/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACH GA_DEJONG Riccardo Poli Nov 1995 More examples on how to use LIB GA to optimise some of De Jong test functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uses ga; ;;; ;;; A simple function that evaluates x1*x1 + x2*x2 + x3*x3 ;;; define problem1_fitness( chrom ); lvars chorm, x1, x2, x3; standard_float_converter( chrom, 10, 3 ) -> (x1, x2, x3); min_to_max_transform( x1*x1 + x2*x2 + x3*x3 ) -> fitness(chrom); enddefine; ;;; ;;; A printer function for the solutions of the problem ;;; define problem1_printer( chrom ); lvars chorm, bit_str = bit_string(chrom), x1, x2, x3; standard_float_converter( chrom, 10, 3 ) -> (x1,x2,x3); pr('Best solution: '); pr([ x1= ^x1 x2= ^x2 x3= ^x3]); pr('Function value ='); pr(max_to_min_transform(fitness(chrom)));nl(1); enddefine; /* problem1_printer(genetic_algorithm( "problem1_fitness", [200], 30, 50, 0.7, 0.01, 0, false, true,"problem1_printer")); */ ;;; ;;; A simple function that evaluates ;;; 100*(x1*x1 - x2)*(x1*x1 - x2)*(x1*x1 - x2) + (1.0 - x1)*(1.0 - x1) ;;; define problem2_fitness( chrom ); lvars chorm, x1, x2; standard_float_converter( chrom, 20, 2 ) -> (x1, x2); min_to_max_transform( 100*(x1*x1 - x2)*(x1*x1 - x2)*(x1*x1 - x2) + (1.0 - x1)*(1.0 - x1)) -> fitness(chrom); enddefine; ;;; ;;; A printer function for the solutions of the problem ;;; define problem2_printer( chrom ); lvars chorm, bit_str = bit_string(chrom), x1, x2; standard_float_converter( chrom, 20, 2 ) -> (x1,x2); pr('Best solution: '); pr([ x1= ^x1 x2= ^x2]); pr('Function value ='); pr(max_to_min_transform(fitness(chrom)));nl(1); enddefine; /* problem2_printer(genetic_algorithm( "problem2_fitness", [200], 40, 50, 0.7, 0.01, 0, false, true,"problem2_printer")); */ ;;; ;;; A simple function that evaluates ;;; sin(x) * (x-15) + 20 ;;; true -> popradians; define problem3_fitness( chrom ); lvars chorm, x; standard_float_converter( chrom, 20, 1 ) -> x; sin(x) * (x-15) + 20 -> fitness(chrom); enddefine; define problem4_fitness( chrom ); lvars chorm, x; standard_float_converter( chrom, 20, 1 ) -> x; sin(1.0/(x+0.01)) * (x-15) + 20 -> fitness(chrom); enddefine; ;;; ;;; A printer function for the solutions of the problem ;;; define problem3_printer( chrom ); lvars chorm, bit_str = bit_string(chrom), x; standard_float_converter( chrom, 20, 1 ) -> x; pr('Best solution: '); pr([ x= ^x]); pr(' Function value ='); pr(fitness(chrom));nl(1); enddefine; /* problem3_printer(genetic_algorithm( "problem3_fitness", [20], 20, 50, 0.7, 0.01, 0, false, true,"problem3_printer")); problem3_printer(genetic_algorithm( "problem4_fitness", [20], 20, 20, 0.7, 0.01, 0, false, true,"problem3_printer")); */ /* --- $poplocal/local/teach/ga_dejong.p --- Copyright University of Birmingham 1995. All rights reserved. ------ */