as well as physical causes, and we make use of all of these types of causation in our everyday life. I shall simply be assuming something like our ordinary notion of causation, without attempting to analyse it, except to say that it is intimately bound up with the notion of "what would have happened if", i.e. with the truth of many types of conditional statements. Making that precise is far beyond the scope of this paper, though eventually an analysis of causation will be required for completeness. Note 4: To me one of the most striking presentations at the Brain and Self Workshop: Towards a Science of Consciousness, held at Elsinore, Denmark August 21-24 ( was a talk by Prof Hermann Haken of Stuttgart University about his "synergetic" theory which explores, from a mathematical and physical standpoint, different levels of process which can arise in complex dynamical systems, including the emergence of structured forms of turbulence and coherence. His emphasis on the fact that causation goes in both directions, between lower and higher levels, is very close to the viewpoint expressed here, though I was previously not aware of his work, and I cannot yet say that I understand it. Note: 5 I think some cases of interactions between levels are simpler than others. The kind of case I am particularly trying to get a grip on is one that "bootstraps" its own semantics. I.e. we all agree that a social community can interpret something as being a game played according to the rules of chess or text written in English. I want to try to characterise what it is about a self-contained machine (or animal) that would enable it to do for some of its own states what a social community can do. I don't believe that societies of interacting complete agents are inherently necessary for this, only some of their features. E.g. a primitive kind of self-interpreting is already found in computers which sometimes use bit patterns as pointers into their own (virtual) memory, sometimes use them as instructions to be obeyed, sometimes use them as numerals, e.g. when counting elements in a stored list or file. So far I don't think we have understood what sort of architecture might suffice for bootstrapping all the varieties of self interpretation found in humans or even some other animals, though various gropings in relevant directions are to be found in the work of people like Dennett (in his book Kinds of Minds) and people talking about autopoeisis (on which I've not read enough), and various people thinking about the evolution of intelligence, and maybe Brian C Smith's book. Note 6: This paper may seem long and tortuous. That's because the subject matter is extremely complex. Must dispute goes on at cross purposes because disputants unwittingly focus only on small portions of a complex tangle of concepts, often not appreciating that they have focused on different subsets. -- IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPERVENIENCE [Henry] > You suggest that `X is implemented in Y', and sort of identify that with > `X supervenes on Y'. My claim (conjecture?) is that the concept referred to by philosophers using the words "supervenient", "supervenience" is the very same concept as that referred to by engineers using "implementation". I.e. X is supervenient on Y if and only if X is implemented in Y However, this equivalence applies only to the sort of case where X is a type of {\em mechanism} in which processes and causal connections occur. Philosophers actually use the notion of "supervenience" for some other cases, which I'll mention later. -- -- Mechanism supervenience Let's call the type of supervenience where mechanisms are involved, "mechanism supervenience". I.e. X (as a mechanism) supervenes on Y if and only if X is implemented in Y. People who are worried about using "implemented in" to refer to cases where there is no implementor, can substitute "realized in". This is the concept I wish to analyse. Being a mechanism involves having components and states and processes that interact {\em causally}. The concept "interacting causally" is an intuitive concept that pervades all our thinking about processes, and I shall not attempt to analyse it here. Examples of causal interaction include poverty causing crime, illiteracy causing poverty, getting married or having children causing new legal obligations to arise, insertion of a word in a wordprocessor causing a line, and possibly a page to overflow a syntactic error in a program causing compilation to abort a faulty algorithm causing a piece of software to crash while running overloading an operating system causing it to thrash (too much paging and swapping) feedback in a circuit causing distortion to be reduced evolutionary pressures causing a gene pool to change remembering something causing a new desire to arise a desire and a belief causing an emotion an intention causing a physical action to occur a change in temperature causing a change in electrical resistance and many more. To what extent these are all parts of mechanisms which supervene on or are implemented in physical mechanisms is a topic for further discussion, but only after we have clarified what implementation is. [henry] > But as regards our differences everything seems to > hang on exactly what your definition of "implementation" is: What is > the connection between these two levels of causal description? > ... You words are unclear on this point. I'm getting there slowly. Some preliminary comments first. First let me say that I do not think anything here is simple or clear. We are dealing with some of the most complex concepts that form part of our everyday life, including a host of concepts linked to the notions of "causation", "mechanism", "what would happen if", "control", "existence', etc. which philosophers have been attempting to analyse for centuries, and I don't think the work is done yet. Second although there are many cases of X being implemented as Y that we partially understand very well, insofar as we know how to create those cases (e.g. we implement a software virtual machine in a computing system), and we know how to use them, predict their behaviour, debug them when they go wrong, and apply them in solving real practical problems, nevertheless we don't yet fully understand what's going on. That is so despite the fact that we know how to predict the behaviour of X (within limits) and know how to change things to produce extended functionality e.g. so as to replace X with X', and we know how to debug an implementation when something goes wrong i.e. what's implemented turns out to be something other than X, etc., and we often find out how to produce a new implementation of X in another machine Y' which is cheaper, or faster, or more widely used, etc. I.e. as engineers we have a very good implicit grasp of what's happening in many cases where X is implemented in (supervenient on) Y, but that's a *practical* grasp based in a host of design and implementation skills. It is not an *analytical* grasp which would enable us to answer a host of philosophical questions about the nature of the relationship between X and Y, and the general conditions under which it is possible. -- -- Property supervenience A counter example: there's another kind of supervenience, which I'll call "property supervenience", which I seem to recall was discussed by the philosopher G.E.Moore early this century which is applicable to ethical and aesthetic properties. These are said to supervene on the non-ethical or non-aesthetic properties. (E.g. the claim is that the aesthetic merits of a painting cannot change unless some physical part or feature of the painting changes.) But these ethical and aesthetic qualities do not involve processes and causation, so they are different from the cases where a type of machine and processes in the machine, including cause-effect relationships, are supervenient on something else. I.e. this is not mechanism supervenience. There are two interpretations of property supervenience dependent on whether the properties are thought to inhere in the objects that have them or whether they are merely expressions of judgements of others. For example, describing a meal as "pleasant" or "nice" is typically an expression of the speaker's judgement, which need not be shared by others with different gastronomic tastes. Whether aesthetic properties are like that or not is a topic of philosophical dispute. A philosopher who believes that aesthetic properties of a painting or sculpture are inherent in the painting or sculpture is likely to believe that aesthetic properties supervene on physical properties. However, a philosopher who thinks that aesthetic properties are merely expressions of aesthetic judgements of viewers, like the pleasantness of a meal, may not believe that aesthetic properties supervene on physical properties. This is an empirical issue. For instance if there are some people who judge an {\em original} painting or sculpture to be more aesthetically more valuable than a totally indistinguishable copy, because of the original's causal links with the author, then for that person the aesthetic properties do not supervene on the physical properties, for physically indistinguishable objects would be evaluated differently aesthetically. However, even someone who believes that aesthetic goodness or badness are purely "subjective" matters of judgement that do not necessarily supervene on physical properties, may still think that there are also some aesthetic properties that do supervene on physical properties, e.g. symmetry, harmony, elegance, grace. (Incidentally G.E.Moore had a very mysterious notion of ethical goodness as an ontologically distinct, non-subjective, property of certain actions which only certain people could perceive, but which nevertheless supervened on non-ethical properties. I shall not discuss this possibility further.) -- -- Pattern supervenience A special kind of property supervenience may be described as pattern supervenience. It occurs when there are observable patterns in a physical system. For instance the few people who are still sometimes able to look at the stars on a clear moonless night unpolluted by artificial light will often see patterns in the stars. They may be patterns they have been taught to see (e.g. the southern cross) or patterns they notice spontaneously, which will often shift as their visual systems impose different segmentations and switch between highlighting different features. These are patterns which emerge from the physical structure of the system being observed. They have no causal powers. They are not part of any mechanism within the system being observed. So this is not a case of mechanism supervenience. Nothing is {\em implemented} in something else. These patterns can be described as epiphenomenal: they are produced by the underlying structures, but they have no influence on those structures except insofar as they summarise features of the underlying structures which do have causal powers. There's nothing {\em new} going on at the level of those patterns which is different from what would happen if those patterns were not there. For example if there's a large globular cluster of stars then that is a sort of 3-D pattern and the fact that it exists will alter the gravitational and other influences on other stars. This is a merely cumulative effect. Note that insofar as the patterns are recognised and classified by observers there is something different happening. E.g. the observer may be able to see and learn some patterns but not others. But that does not mean the patterns have causal powers in the system being observed. But patterns do sometimes have causal powers, and form part of a system that depends on those causal powers. -- -- Pattern in feedback systems Consider a new case, where the observer and the observed pattern are part of the same mechanism. Suppose the pattern is in an array of lights controlled by some machine. Another part of the same machine includes two TV cameras, one aimed at the array of lights and another aimed at something else in the environment. In both cases the images are analysed, parsed, classified, or whatever (e.g. using neural nets and other AI techniques, or new techniques to be discovered in the future), and the results fed into the subsystem that actually controls the array of lights. Suppose that not only the patterns in the light array LA, but also the environment ENV keeps changing. Suppose the analysis sub-mechanism describes the patterns in both of them using a particular form of classification (e.g. searching for polygons of various shapes and sizes, or searching for axes of symmetry, or searching for the occurrence of what we would call letters of the alphabet). Finally suppose the whole system continually adapts itself so as to maximise the similarity (at some level of description) between the patterns that it produces in LA and the patterns it finds in ENV immediately after. We could say that it is continually attempting to predict what is about to happen in the environment. This may or may not be possible, for instance if patterns in ENV are generated by some random process, or by some very complex physical system whose behaviour cannot be modelled by the mechanisms available in the machine. However, whether it is or is not successful it remains true that the patterns in the light array are no longer merely patterns without any causal powers. On the contrary those patterns control the processes of analysis and abstraction going on in the machine and also the processes generating the new patterns. We now have a new high level machine, in which patterns are produced detected, analysed, classified, stored (perhaps), compared and which cause new patterns to occur in a systematic way (which changes as the machine "learns"). So here we definitely have a mechanism which can be described at one level in terms of patterns and their effects and interactions, which is implemented in a lower level machine which may be described in terms of its physical construction. But now, unlike observable but unobserved patterns in the night sky the patterns have {\em new} causal powers. I.e. new types of causal statements about how the machine works are true and useful in explaining and predicting its behaviour. This is true even if at the level of its physical construction the machine is causally complete: i.e. no physical laws are violated when it performs its tasks. This is a case of mechanism supervenience. -- -- Not all the patterns need be physically describable Notice also that some of the patterns may not be describable in the language of physics. What makes something a letter of our alphabet is in part a feature what we regard as a font, and that can change over time without the laws of physics changing. For instance, there is nothing {\em physical} that is common between all the 2-D patterns that we call instances of the letter "a", including upper and lower case, printed and handwritten text. So if such patterns are somehow learnt by the machine and it learns that what's going on in ENV is that the letters form a cyclic sequence, are always two letters visible and the one on the left is constantly replaced by its successor in the sequence and the one on the right is replaced by its predecessor, e.g. BA, CZ, DY, EX etc. then there may not be any way of describing the high level behaviour of the system that uses only concepts of physics and concepts definable in terms of logical combinations of the concepts of physics. This is unlike the case where the patterns are simply made of polygons and a purely geometric law describes the sequence of patterns. -- -- Suppose the machine develops without external training? We can now extend the example to cover the case where there is no external social system but the machine has somehow developed categories of its own, for its own reasons, e.g. guided by some principles of cognitive elegance, or perspicacity, or explanatory power. Note that these are not concepts of physics. If a machine, like a human being, can somehow absorb systems of segmentation and classification used in a pre-existing social system, then in principle it might (with suitable additional adaptive mechanisms) be able to devise a way of categorising (chunking) reality which it doesn't get from other intelligent agents, but merely finds useful in achieving its goals. For instance there are indefinitely many ways of carving up structures and processes in the environment, but, as Nelson Goodman showed dramatically with the example of objects described as "grue" and "bleen" if they switch from blue to green or green to blue on a certain date, many segmentations of reality are not particularly useful (they are not "projectible"). Of course, it is often much easier for an individual to absorb these discoveries from others instead of inventing them. However, the human social system is a sort of machine that was capable of inventing them, and so it is at least possible that they may also be capable of being invented by a sufficiently complex individual trying to solve the same problems of predicting and explaining phenomena. We have here the germs of an idea which I'll summarise as follows: Some machines may be capable of bootstrapping themselves so that they implement new forms of virtual machine, not definable in terms of the concepts that were previously adequate. In particular this pressure to categorise, albeit in somewhat fuzzy ways, arises out of the process of moving from a purely reactive type of architecture towards a deliberative architecture that can construct and evaluate plans for future action. The requirements of such deliberations will include categorising reality into chunks that can enter into learnt associations that can be used in planning (if I do A then B will follow whereas if I do A' them B' will follow, etc.). In the work to be done below we'll have to explain how the high level virtual machine can have real causal powers, whether or not the underlying physical implementation mechanism is causally complete. If that is correct then it completely undermines some of the arguments that make a strong link between mentality (or consciousness) and differences between classical and quantum mechanics. -- -- The irrelevance of QM CM distinctions I think that the temptation to look for a causal role for mentality in the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics is (a) unnecessary since causal gaps at a lower level are not required for real causal powers at higher levels (and the belief that they are required simply manifests a lack of understanding regarding the relation between causation and counterfactual conditionals) (b) inadequate as a basis for really efficacious mentality. (I want my decisions to operate directly on mental states and processes rather than the states of sub-atomic particles) (c) only useful as a one-way explanation: even if it does show show how certain mental process can close causal gaps in physical processes (of which I am not convinced), it still leaves mysterious how the reverse can occur: why do you have a pain when you sit on a pin, or see a beautiful rose when millions of photons hit your retina? -- SUMMARY SO FAR: Mechanism supervenience may be distinguished from property supervenience, and property supervenience may be concerned with judgemental or intrinsic properties. A special case of property supervenience is pattern supervenience. Pattern supervenience may be purely epiphenomenal if the occurrence of the patterns is not part of any control mechanism. However, if the patterns in a machine are detected and used by the machine to produce new patterns, we may have an example of a high level virtual machine with causal powers. In some cases that machine will be definable purely in terms of geometrical and physical concepts and in others not. This is independent of whether or not the high level machine is implemented in a causally complete physical substratum. Some cases of property supervenience, e.g. some aesthetic cases, are essentially cases where the perceiver is forming a preference or like or dislike. This can be "subjective supervenience". We shall later ask whether all cases of mechanism supervenience are also in some sense judgemental and "subjective" or whether some of them can be somehow intrinsic and objective. -- INSTANTIATION VS IMPLEMENTATION It is important not to confuse implementation with the theoretical computer science notion of "instantiation", a relationship that can hold between a program or algorithm and a sequence of states involved in the execution of the program. This is a relationship between two structures, the structure of the algorithm and the structure of a process that can be generated by the algorithm. Consider the standard algorithm for identifying the greatest common divisor of two numbers, which involves repeatedly dividing the smaller of two numbers into the larger, and then starting again with the smaller number and the remainder. We can express it recursively in Pop-11 thus define gcd(n1, n2); if n1 == 1 then 1 elseif n2 == 1 then 1 elseif n1 == 0 then n2 elseif n2 == 0 then n1 else if n1 > n2 then gcd( n1 mod n2, n2 ) else gcd( n2 mod n1, n1 ) endif endif enddefine; This has a fixed number of steps including a loop or recursive call. When the algorith is applied to different pairs of numbers, to produce an instantiation, which includes a succession of intermediate states (a succession of values for n1 and n2 in the above version) it is necessary to recurse or go round the loop varying numbers of times, depending on the relationship between the numbers. So there are infinitely many different instantiations of the algorithm of varying lengths. These instantiations, like the original algorithm are themselves all abstract sequences of structures, which need not occur in time, nor involve any causation. For example, this sequence of symbols can be taken to be an instantiation of the algorithm, when it is applied to the numbers 264 and 768: > gcd 264 768 !> gcd 240 264 !!> gcd 24 240 !!!> gcd 0 24 24 Similarly a G\"odel number for a sequence of formulae is a static structure which can be interpreted as an instantiation of the algorithm. No implementation needs to be involved in the instantiation relation, i.e. no machinery that makes things happen, no causation. So instantiation is not the same as implementation. The actual implementation I used to test the procedure and produce the above tracing used a compiler for Pop-11 running on a Sun Computer, but that's irrelevant to whether the sequence of states is or is not an instantiation of the algorithm. (That's a point on which I think John Searle got very confused.) Many of the theorems of computer science are about algorithms and properties of their instantiations (e.g. theorems about complexity, solvability, correctness of algorithms, etc.) and have {\em nothing} to do with time or causation. -- MATHEMATICAL IMPLEMENTATIONS There is a kind of concept of implementation used by some theoretical computer scientists who will describe two types of machine M1 and M2 in a formal mathematical way and ask whether machines of type M1 can be implemented in a machine of type M2. Here a machine is a structure that determines in a principled way possible sequences of structures (which can be called computations). In other words, this mathematical notion of implementation involves a relationship between two algorithms. The question whether M2 implements M1 may be answered by showing that there is a way of constraining a machine of type M2 in such a way that it defines sequences of structures (instantiations) that have a suitable mathematically definable relation to sequences (instantiations) that are generated by M1. E.g. if inst(M) is the set of all instantiations of M, i.e. all the sequences (possibly infinite) that M can generate, then we can say that M2 provides, in the mathematical sense, an implementation of M1 if inst(M1) can be modelled in a systematic way inside inst(M2). I.e. there is a matheamtically definable function "model" (whose precise definition we can ignore for now) such that for every sequence s in inst(M1), model(s) is in inst(M2) We can then say implements(M1, M2) (Full details require the function model to be recursively decomposed so that the structural richness and diversity of sequences produced by M1 is mirrored in the appropriate subset of inst(M2)) Various different forms of this relation are possible. In some cases it may go both ways, in which case we have a {\em bisimulation} relation between M1 and M2: each can model the other, or each is capable of implementing the other. This is the sort of thing that is involved in saying that a particular turing machine can model all other turing machines, or that turing machines, recursive functions, production systems, and various other classes of mathematical objects are equivalent to one another. All of this is concerned with mappings between and properties of mathematically definable structures and sequences of structures. It has nothing to do with processes occurring in time, nor with causal powers. Thus although this branch of mathematics may be useful in helping us understand the kind of thing that occurs when one {\em mechanism} is implemented in another, they are two different concepts of implementation and should not be confused. -- DOES CORRECT TIME-KEEPING SUPERVENE ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES We have the notion of a special sort of virtual machine which is a time-keeper. In our ordinary thinking the notion of a "clock" typically combines the notion of both this virtual machine and the underlying physical implementation. Depending on the sort of clock it is the virtual machine may be more or less complex: e.g. showing the day of the week, the month and the year adds to the requirement of showing the time (in hours, minutes and seconds). What exactly is the relationship between the construction of the clock and its time-keeping capabilities? It is not merely an observed unexplained correlation. We understand why it is an accurate time-keeper. However, we cannot prove that using purely physical laws and physical descriptions of the clock, for concepts are involved in the notion of the time at a particular location that cannot be defined in terms of concepts of physics. Certainly the physical specification of the clock mechanism can provide a logical basis for concluding that the clock is capable of measuring time, since that is a physical notion. In fact all we need is a demonstration that certain changes in the mechanism occur at regular time intervals. By contrast demonstrating that the machine is not just a potential clock but that it tells the correct time where it is, has to go beyond physics because it is to some extent a {\em political} matter. For it depends on which time zone the clock is in, and that in turn can depend on political changes. If national boundaries change and a town that was previously in one country changes so that it is in another, then a clock that previously told the correct time could suddenly be an hour slow, or fast, if the two countries (or states, or, ...) are in different time zones. Thus physical facts and laws cannot logically entail that a particular mechanism tells the correct time unless they can also entail facts about where time zones are. There are similar points about the numbers shown on a clock corresponding to socially agreed ways of dividing up the day into hours minutes and seconds. The situation is still more complex if the clock also mentions days of the week, months and the year. The physical design may indeed entail that the clock is capable of supporting a particular {\em class} of ways of dividing up time intervals whose mathematical properties can be specified (e.g. there are seven weekdays, twelve months, etc. etc.). But that a particular physical mechanism fits the requirements for a calendar clock in its environment is not a physical fact. However, it is not a simple contingent fact either. If we have a full specification of the relevant social and political conventions, then that, together with, the description of the physical properties and the current state of the clock will entail that the clock tells the time, the date, the day of the week etc. correctly for its present location. This entailment requires some non-physical premises. From physics alone one cannot infer the time-keeping conventions or the time zone boundaries. For example, the concept of a calendar month or the day of the week cannot be defined in physical terms. Nevertheless in this case it might be possible to find minimal versions of the concepts of week, month and year, stripped of all their social connotations, and defined entirely in terms of the sequence of 24 hour intervals starting from some particular time point. This purely physical description and logical (mathematical) inference might then be regarded as a complete account of the underlying explanation for the clock's being correct. However, even this would be subject to a sort of social/political stability. If for any reason the nations of the world so decided they could decide that the year 2000 should start three days later, with three un-named holidays following after 31st December 1999. From then on the clock that previously had been accurate would no longer be accurate without extraneous intervention. In fact during the three extra days there would not be any question of its specification of the day of the week as being accurate or inaccurate. The clock example is relatively simple. In particular, all the non-physical facts that play a role are fairly simply understood social and political facts. Some of our examples are far more complex. In particular, ultimately we want to look at examples where rules and conventions analogous to social ones play a role, but without involving any {\em external} social system: the entire system is {\em within} the mechanism itself. For instance, it may make use of a useful self-regulation system that developed through a process of learning or adaptation, in an animal or a robot. -- WHAT SORT OF THEORY DO WE NEED? What we lack is a good systematic theoretical/analytical overview of the variety of types of implementation (supervenience) relations, in natural systems, in artefacts, in biological systems, in non-living systems etc., including what (if anything) they have in common, how they differ, what the implications of the differences are, etc. My reading in philosophy has been pretty thin in the last thirty years partly because I've felt that most of it has simply ignored important new developments coming from outside philosophy. But in what I have read (e.g. intermittent sampling of articles in the journal Mind and other things) I have not seen signs that philosophers are really addressing this problem adequately. One recent attempt is Brian Smith's book "On the origin of objects", which I have not yet finished. It tries hard to come to grips with the sorts of problems I am referring to, but I think he gets various things wrong, partly because he fails to distinguish two different concepts of computation: (a) the subject matter of the mathematical theory of computer science and (b) what computing machines do. The two are deeply related, but fundamentally different, in part because (a) has nothing to do with time or causation, whereas (b) is above all about causation and control of events happening in time. Many critics of AI also get confused about this (e.g. Lucas, Searle, Penrose) but unfortunately AI defenders often misdiagnose the sources of the confusion and their replies to the critics are therefore unsatisfactory. I've been struggling with the issues for about 12 years -- ever since I discovered, around 1984, when trying to write a sequel to my first book "The computer revolution in philosophy"(1978), that I did not know what I meant by "computation". I don't claim to have complete answers yet. -- TEMPTING BUT INADQUATE VIEWS ON IMPLEMENTATION The obvious way to try to analyse implementation is in terms of some structural mapping between elements of X and those of Y, possibly even isomorphism. However what APPEARS obvious doesn't work in this case. 1. For example the techniques of lazy evaluation (which allows a list processing language to have infinite lists) and sparse arrays show that X cannot be isomorphic with Y. It could even have far more components than Y. 2. Another common assumption is that there needs to be constant correlations between components of X and components of Y. But that is refuted by virtual memory systems and systems with dynamic memory allocation or compacting garbage collectors, which, in their own separate ways, constantly change the mapping between components of X and components of Y. 3. Yet another common assumption is that the even if there's no simple isomorphism or constant correlation, at least part-whole relationships between X must map into those of Y. But that is refuted by languages with high level data structures such as lists. E.g. list A can be an element of list B, while list B is an element of list A. But it is not possible for two physical components each to be a part of the other. 4. People sometimes assume that if X is implemented in Y then key features of Y should be inherited by X. E.g. is it the case that if Y is essentially detterministic, then X should also be? No, for it is commonplace for a non-deterministic virtual machine to be implemented in a deterministic computer. This usually requires the inclusion in the implementation of some sort of randomising element, which could be a random number generator set by some feature of the universe other than the state of Y, when X starts up. E.g. if X is a software system it could initialise the randomiser on the basis of the user's name, or the time at which the user logged in. Even if in that particular situation once X has started running its behaviour is determined, that does not make it deterministic because the behaviour is not determined by the states of X and the laws of X. They allow a selection from a set of options. If something other than X determines the options that does not make X deterministic. However the combination of X some feature of the implementation may be. 5. Another common error is to assume that if an implementation machine Y is based entirely on binary elements then any virtual machine X implemented in it must also have only binary elements, which are on or off, true or false, 1 or 0. But every computer programmer knows that that is not so for the variables in a programming language can have all sorts of non-binary ranges of values, e.g. the integers, the real numbers, functions, etc. The point is that collections of binary units can be used to implement things that are not themselves binary units. It is even possible to implement a continuous virtual machine essentially by sampling its states at regular intervals and treating those states as instantaneous snapshots of a continuously varying system. (Of course in some contexts this can introduce errors in the implementation, referred to as "rounding errors". In some cases these errors do not matter or can be reduced if necessary by increasing the precision of the representation (e.g. using more bits per number). In other cases, if the system is chaotic, the usefulness of this implementation of X, may be seriously impaired, e.g. as a tool for predicting the behaviour of a really continuous system, 6. It is sometimes thought that if X is implemented in Y and Y is {\em causally complete} in that at every moment of time the state of any part of Y is determined by and can be predicted from the preceding states of Y, then X is {\m causally redundant}, i.e. it has no causal powers. Some of the people who believe this seem to think that the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics is a requiremen for mental processes to have a causal role in human brains because mental events can then close causal gaps. This is incorrect. Part of the point of imposing higher level organisation on a system is to give a new emergent virtual machine causal powers, even if the original system was causally complete. This applies both to many naturally occurring systems and to systems designed by humans. In fact many of our ordinary uses of concepts of causation are in connection with such systems, for instance when we say that poverty causes crime, that feedback causes noise suppression, that bad management causes worker discontent, that a good transport policy reduces traffic congestion, that programming errors cause faulty output in a computer, etc. If real, non-redundant, causation can operate {\em only} at the bottom level of physical reality then since we can never tell whether physicists have found a bottom level or even whether there is one, then we can never know that any causal relation is non-redundant. I think the whole idea that all the non physical levels of causation are redundant is basically incoherent because it is based on an incorrect analysis of our ordinary notion of causation, but that's something that would take too long to explain here. Suffice it to say that the existence of true counterfactual conditional statements concerning the virtual machine X is perfectly consistent with Y being causally complete. It's not clear that anything more than the truth of a complex collection of counterfactuals is involved in asserting a causal connection. 7. It may be tempting to think that if X is implemented in Y then the criteria for identity of X must be tied to identity of the components of Y. This is false, for as even ancient philosophers noticed, you can step into the same river twice even though the water has changed, and you can own the same axe over many years even though its blade is replaced and then later on its handle. Many more examples of different kinds have been discovered over the years. Animals and plants constantly replace some of their component atoms. Ocean waves move in one direction whereas the water molecules in them oscillate around a fixed location. Nations and species survive the individuals that compose them, and so on. Computer data structures that are relocated by a memory management system are a more recent example. 8. It may be assumed that for X to be implemented in Y the causal laws inherent in X should be derivable from those of Y. However, that cannot be so in general. If X is a chess playing machine then its laws will be those of chess. However it is trivial to change the laws in X, e.g. so as to allow pawns to move backwards under some conditions, without changing the laws of physics. Therefore the laws of physics do not determine the laws of virtual machines implemented in physical systems. 9. What about requiring the laws of X to be derivable from those of Y together with facts about Y, e.g. facts about the actual structure of the machine Y? That is also too strong, for the concepts of chess (e.g. "pawn") do not stand in any definable relationship to those of physics, so no set of sentences describing laws of physics together with the physical structure of a physical machine Y can entail a statement such as "pawns can never move backwards" which should be a law-like true description of any chess-playing virtual machine. This notion of ``definitional disconnection'' is very important: in general different virtual machines have ontologies that cannot be defined in terms of those of other virtual machines, including those in which they are implemented. However, this suggestion that somehow the combination of the structure of the machine Y, plus the laws of the domain Y (i.e. ``boundary conditions'' plus laws), should determine whether an implementation of X exists or not is along the right lines, and I'll return to it later. However, the determination cannot be logical, or mathematical, at least not when the ontologies of X and of Y are definitionally disconnected. That's what the notion of "emergence" is about. -- TOWARDS A THEORY OF TYPES OF IMPLEMENTATION Here's an indication of some of the problems that have to be addressed in a complete overview of types of implementation/supervenience of machines: -- -- Not all mathematically equivalent implementations are equivalent 1. The relationship between X and Y when Y is an implementation of X is not a mathematical or logical or purely structural one. For instance, we know that from a theoretical/mathematical point of view there's no difference between (a) N programs running (synchronised) in parallel on N computers and (b) a simulation of the N programs running in one program on one computer. No mathematical or logical problem can be solved by the multi CPU system that cannot be solved by the single CPU system. I.e. their mathematical properties are identical. Yet any engineer knows that sometimes you can get greater *reliability* by having multiple CPUs, even if they are doing exactly the same thing, and therefore the difference could be crucial in a plant-control system or shuttle control system. -- -- Reliability What exactly is reliability, and what difference does it make to the ways we should describe a virtual machine implemented in a particular way? Partial answer: it has to do with what goes wrong when some of the assumptions underlying the implementation are violated. Any actual implementation machine Y will be causally embedded within the whole universe and is therefore liable to an indefinite range of possible external intrusions as well as internal component failures, etc. that might change the nature of Y, and thereby alter X. Thus we need to consider the extent to which the implementation of X in Y takes account of the possibility of Y ceasing to be exactly Y: sometimes the implementation can survive such changes, e.g. when error correcting memory is used. So an actual implementation as designed by an engineer may include self-correcting mechanisms that essentially cater for X standing in multiple supervenience relations between different variants of Y. What does this do to the causal powers of X? Well, it can strengthen them, making X more robust than Y. How many philosophical theories of supervenience explain how X can supervene on Y in such a way as to be more robust than Y, e.g. surviving Y's being damaged or transformed into something else? This is connected with the previous point about identity criteria for X (and its components) not requiring identity at the level of components of Y. In an extreme case Y may be semi-immortal, as when species, ecological systems, or nations ride like waves on the backs of ever changing physical implementations. Could it be that much of the design of the brain is concerned with a form of implementation that supports such robustness/reliability? (The widspread delusion of immortality may be based on a dim intuitive understanding of this point.) -- -- Some causal properties matter only in a context 2. Two implementations of the same virtual machine X may differ in some of their causal properties and whether this matters or not may depend on the larger context in which X operates. For instance, we know that many forms of neural nets can be implemented on conventional computers: it happens all the time and Hans Moravec has even claimed (probably with some exaggeration) that the growing speed of computers and falling cost and size of memory will eventually lead to single cpu machines that can run as fast as neural nets with as many nodes as there are neurons in a human brain. But consider a virtual neural machine X implemented in two ways Y1: highly parallel multi-cpu physical network of N linked processors, changing their state in parallel K times a second Y2: an implementation on a single very fast CPU with N memory locations, where the CPU performs N*K changes to data structures each second. From a mathematical point of view, viewed as input output devices these two implementations may be identical and even their speed of operation would be identical. Yet there are deep differences in how they can relate to the rest of the world. Obviously one of the differences, mentioned above, has to do with the comparative reliability or robustness of N processors against 1 processor when the neural net architecture has some redundancy. But there's a more subtle difference: Y1, like X, goes through K states per second and Y2 goes through N*K states (ignoring lower level electronic detail). In particular Y2 has all sorts of intermediate states that cannot arise in the first, i.e. states where only a subset of the neurons have been updated from one state to the next. This means that if Y2 is is embedded in a physical environment which need not respect the machine's internal clock there are more possible forms of interaction with the environment if the machine can be in more possible states. Under what circumstances does that matter? For instance it might matter if the network were part of a still larger system which can inspect the state of the network or modify the state of the network: it might have to take account of different sets of intermediate possibilities in the two cases. Via feedback loops, that difference might then affect the processing of the original network. Of course, this is a situation where the virtual machine X which performs some particular task also has some other functionality, such as allowing another part of a larger virtual machine to monitor and perhaps modulate its performance. My point is that in many contexts there is no uniquely correct description of a particular virtual machine. If you think of some aspect of functionality e.g. the ability of a speech production module to produce correctly formed sentences which express the right semantic contents, you can then specify a type of machine that can perform that functionality. However in a human like system you might want that functionality to be modifiable in such a way that intonation contours, stress patterns, etc. also communicate current emotional state. Some implementations will allow the additional functionality and some will not. In the attempt to replicate human-like functionality the problem of specifying the virtual machines corresponding to sub-mechanisms is very difficult if most of the components within the architecture have multiple functions involving multiple forms of interaction. Some implementations may support this multi-functionality better than others. Thus two forms of supervenience/implementation can have subtly different implications for embedability in a larger context, even if it's the same thing that's implemented. Searle has repeatedly insisted that not just any implementation of a model of a mind will do, since it must have the right causal powers. I suspect this is based on a partly correct but ill informed and confused intuition about the importance of distinguishing different implementations of the same abstract high level virtual machine. But we don't have a good overview of the different ways in which differences in implementation of the same virtual machine can matter. To summarise: the same abstract virtual machine X, when implemented in different ways, may then become significantly different slightly more specific abstract virtual machines X1 implemented in Y1, X2 implemented in Y2, X3 implemented in Y3, .... with different causal properties. We need some sort of high level overview of the kinds of ways in which this can happen, and under what conditions it matters. As I have tried to indicate, some of the differences matter only insofar as a system can be buffetted in unexpected ways by a larger extraneous environment, whereas others affect the potential role of X in a larger integrated functional architecture. -- -- What we do and don't understand already There are many special cases that are well understood: e.g. any well trained computer scientist should be able to say lots of useful things about the difference it makes whether the virtual machine for a high level language is implemented via a compiler or an interpreter. Similarly anyone trying to optimise database access by building an index will learn to take account of whether the programs are running on virtual memory system or not (since the extra size of the index, can lead to extra paging on the VM system which more than compensates for the extra speed gained by using the index). A case where I think we understand very little at present is the role of chemical processes in the information processing virtual machines in brains. They are turning out to be far more important and more diverse than we thought 10 or 20 years ago and may, for instance, end up making some of the recent disputes between symbolic AI and connectionist AI look very silly. Summary: the space of possible implementation relations (= supervenience relations) is *vast* and we grasp its structure only very dimly at present, though we have a clear view of some aspects of a few fragments of the space, and we have a lot more practical know-how than theoretical understanding. (Craft often precedes science.) -- LINKS WITH OTHER HARD CONCEPTUAL PROBLEMS Part of the reason why our grasp of varieties of types of implementation is unclear is that the analysis of the concept of causation is so difficult, even though we are constantly embedded in many causal networks and we use the concept all the time, in our thinking, decision making, social interaction, and even implicitly in the fine grained control of physical movements. We also use the concept of causation implicitly and pervasively in our concepts of experience, consciousness, etc. e.g. two ways of experiencing the ambiguous duck-rabbit picture involve two collections of potential causal relations being turned on or off. But that's a topic for another time. -- IMPLEMENTATION (SUPERVENIENCE) VS CORRELATION The notion of implementation that I am referring to requires deep links between states and processes in the machine that's implemented and the machine in which it is implemented. It's not just a case of there being some correlation between them, like the correlation between the cyclic motion of the hour hand on an old clock and the diurnal changes in the leaves of a tree. We are talking about a deeper, more intimate relation. But it cannot be logical or mathematical relation, of the sort some scientists seek. (Ref Henry Stapp) The concepts used to specify a virtual machine X may simply not be definable in terms of the concepts used to specify the virtual machine Y, nor vice versa. A person who fully understands the concepts for Y may totally lack the concepts for X. When concepts are so disconnected (e.g. the concepts required to describe a game of chess and the concepts of physics, or digital electronics) there's no way you can build a mathematical or logical bridge between them. -- IT'S NOT JUST A MATTER OF SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION OF Y AS X Some people conclude that attribution of virtual machine X to physical machine Y is then entirely in the eye of the beholder: it is just a matter of subjective interpretation not a matter of fact that machine X exists. I think this confuses two points: 1. If someone lacks the concepts of X they cannot recognize an implementation of X in Y. But that's not true only of virtual machines: someone who lacks the concepts of physics may be incapable of recognising instances of various physical phenomena, e.g. the photoelectric effect. That does not make physics something subjective, purely in the eye of the beholder. It just means that having the right concepts is a necessary condition for seeing, understanding, learning various things. The fact that having concepts related to the ontology of X is required for recognizing cases of X does not imply that there's anything subjective about X. If it did, everything would be subjective, and the subjective/objective experience would be vacuuous. 2. If I look at an abstract painting P all sorts of associations may be generated because of the interactions between information stored in my brain and the patterns generated by my visual system driven by the photons bouncing off the surface of the painting. This produces an interpretation I of P. Thus one person looking at P can produce an interpretation I1, involving faces, moods, historical allusions or whatever in the painting, whilst another person sees interpretation I2 involving only 3-D shapes. In fact each may have all the concepts required for either interpretation I1 or I2, though because of different personal histories the structures in P do not generate the same set of "reminders" and chains of association in both viewers. Here the interpretation I of the painting P is mediated by causal connections in a third engine: the viewer's brain. The relationship between written words and their meanings is also like that as we are often reminded when we read typos and perhaps don't even notice them, as in "THE CAT SAT ON THE MHT". The crucial difference between cases 1 and 2 is that in case 1 we are talking about relationships between two active machines one of which is implemented in the other, a relationship that can hold independently of any perceiver, whereas in case 2 we are talking about relationships between two information structures and a perceiver, who regards one structure as the interpretation of the other. In the case of interpreting a picture or a map, both structures are purely passive: neither is a actually doing anything, and they are not composed of causally interacting components working together via a rich web of mutual change, so as to preserve or achieve or prevent certain states or processes. The existence of a network of causal relationships within both the high level abstract machine and within the implementation machine is characteristic of implementations. And those causal relationships are real: it's not just a matter of some arbitrary interpretation. -- A SIMPLE EXAMPLE: A MECHANICAL CLOCK To understand why the relationship of implementation is neither logical nor arbitary, and how the environment can be part of the implementation, we can return to our previous discussion of clocks. Consider, for example, an old mechanical clock which shows not only time of day but also day of the week, month, and maybe also the year, and which has clever combinations of gears, levers, springs, etc. There's no way any description including the words "monday", "tuesday", "march", "april", "week", "month" can be derived by logic or mathematics from a purely physical description of the clock using names of the chemical elements and physical descriptions of length, angle, angular velocity, torsion, compression, etc., since physics does not determine the laws according to which our calendar works, e.g. the number of days in a week, the number of months in a year, etc. These are social concepts, though the concepts of a day and a year are related to astronomical concepts. Now suppose someone gives an abstract logical or mathematical specification of a calendar clock virtual machine, making use of the above non-physical concepts. This specification will include descriptions of the laws of the machine such as If the day indication changes to "monday" then after the passing of 24 hours has been indicated the day indication changes to "tuesday". Moreover, it is intended that this is a description of a *causal* mechanism. It must not *just* happen by chance, as could occur if a roulette wheel marked with days of the week and spun a million times just happened to show the right succession of days, or a bunch of leaves in the forest, blown about by the wind, just happened to produce what looked like successive names of days of the week. -- -- A clock's implementation machine includes the environment There's an important qualification to the notion that the clock's time telling capabilities are implemented in the physical machine. That's because whatever the mechanical/electrical (etc) properties of the physical machine happen to be they cannot suffice for it to be telling the *correct* time. For a clock in London that tells the correct time could be flown to New York and then no longer be telling the correct time even though it's physical properties are unchanged. To be telling the correct time in a particular location the clock needs to be adjusted to that location. So, although the general time-telling capabilities of the clock are implemented in its physical mechanisms the ability to get the time *right* requires a particular relationship to the clock's environment. I.e. the virtual machine for a clock telling the correct time in london is supervenient not only on the clock's internal mechanisms but also on its environment. If the clock tells not only hours and minutes, but day of the week, month, date, etc. then more relationships to the environment have to be set correctly. (Similarly, many human mental states, e.g. referring to the Eiffel Tower, involve a relationship with the environment, and therefore cannot be implemented solely in brain mechanisms.) -- -- Is being an implementation of a clock an objective property? Suppose we had two people P1 and P2 who both understood the concepts used in the description of the calendar machine, and knew all the laws and causal relationships, and also knew all the physical properties of a machine used to implement such a clock, and P1 claimed that the object was a clock whereas P2 denied this. Could anything be done to show that P1 was right and P2 wrong? Well, it might turn out that P2 just did not notice some of the properties of the clock. E.g. perhaps it was a really huge clock, thousands of feet high, and he merely saw small parts of it at a time, like the proverbial blind men trying to identify an elephant. Then he might simply not be in a position to check that the clock was actually indicating hours and days and months, etc. and doing so correctly. That problem could be solved by giving him a different view of the clock. Then suppose that after he had checked out that it went through the right sequences of days, months etc. over a period of two years he still queried whether it would always get everything right. E.g. it might have cunning mechanics which made it suddenly start reversing days of the week, and the sequence of months after seven years. In that case it might be possible to show the sceptic the detailed blueprint for the clock and convince him that something built according to the blueprint would not have the causal powers to produce the bizarre behaviour, and then we could show him how the actual clock fits the specifications in the blueprint, and even allow him to check the materials used, examine Xray photographs to make sure there are no hidden mechanisms, etc. What exactly is involved in convincing someone? Does showing the sceptic the blueprint and allowing him to inspect the actual machine give him information which could be expressed in a collection of propositions consisting of three sets: 1. propositions specifying the design 2. propositions about this machine fitting the design specification 3. propositions about the relationship between the machine and its environment Is it the case that these sets of propositions, combined with the laws of physics, could enable him to deduce logically that the machine was a proper calendar clock, telling the time correctly? However, it is not obviously possible to do this in general, for the reasons given previously: namely some of the conditions are social, political, etc. using concepts not definable in terms of those of physics. But we can explore the idea that with more detailed and wide ranging premisses we can logically or mathematically deduce the appropriate set of statements about the clock. 1. propositions about the requirements to be met by the design 2. propositions specifying the design 3. propositions about this machine fitting the design specification I.e. propositions about the particular implementation used 4. propositions about the relationship between the machine and its physical environment 5. propositions about the relevant non-physical environment, e.g. the social, political environment 6. propositions about the relations between the non-physical and the physical environemnt. Anything else? NOTES: 1. these propositions will range over different ontologies: not just the ontology of physics. 2. In some cases the relevant ontologies will be determined by the system being studied: it has its own viewpoint, which may be different from ours, and that includes how it carves up reality. 3. I talk about propositions. But I don't really want to be committed to the idea that all factual information and all reasoning is best done using logic. We may have to explore many different forms of representation, e.g. including making essential use of diagrams and the like. (I've been writing about this since my 1971 IJCAI paper.) ======================================================================= -- To be done (1) Further discussion of these cases An implementation of X, one feature of which is a design that allows part of the implementation (Y) to be replaced when better technology occurs. E.g. the special case where Y is designed to allow X to decide when to modify Y (e.g. microcode that allows high level programs dynamically to change the microcode). Automatic run time debugging: What's the relationship between X and Y when X is implemented in Y but the implementation of Y has bugs at its own level, and maybe X has mechanisms to detect the occurrence of such bugs and work round them? Explicitness of X in the system (interpreters vs compilers): What's the difference between the cases where the abstract specification of X remains explicitly causally active in the working implementation and the cases where it is 'compiled away' and the X-ness is distributed over myriad unidentifiable features? More on the environment: How much of the implementation of X is implicit not in Y but in the environment, etc. There's an interesting relevant article by Peter Wegner in Communications of the ACM May 1997, pp 80-91, where he contrasts algorithms with interfaces.) ======================================================================= -- To be done (2) Dynamical systems What's right and what's wrong with the dynamical systems approach? Of course *everything* (well every machine anyway) is a dynamical system, including a computer. But some dynamical systems theories appear not to grasp the significance of the notion of a functionally differentiated architecture: where there are many different dynamical systems interacting and performing different functions. ======================================================================= -- To be done (3) Nothing buttery I need to include an extended comment on "nothing buttery" arguments of the form "This system is nothing but P Q and R, and therefore it is not S" There are many variants. E.g. one variant argues that a computer is nothing but a machine that manipulates bit patterns and therefore it cannot ever process meanings. (Compare Searle's argument that computation is nothing but syntactic processing and therefore cannot produce semantic states.) Another variant is that a brain is nothing but an assemblage of atoms all interacting in very complex ways, and therefore it cannot include or explain thoughts, emotions, percepts, etc. "Nothing buttery" arguments are very slippery and seductive, often looking compelling to the philosophically innocent, even when the statements they involve turn out to be incoherent, or radically ambiguous, on closer examination. In general statements of the form X is nothing but Y are either incoherent, or trivially false, or ambiguous, possibly including an uninteresting interpretation in which it is trivially true because it amounts to saying X is nothing but X, but lacks further content. ======================================================================= Some relevant refs B C Smith On the Origin of Objects Peter Wegner Why interaction is more powerful than algorithms CACM May 1997 Vol 40 No 5 pp 80-91 and many many more. TO BE CONTINUED, AND REORGANISED. TO BE DISCUSSED [HS] > One crucial question, as I see it, is whether the level of description X > associated with our conscious thoughts is, really, just as causally complete as > a computer program, or whether, on the other hand, when all of the unconscious > processing with which it is entwined is taken into consideration, it becomes > not exactly isolatable, logically and causally, from the chemical and physical > processes upon which it rides. > > The other crucial question is whether, conversely, the micro-level is > dynamically complete, and if not, how it could depend, logically, rationally, > and causally, on the higher level. > > This question does seem to me to tie into the basic issue before us. > You say: > > "In the expanded paper I show how qualia (at least typical human sorts > of qualia) come into existence where metamangement exists." > > This is the basic question referred to in your title: > `Bridging the Explanatory Gap". > > It is not hard to believe that you can envision a brain architecture > that would implement a metamanagement that would have a functional > correspondence to our conscious experiences. But this is less than showing > that the conscious experiences "comes into existence" when this > brain activity occurs. The latter is what you must show to bridge the > explanatory gap. It seems to me that you cannot just define away the > possible difference between a brain activity and a conscious experience, > no matter how functionally similiar the brain activity is to the > conscious experience. The possibility that the monitoring and processing > could construct an image of either a purported outer world or a visual > sensation of a purported outer world is certainly a requirement in the > functional capacities of the metamanaging brain, but that does not seem to > get us from brain process to consciousness. > > Of course, this problem has been much debated. But I am adding that it > is easier to give to conscious thoughts the property of "existing" if > they do something that is not done already by the particles and fields > alone: i.e., if they fix or specify something that is not already fixed > and specified by the particles and fields acting alone. And I am showing > how that is possible to give conscious thoughts this power within the > quantum framework, WITHOUT DISRUPTING THE QUANTUM STATISTICAL RULES. >