HELP SAVELISP John Williams, Sep 1990 This file documents the Lisp interface to the Poplog saved image facility. For details of the underlying mechanisms, see REF * SYSTEM. CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) 1 Making Saved Images 2 Restoring Saved Images ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Making Saved Images ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Note: Before compiling any code that is to form part of a saved image, the variable *making-saved-image* must be set true. (Its initial value is nil). Otherwise, certain data structures that should be writeable (e.g. adjustable or fill-pointed arrays) will not be when the saved image is restored. To create a saved image, use: (savelisp pathname &key :init :lock :share) This function saves the current state of the entire Poplog Lisp system in pathname, which by convention should end in ".psv". It then returns nil. When the saved state is subsequently restored (see below), the restored call of savelisp returns t. An example: (if (savelisp "myimage") (format t "Restored~%") (format t "Saved~%")) If :init is true, the function initlisp is called when the saved image is restored. initlisp prints the standard `Sussex POPLOG Common Lisp' message, and then loads initialisation files. If :lock is true, the image is partitioned into writeable and non-writeable portions. The parameter :share specifies whether the non-writeable portion of the image will be mapped into shared memory when the image is restored. Not all operating systems support shared memory. Currently (Jan 1990), sharing is possible only in VMS and SunOS 4.0 onwards. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Restoring Saved Images ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two ways of restoring a saved image: from the shell (DCL, on VMS systems), or from Lisp, using the function restorelisp. To restore a saved image from the shell, run Common Lisp with the image name as a parameter, preceded by the character "+". For example: % clisp +myimage (Unix) or $ clisp +myimage (VMS) To restore a saved image from Lisp, use the function restorelisp, e.g. (restorelisp "myimage") WARNING: the Lisp process that calls restorelisp is completely overwritten by the restored Lisp process. Note: in both cases, the default file extension for saved images, ".psv", will be added if necessary. --- C.all/lisp/help/savelisp --- Copyright University of Sussex 1990. All rights reserved.