uses teaching ;;; newgrammar.p will be compiled compilehere robolex.p robogram.p ; vars S_tree; S([move the big red box on the tray onto the top of the block on the left side of Jeremy"s triangular horse]) -> S_tree; S_tree ==> ** [S [command [agent_dovp [do_pushverb move] [push_obj [np_obj [nonagent_np [detnp [det_sing the] [typenp_sing [adjes [adj [simpadj [sizeadj big]]] [adjes [adj [simpadj [colouradj red]]]]] [noun_sing box] [rel_descr [loc_pp [loc_prep on] [np_obj [nonagent_np [detnp [det_sing the] [typenp_sing [noun_sing tray]]]]]]]]]]] [move_loc [target_pp [target_prep onto] [loc_type [det_sing the] [loc_rel [loc_vert top]] of [np_obj [nonagent_np [detnp [det_sing the] [typenp_sing [noun_sing block] [rel_descr [loc_pp [loc_prep on] [loc_type [det_sing the] [loc_hor left] [loc_hor_type side] of [np_obj [pos_np_sing [possessive [person_name Jeremy] " s ] [typenp_sing [adjes [adj [simpadj [shapeadj triangular]]]] [noun_sing horse]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ;;;;;; ;;; This can be used to display a graphical version of the parse tree in the ;;; Poplog editor, Ved or XVed uses showtree; showtree(S_tree); ;;; A screenshot of the result is here ;;; ;;;