TEACH CHAT1 A.Sloman Oct 2011 CONTENTS - (Use g to access required sections) -- Introduction -- What this is about -- Selecting an architecture for the chatbot -- First draft interface -- Using readline -- Using readline to put user input into a variable -- First make this your own file instead of a 'protected' teach file -- Your first eliza interface -- Now test the procedure -- NOTES: -- Copy and rename your procedure -- Further reading -- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------- This is the second of a series of short tutorial files concerned with making a small, but expandable chatbot, using Pop11. This follows on from TEACH * CHAT0 This file assumes you know how to create, edit and save files using the Poplog editor Ved or XVed, and that you have learnt how to give commands, and started correcting Pop11 program commands that produce error messages, as explained in TEACH * MISHAPS This file is based on the much longer TEACH RESPOND file. -- What this is about ------------------------------------------------- With the help of this TEACH file you will build a simplified ELIZA program, that can hold a 'conversation' in English. The original Eliza was a half-serious exercise in natural language processing developed by Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT in the USA. It loosely simulated a non-directive Rogerian psychotherapist. Many text books on AI include an account of Eliza, and a criticism of the techniques used, because they are so limited. For now the criticisms are irrelevant: you are learning some basic techniques, not producing a realistic human-like program. (That would be like hoping to become a concert pianist the day you start learning to play the piano.) -- Selecting an architecture for the chatbot -------------------------- In order to create a chatbot you need to design a system that has an "architecture". In other words, like a house, or a car, it has several parts that do different things. If you think very clearly about what you want the parts to do and how you need to put them together you are more likely to create a successful program than if you just start writing program code. Some programs just operate on their own, doing calculations or looking after a file store. Your chatbot will be part of a larger system containing a user, namely a person (or possibly another computer in the future) who types in sentences and reads responses. We can represent the user as having an output connection (for transmitting sentences) and an input connection, for reading the responses: *------* --- > --- (output from user) | USER | *------* --- < --- (responses from chatbot) Deep inside the computer there may be an intelligent subsystem that works out what would be an appropriate response to what the user has last typed in. We can call that subsystem the "Inference engine" and represent it, with its input connection and its output connection, like this: (requests from user) --- > --- *----------------* |INFERENCE ENGINE| (responses from engine) --- < --- *----------------* We could think of the user as directly connected to the inference engine, by joining the output channel of each to the input channel of the other, producing this architecture: *------* --- > --- (requests) --- > --- *----------------* | USER | |INFERENCE ENGINE| *------* --- < --- (responses)--- < --- *----------------* But sometimes there are tasks that involve only dealing directly with the user: e.g. starting off the conversation, deciding to ask the user to type something if the last sentence typed was empty, or perhaps transforming the user's sentences into commands and questions that the inference engine understands, or noticing that the user wants to stop, and then gracefully terminating the conversation. And perhaps the inference engine produces output that a human would not easily understand, which needs to be reformulated. All of that can be achieved by designing a user interface subsystem that has two lots of input connections and two lots of output connections and can be connected both to the user, and to the inference engine. That will give the following architecture for the whole chatbot: *------* --- > --- *---------* --- > --- *----------------* | USER | |INTERFACE| |INFERENCE ENGINE| *------* --- < --- *---------* --- < --- *----------------* We don't need to design the user: that's you. But we'll design and test a very simple interface and a very simple inference engine, and test them, then later expand their functionality. -- First draft interface ---------------------------------------------- Our first interface can be so simple that it does not need the inference engine, because it always says the same thing. But it starts by printing a greeting, asking the user's name, then three times requests input, and prints the same answer each time. -- Using readline ----------------------------------------------------- For getting the user's input the interface will use the pop11 procedure readline. Try running it, and printing out what it produces. It may be a good idea to start with a clean output.p file if you have been doing other unrelated things in Pop11. You can find out how to start a new output.p file with or without saving the old one on the hard drive by renaming it, in this teach file: TEACH * RENAME_OUTPUT You now need to learn how to use the Pop11 readline command to get input from the user for your chatbot Use ESC d on this command. readline() ==> It will move the editor cursor to the output.p file and print '?'. You can then type some words and end with the RETURN key (often labelled ENTER, just below the Backspace key). If you want to type a long sentence, just go on typing: don't try to break the line, as readline will take that to be the end of your input. Do that a couple of times to get the feel of how it works. E.g. if you do ESC d on the readline command then in response to the '?' prompt type hello eliza then do the ESC-d again and type this: you are very clever the output file will look like this: ? hello eliza ** [hello eliza] ? you are very clever ** [you are very clever] Notice that each sentence read in is turned into a list of words. Try it (esc d) a few times, and type something ending with RETURN each time: readline() => -- Using readline to put user input into a variable ------------------- Usually we shall want to do more than just print out the sentence. So we can declare a variable to hold the list of words produced by readline, then perform an operation on the list (e.g. add something to it), and finally print out the result. Mark the next four lines (F1 and F2), then compile and run them (CTRL-d not ESC-d) vars input; [Hi] ==> readline() -> input; [you said: ^^input] ==> The portion ^^input allows the contents of the list input, to be spliced into the list that starts [you said:...] So the whole lot is printed out. The output file may then contain something like this, as a result: ** [Hi] ? this is not real chat ** [you said : this is not real chat] OK now for the first draft interface procedure. -- First make this your own file instead of a 'protected' teach file -- You may wish to save your existing output.p file, which has records of previous interactions, and then start a new one. If so, you can find out how by reading this: TEACH * RENAME_OUTPUT If you don't want to save your existing output.p just read it in now ENTER ved ./output.p (the './' makes sure the editor does not find the wrong output.p if you have more than one) It is now probably a good idea to start your own file, so that work you do will not be lost. The easiest way to do that for now, is to rename the teach file you are reading, called chat1. You can call it 'mychat1.p', where the .p bit tells pop11 it is a file with pop11 code. Do this, using the 'ENTER name' editor command: ENTER name mychat1.p RETURN then save it on the hard drive: ENTER w1 RETURN If there are earlier bits you don't want included in your file, you can mark them using F1 (or ESC m) for the start, F2 (or ESC M) for the end, then do this to delete those bits: ENTER d RETURN Perhaps delete from the beginning of this file to just before the section: -- First draft interface You can always get back the original text by invoking TEACH chat1 Make sure you don't delete more than you want to. After deletion, you can update the index in this file by doing ENTER indexify RETURN To look at the new index do: ENTER g RETURN -- Your first eliza interface ----------------------------------------- Instead of always repeating the above commands we can put the commands inside a procedure called interface1 (the first of several). Then in order to obey the commands all we shall have to do is run the procedure interface1. Let's make it print a greeting, ask the user's name, print another greeting, then repeatedly ask the user to type something in and print it out. If the user types 'bye' or 'Bye' it should print a farewell message, and stop. Feel free to edit some of the text in the interactions. Don't use any apostrophes as they will interfere with pop11's lists, because, in Pop11 an apostrophe is the beginning of a string, and the string will need to be finished. (There are ways round this which you can learn much later.) define interface1(); ;;; declare a variable sentence to hold the input, ;;; and a variable name to hold the user's name. ;;; Use 'lvars' because the variable is 'local' to a procedure lvars sentence, name; ;;; Print greeting [Hello -- I am Eliza] ==> ;;; get user name [Please type your name, and end with RETURN] ==> readline() -> name; ;;; print a response (edit to suit your tastes) [Hello ^^name -- I am very pleased to meet you] ==> [What can I do for you? ] ==> ;;; now make the program repeatedly request and process input repeat ;;; get the next user input and store it in sentence readline() -> sentence; ;;; Play it back with a preamble. Edit to taste [I am sorry to hear you say ^^sentence] ==> ;;; if the sentence had only the word bye or Bye, finish if sentence matches [bye] or sentence matches [Bye] then ;;; go to the end of the loop -- after endrepeat quitloop() endif; ;;; otherwise repeat the loop by asking for more input ;;; edit to taste [Is there anything else?] ==> ;;; Everything up to here is repeated, unless the command ;;; quitloop() is obeyed. It jumps to the end of the loop. endrepeat; ;;; Now close the conversation, using the name. Edit to taste. [Good day ^^ name]==> [I hope you are feeling better]==> enddefine; You can now compile and run your procedure: Put the editor cursor inside the procedure (using Up or Down arrow keys). Then invoke 'mark current procedure' (mcp): ENTER mcp RETURN You should see a range mark on the left, from 'define' to 'enddefine'. If you can't see all of the procedure at once, you can enlarge the window using ESC w. While the procedure is marked, you can compile it, using CTRL d. After that '(done)' will appear on the status line. If you get a mishap message, because you made a mistake while editing the procedure, study the message carefully and try to correct the code, then repeat ENTER mcp CTRL d Until you get no error. -- Now test the procedure --------------------------------------------- Run this line (ESC d): interface1(); Here's a sample of the program at work (don't worry now about punctuation marks, e.g. "," and "?" being printed on their own): ** [Hello -- I am Eliza] ** [Please type your name , and end with RETURN] ? Freddy Blogs ** [Hello Freddy Blogs -- I am very pleased to meet you] ** [What can I do for you ?] ? Fix my brain ** [I am sorry to hear you say Fix my brain] ** [Is there anything else ?] ? Help me write programs ** [I am sorry to hear you say Help me write programs] ** [Is there anything else ?] ? Bye ** [I am sorry to hear you say Bye] ** [Good day Freddy Blogs] ** [I hope you are feeling better] Try changing some of the words in the interactive part of your procedure and then compile the program and then run it again interface1(); Later we can make it more varied and interesting. -- NOTES: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 When you have marked your procedure, e.g. using ENTER mcp there are various things you can do besides compiling it. One of the useful things is adjusting the format, using the command ENTER tidy That will cause lines that are parts of commands to be indented, helping to show the program's structure. Also, if you have made a mistake, such as leaving out a 'closer' like 'endrepeat', the format will show you that something is wrong. 2 Instead of marking the procedure (mcp) then compiling (CTRL-d) you can do both in one command (ESC c), provided that the Ved cursor is somewhere between 'define' and 'enddefine'. Try that. Later you will find there is much more that you can do with marked ranges. -- Copy and rename your procedure ------------------------------------- If you have marked your procedure and you would like to make a copy of it to try making changes while keeping the original, you can use the ENTER t (transcribe command), then change the name of the new copy. Try that now. Go back to your procedure definition. Mark the procedure with the command ENTER mcp Then come back here and go down to the line that starts 'NEW COPY' and make your copy: ENTER t You will have a new copy of the procedure. So you can change its name to interface2, for use when you read TEACH chat2. NEW COPY (to be inserted after here). After that save the file: ENTER w1 -- Further reading ---------------------------------------------------- TEACH * CHAT2 adding more sophistication to your chatbot TEACH * MARK If you have time -- more on marked ranges. /* --- $usepop/pop/teach/chat1 --- Copyright University of Birmingham 2011. All rights reserved. ------ */