TEACH C.refs A.Sloman Juen 1987 Books on the C Programming Language. The major reference is: B.W.Kernighan and D.M.Ritchie The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall 1978 -- Additional books on C ---------------------------------------------- Dobbs (extracts from Dr. Dobbs Journal) Dr. Dobb's Toolbox of C Prentice-Hall 1986 Feuer, A, R The C Trainer Prentice-Hall 1986 Feuer, A. R. (1982) "The C Puzzle Book: Puzzles for the C Programming Language", Prentice-Hall. [QE 1690 C (Feu)]. Gehani, N. Advanced C: Food for the Educated Palate Blackwell 1985 Gehani, N. C for Personal Computers (based on Microsoft and Lattice C) Blackwell 1985 Group, T.W. Advanced C Programming. Prentice-hall. 1986 Hancock and Klinger C Primer Harbison S.P, & Steele G.L, C: A Reference Manual Prentice-Hall 1986 Horspool, R.N. C Progrmming in the Berkeley Unix Environment Prentice-hall 1986 (Includes sections on Unix systems programming) Kempf, J Numerical Software Tools in C Pentice Hall, 1987 (... if you know about vectors, matrices, calculus, etc.) Lapin, J.E. Portable C and UNIX Systems Programming Prentice-Hall 1987 Miller, C. C for Software Blackwell 1986 Peters J.F. & Sallam H.H, Compleat C Prentice-Hall 1986 (For beginners) Plum, T Learning to Program in C Prentice-Hall, 1983 Purdue C Programming Guide Stevens, A.H. C Development Tools for the IBM PC Prentice-Hall 1986 Traister, R.J. Learn C in 2 Weeks with RUN/C and CBREEZE Prentice-hall 1987 (For those who know BASIC) The Waite Group Advanced C Programming Prentice-hall 1986 Wortman, L.A. The C Programming Tutor Prentice-Hall, 1984 Zahn, C.T. C Notes: A Guide to the C Programming Language Prentice-Hall 1979 See also: HELP * C_SYNTAX TEACH * C.ex1 --- $poplocal/local/teach/c.refs --- Copyright University of Sussex 1988. All rights reserved. ----------