Ata Kaban |
of Birmingham School
of Computer Science, room UG32 Edgbaston Birmingham
B15 2TT United
Kingdom e-mail:
A.Kaban [at] bham ac uk Phone:
+44 121 41 42792 |
-Basic research in
statistical machine learning (theory and methodology)
-Counter-intuitive properties of high-dimensional data spaces
-Probabilistic modelling of multivariate data, Bayesian inference
-Large scale heuristic optimisation
-Dimensionality reduction, random projections, compressive learning,
compressive optimisation, model compression
Homepage - Publications - Google
Scholar profile - Projects
NEW: We are organising HDM 24
Note to prospective PhD applicants: I welcome well-qualified and motivated PhD candidates throughout the year.
Read this and email me with your transcript and research proposal in pdf format, or
apply directly via the portal. If you are looking for ideas to develop your
proposal, check out the topics above, including the HDM 24 workshop topics. In
addition, below are some broad research question examples that interest me:
- When, why, and how machines can
learn to generalize correctly from a finite sample?
- When, why, and how does a random linear projection of a data set preserve
norms and distances?
- How can we bridge the gap between theoretical guarantees and practical
experiences in machine learning?
- How can we explain that model compression works so well in practice?
- How do high dimensional data spaces look like?