TEACH DATATHINK Steven Hardy, November 1981 This TEACH file describes a program which 'thinks' in a VERY limited way. The program uses DATABASE and so TEACH * DATABASE is required preparatory reading. This file describes how to write 'rule based systems'. These are also sometimes called 'expert systems' because they are so successful that some rule based systems can make decisions as well as a human expert. The MYCIN expert system, for example, can diagnose blood infections as well as skilled consultants and better than most trainee doctors. For a description of expert systems see: THEMES AND CASE STUDIES OF KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING by Edward Feigenbaum in the collection of articles called EXPERT SYSTEMS IN THE MICRO-ELECTRONIC AGE which is edited by Donald Michie See also pages 144 to 147 and pages 241 to 246 in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by Patrick Winston. -- DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM ------------------------------------------ This handout describes how to write a program that can be told some 'facts' about the 'world' and which can deduce implications of those facts. For example, if the DATABASE contained the facts that [JOHN KISSES MARY] and that [JOHN HAS FLU] then the program could deduce that [MARY HAS FLU]. We need to distinguish two sorts of knowledge that might be accessible to the program: 'facts' (like the three facts above) and 'rules' (such as 'If a person with flu kisses another person then that other person has flu too'). Facts will be 'represented' by assertions in the DATABASE and programs rules by instructions in POP-11. The program can be instructed to 'think' for a while. During this time it might infer some new 'facts' using the 'rules'. -- EXAMPLE OF THE PROGRAM AT WORK -------------------------------------- The program is to be called THINK. It must be given a number specifying how much 'pondering' it is to do (pondering will be defined later). Initially the program 'knows' two rules: Anyone with flu feels bad Anyone who is habitually kissed by someone with flu also has flu The initial set of facts 'known' to the program are given as a database, to which the results of its 'thinking' (if any) are ADDed. [] -> database; add([john kisses mary]); add([john has flu]); add([ethel kisses albert]); database ==> ** [[john kisses mary] [john has flu] [ethel kisses albert]] think(10); database ==> ** [[john feels bad] [mary has flu] [john has flu] [john kisses mary] [ethel kisses albert]] Notice that the program might not infer everything that is in principle derivable from the given facts (eg that MARY FEELS BAD). NB - the THINK procedure is NOT 'part of' the POP-11 system so the above example cannot be tried until you have told POP-11 how to 'think' (that is until you have DEFINEd a procedure called THINK). -- A SIMPLE ONE RULE VERSION OF THINK ---------------------------------- THINK is defined so that it repeats the same set of instructions the given number of times. Thus its definition is going to be: define think(amount); repeat amount times ponder(); endrepeat enddefine; We now need to define PONDER. PONDER's tasks will be to examine the 'antecedents' of each rule and see if they are present. If so, then the 'consequence' of the rule is ADDed. All rules can be rephrased in terms of an antecedent (or set of antecedents) and a consequence. For example the rule about anyone with flu feeling bad has the antecedent [?X HAS FLU] and the consequence [^X FEELS BAD]. Thus the definition of one rule PONDER is: define ponder(); vars x; foreach [?x has flu] do add([^x feels bad]) endforeach; enddefine; Put these two procedures into a file (with, say, ved think.p) and also put in a SETUP procedure, such as: define setup(); [] -> database; add([john kisses mary]); add([john has flu]); add([ethel kisses albert]); add([bill has flu]); add([bill kisses ethel]); add([mary kisses albert]); add([carol kisses george]); enddefine; And then go to POP-11 (with X) and try the procedures with the commands: setup(); database ==> think(10); database ==> -- TRACE IS HELPFUL SINCE IT MAKES SILENT PROCEDURES TALKATIVE --------- Since all the procedures used are 'silent' ones (ie they don't print anything) you might want to use TRACE, thus: trace add; trace ponder; trace think; trace setup; These commands should be put at the end of your program file. -- PROBLEMS WITH THIS DEFINITION OF PONDER ----------------------------- There are several facets of these procedures that may puzzle you. These are: Why is ^ used in some places and ? used elsewhere? Why do consequences get ADDed twice (or even more often). -- WHEN TO USE THE UP-ARROW AND WHEN TO USE QUERY ---------------------- The basic rule to follow is if your program is trying to find a value for some variable then it should be a query value and if your program already has a value for a variable then it should use the up-arrow. Thus in the line of PONDER that says: foreach [?x has flu] do the program is trying to find a value for X (hence it is a query variable). In the line that says: add([^x feels bad]); then it using the previously found value for X (hence it is an up-arrow variable). -- THE SAME CONSEQUENCE CAN BE ADDED TWICE ----------------------------- Yes - of course it can. If you tell POP-11 to ADD something to the DATABASE then it does so - even if that item is already in the DATABASE. In this event, the item will be in the DATABASE twice. We can avoid this problem in either of two ways. We could define a procedure called, say, NOTE, which is exactly like ADD except that if the given item is already PRESENT then NOTE does nothing. Alternatively we could augment the rule with an additional quasi-antecedent saying that the consequence must not already be PRESENT. -- NOTE: A PROCEDURE LIKE ADD ------------------------------------------ Here is the definition of NOTE: define note(item); unless present(item) then add(item) endunless enddefine; It can be used in place of ADD in all situations where you don't want something added twice. -- AUGMENTING THE RULE ------------------------------------------------- Alternatively, instead of using NOTE, we could augment the rule thus: define ponder(); vars x; foreach [?x has flu] do unless present([^x feels bad]) then add([^x feels bad]) endunless endforeach enddefine; -- AUGMENTING RULES IS TOO MESSY FOR US NOW ---------------------------- Since there is no difference between using NOTE and augmenting the rule, we will use NOTE. -- A TWO RULE VERSION OF PONDER ---------------------------------------- If we want to 'tell' our program that anyone who is poor feels bad we must edit the definition of PONDER. The new rule has antecedent [?X IS POOR] and consequence [^X FEELS BAD]. The new rule is simply added as an extra FOREACH loop. define ponder(); vars x; foreach [?x has flu] do note([^x feels bad]) endforeach; foreach [?x is poor] do note([^x feels bad]) endforeach; enddefine; -- A TWO ANTECEDENT RULE ----------------------------------------------- Having got clear how to add simple one antecedent rules to the program we must now consider two antecedent rules, like the one about the dangers of kissing. Here the antecedents are [?X HAS FLU] and [^X KISSES ?Y]. The consequence is [^Y HAS FLU]. The problem is that FOREACH accepts only ONE pattern. If we have more than one pattern we are searching for then we must use FOREVERY. This is very like FOREACH except that it accepts a LIST of patterns rather than a single pattern. If we use FOREVERY to add the new rule to PONDER we get: define ponder(); vars x, y; foreach [?x has flu] do note([^x feels bad]) endforeach; foreach [?x is poor] do note([^x feels bad]) endforeach; forevery [[?x has flu] [?x kisses ?y]] do note([^y has flu]) endforevery; enddefine; Alter your program to include this new definition (make sure to get the up-arrows and queries right) and then try the new program. -- WE DON'T NEED FOREACH AS WE CAN ALWAYS USE FOREVERY ----------------- FOREVERY takes a list of patterns. If that list has only one element then FOREVERY behaves like FOREACH. Thus, we could re-write PONDER as: define ponder(); vars x, y; forevery [[?x has flu]] do note([^x feels bad]) endforevery; forevery [[?x is poor]] do note([^x feels bad]) endforevery; forevery [[?x has flu] [?x kisses ?y]] do note([^y has flu]) endforevery; enddefine; -- SOME RULES FOR YOU TO TRY OUT --------------------------------------- Extend PONDER to include the following rules: [?x is rich] implies [^x is happy] [?x is happy] implies [^x is smiling] [?x is a fireman] implies [^x has redbraces] [?x mentions mother] implies [ask ^x about family] [?x mentions illness] implies [^x should see health centre] [?x has redbraces] and [?x mentions illness] imply [^x may have redbraces that are too tight] [?x is a man] and [?x is single] imply [?x is a bachelor] Try these rules with an initial DATABASE containing such 'facts' as: [john mentions illness] [john is a fireman] --- C.all/teach/datathink ---------------------------------------------- --- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. 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