HELP CLISP John Williams, July 1985 Revised June 1995 Poplog contains compilers for four AI programming languages: Pop-11, Prolog, Common Lisp, and Standard ML. A full specification of Common Lisp can be found in Guy Steele's book: Common Lisp: The Language, 2nd Edition (Digital Press, 1990). This file provides a basic introduction to using the Poplog Common Lisp subsystem. CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) 1 Invoking Poplog Common Lisp 2 The Top-Level Loop 3 Interrupts & Errors 4 The Ved Editor 5 Online documentation 6 Internet Resources 7 See Also ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Invoking Poplog Common Lisp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On Unix Poplog systems, first get to the shell, and then type: % clisp On VMS systems, go to DCL, and type: $ clisp The "c" in "clisp" stands for "Common"! After a short pause, Lisp will announce its presence by printing a message. It is then ready to accept commands: Sussex Poplog (Version 14.53 Tue May 30 16:17:17 BST 1995) Common Lisp (Version 1.6) Setlisp == "Setlisp" is printed whenever the Lisp system is "reset" - on start-up or after aborting from an error. The double-equal sign, "==", is the Lisp prompt. It indicates that Lisp is waiting for input from the terminal. When Lisp is invoked in this way, it looks for two initialisation files: init.p and init.lsp. If present, they are compiled. The former should contain Pop-11 code, and the latter Lisp code. This facility allows you to define utilities that extend your private Poplog Lisp environment. See HELP * INITIAL for full details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 The Top-Level Loop ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Lisp is invoked, it goes into a top-level loop. This is a process which repeatedly waits for a Lisp expression to be typed in, evaluates it, and then prints the result. For example: Setlisp == (+ 2 3 4) 9 == (cons 'lisp '(is a nice language)) (LISP IS A NICE LANGUAGE) == (position-if #'numberp '(my cat is 5 years old)) 3 == (map 'string #'char-downcase "THIS IS A STRING") this is a string Notice that words (or symbols to be precise) typed in lowercase are printed in capital letters. This is because the Lisp reader (the program responsible for parsing input) converts lowercase letters into uppercase when reading a symbol. If you prefer lowercase output, assign the keyword :downcase to the variable *print-case*. Thus: == (setq *print-case* :downcase) :downcase == (append '(lowercase is much) '(easier on the eyes)) (lowercase is much easier on the eyes) To leave the top-level loop, type: == (bye) Typing end-of-file ( d on Unix machines; z on VMS) has the same effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Interrupts & Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you interrupt execution of a Lisp program, by typing c, Lisp enters a break. This is essentially a new top-level loop: it evaluates and prints the values of Lisp expressions as they are typed in. However, certain top-level forms are recognised specially and interpreted as debugging commands. A break is also entered after an error. The file HELP * BREAK provides full details of the break facility. HELP * MISHAP explains the format of Lisp error messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 The Ved Editor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To get into Ved from the Lisp top-level loop, type ved followed by the name of the file you wish to edit. For example: == ved myfile.lsp For more details on using the Ved editor for writing and testing Lisp programs, see HELP * LISPVED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Online documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Poplog Common Lisp online documentation comprises two sets of files: the HELP files, and the REF files. The HELP files constitute a Common Lisp user guide: they describe Poplog specific features such as the format of error messages, or how to use the Lisp debugger. The REF files form an online reference manual; they contain brief descriptions of all the core Common Lisp language constructs (i.e. those described in Steele). Each REF file corresponds to a chapter of Steele's book. HELP and REF files are accessed in a similar manner to Ved files. For example == help news == ref lists If the argument to the REF command is a function or variable described by Steele, then the appropriate REF file entry is located and displayed automatically. Try typing the following to Ved: ref dolist The file REF CONTROL should appear, with the cursor at the description of the macro DOLIST. HELP * HELPFILES and REF * REFFILES provide general overviews of the HELP and REF files respectively. HELP * LISPINDEX and REF * LISPINDEX provide alphabetically sorted indexes of the HELP and REF files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Internet Resources ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many interesting and useful Lisp resources available on the Internet. Good starting points are: # The Association of Lisp Users # Common Lisp the Language, Second Edition # CMU Lisp Repository # Lisp `News' Group news:comp.lang.lisp # Poplog `News' Group news:comp.lang.pop # Draft ANSI standard for Common Lisp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 See Also ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP * BREAK - The Lisp Debugger HELP * BUGS - Known Bugs and Omissions HELP * LISPVED - Using the Ved editor with Lisp HELP * MISHAP - Error Message format HELP * HELPFILES - Overview of Lisp HELP files HELP * LISPINDEX - Index REF * LISPINDEX - Overview of Lisp REF files REF * REFFILES - Index --- C.all/lisp/help/clisp --- Copyright University of Sussex 1996. All rights reserved.