/* --- Copyright University of Birmingham 2010. All rights reserved. ------ > File: ?????/robolex.p > Purpose: Defined a lexicon for a toy language used for robot dialogues > Author: Aaron Sloman, Oct 19 2010 (see revisions) > Documentation: > Related Files: newgrammar.p, robogram.p test_robolang.p */ global vars robolex = ;;; The lexicon: an arbitrary sample. ;;; Each entry is the lexical type name and a list of instances ;;; The same word can be in different lexical entries ;;; e.g. 'left' could be verb and a spatial relation word ;;; (Some of the things in the grammar and lexicon are experimental and ;;; should be removed for serious use, e.g. names of people.) ;;; [ /* -- Types of Adjective */ ;;; Some useful kinds of adjectives [sizeadj huge big medium small tiny wide narrow thin heavy] [colouradj red orange yellow green blue black white] [shapeadj square round triangular rectangular] [orientadj upright horizontal] ;;; /* -- Types of size (for how X is Y, what X is Y */ ;;; Some useful kinds of adjectives ;;; Versions for how X is Y (could be further subdivided) [how_sizeadj big tall wide narrow long thin thick heavy] ;;; Versions of what size, [what_sizeadj size height width weight length area] ;;; (we may need something different for weight) ;;; /* -- Types of Determiner */ ;;; MISSING: one all most every each [det_sing the this that a some any] [det_pl the those some any] ;;; /* -- Location selector determiner */ ;;; for things like 'this side of' 'that side of' 'this face of' [loc_det this that] ;;; /* -- Types of Preposition */ ;;; Various kinds of preposition, some general some restricted [prep in on at to under over near behind inside from with] ;;; Prepositions followed by 'to' [next_prep next near close] ;;; Prepositions followed by 'from' [far_prep far away] ;;; primitive spatial relations [loc_prep in on at under near behind by] [path_prep alongside past by near towards] ;;; ;;; places to which something can move or be moved, placed, ;;; should 'in' 'on',,, be included? [dest_prep to on onto into at under over near behind in] [target_prep to towards onto into] [contain_prep in inside within] [source_prep from] [means_prep with] [purpose_prep for] [relprep between] [speed_adv slowly quickly fast rapidly] [amount_adv very slightly] ;;; [means_adv by] ;;; these should be subdivided [noun_sing ball block box car circle cube cup square tray thing table triangle cow pig horse sheep bicycle kitchen study hall bedroom bathroom corridor wheel bonnet door] [noun_pl balls blocks boxes cars circles cubes cups squares trays things tables triangles cornflakes cows pigs horses sheep bicycles kitchens studies halls bedrooms bathrooms corridors wheels bonnets doors] ;;; 'fake' names of things in the world [thing_name Box1 Box2 Ball1 Ball2 Tray1 Mug1 Mug2 TheTable] [person_name Nick Robbie GJ Jeremy Aaron Henrik Patric Ales Danijel Dexter Dora George Sebastian Charles Marek Yasemin Dani Marc Bernhard Michael] ;;; pronouns [thing_pronoun_sing it this that] [thing_pronoun_pl they those] [thing_pronoun_obj_pl them those] ;;; personal pronouns [person_pronoun_subj he He she She] [person_pronoun_subj_i i I] [person_pronoun_subj_you you You] [person_pronoun_obj him her you] ;;; plural [person_pronoun_subj_pl they They you You we We] [person_pronoun_obj_pl them you] ;;; possessive [person_pronoun_pos_sing his her your my] [person_pronoun_pos_pl their our your] ;;; ;;; Some hacks for referring to locations/regions in space [loc here there inside outside] [loc_vert top bottom] [loc_hor left right] [loc_face front back nearside farside] [loc_hor_type side flank] ;;; 'the front face of...' [loc_face_type face] ;;; ;;; [query: is which where] ;;; what/who/which is/did/does .... [what_word what who which] ;;; which X, what X, ... [which_word what which] ;;; ;;; transitive verbs of state, not action [do_to_np touch contain hide occlude] [does_to_np touches contains hides occludes] ;;; verbs with two objects [do_to_np_and_np separate link bridge] [does_to_np_and_np separates links bridges] ;;; verbs with direct and indirect object, where direct object ;;; is compulsory, but indirect object optional. [do_putverb drop leave] [do_getverb grasp grab fetch get take hoist] ;;; can be followed by 'from' [do_getverb_pp fetch get take hoist] ;;; can be followed by 'up' [do_pickverb pick lift pull hoist] [does_putverb places drops leaves] [do_putverb_pp put drop place leave] [does_putverb_pp puts drops places leaves] ;;; verbs with direct object and source and destination, where ;;; source and destination are both optional and can occur in ;;; either order [do_pushverb move shift pull push shove throw put] [does_pushverb moves shifts pulls pushes shoves throws puts] ;;; intransitive move verbs with optional destination and source objects [do_moveverb come go move travel] [does_moveverb comes goes travels] [do_giveverb give send] [does_giveverb gives sends] [is_v is was] [are_v are were] ;;; ;;; comparatives [sizecomp bigger smaller wider fatter larger] [htcomp taller shorter] [distcomp nearer further] ]; /* --- Revision History --------------------------------------------------- --- Aaron Sloman, Oct 19 2010 Revised version of part of newplaylex.p */