Added 9 Nov 2015
Sadly, Barry Cooper died after a brief illness
on Monday 26th October

Prose Award Winner

Alan Turing: His Work and Impact

S. Barry Cooper (Editor), J. van Leeuwen (Editor)

List of Contents of the Book, with page numbers (Below)
List of contributors and their affiliations (Separate file)

Original draft list of contents (2012)

Prose Award Winner 2013
Winner of 2013 R.R. Hawkins Award of the Association of American Publishers.

Each year, publishers and authors are recognized at the PSP Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., for their commitment to pioneering works of research and for contributing to the conception, production, and design of landmark works in their fields. The R. R. Hawkins Award, presented to the most outstanding work among the publications selected, has been given to more than 30 works since its inception.
2013 Winners.
The book also won the 2013 PROSE Awards for

Award announced in the Communications of the ACM, February 2014 - "'Alan Turing: His Work and Impact' Named 2013 PROSE Award Winner":
The 2013 PROSE Awards Luncheon took place at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, DC on February 6, 2014
The announcement of the final award starts at 43minutes.

Amazon link for the book

Maintainer information below (at end).

Copyright material shown here with permission of the editor.

This information about the contents of the book, is provided to supplement the information provided by Elsevier, whose online marketing leaves much to be desired.

Please note: Exactly how this page displays will depend on your default font settings.

Reviews (feel free to send me links to more):
Unfortunately several of these are not in open access publications.

Added 10 Nov 2015
Reviews on Amazon UK reviews

Added 11 Jul 2015
Review by Chris Christensen, in Cryptologia, 39:2, 198-202, DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2015.1009754
Focuses "...on the sections that are most directly related to Turing's work as a codebreaker."

Added 28 Aug 2014:
Review by Jean-Paul Allouche in the June 2014 European Mathematical Society Newsletter:

Review by Charles Ashbacher, in Mathematical Association of America:

Alan Turing: His Work and Impact,Reviewed by Jeremy Avigad
(In Notices of the American Mathematical Society October 2014)
(Added here 12 Jul 2014)
Final version (different format):

Reviewed by Hector Zenil, in Computing Reviews, Sep 17 2013

Review in Mathematical Association of America Reviews [Reviewed by Charles Ashbacher, 01/2/2014]

Books in brief, note by Barbara Kiser Nature 498, 297 (20 June 2013)
Comment on the nature review by Ian Watson in his CS Blog July 10, 2013

Short review by Jeff Paris in London Mathematical Society Newsletter,
(Review published online 01 October 2013)

Intuition and ingenuity: Alan Turing's work and impact
Short review by Patrick Love August 26, 2013


Contents of the book

Introduction                                                                     xi

Part I How Do We Compute? What Can We Prove?                        1


1955    Alan Mathison Turing by Max Newman
        (Bibliographic Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society, 1 (Nov.),

        Andrew Hodges contributes --
        A Comment on Newman's Biographical Memoir                                 3

        Biographical Memoir                                                       5


1936-7  On Computable Numbers, with an Application to
        the Entscheidungsproblem 
        (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 42, 230.265)

1937    - A Correction (ibid: 43, 544.546)

        Christos Papadimitriou on --
        Alan and I                                                               13

        Turing texts                                                             16

        Stephen Wolfram on --
        The Importance of Universal Computation                                  44

        Martin Davis illuminates --
        Three Proofs of the Unsolvability of the Entscheidungsproblem            49

        Samson Abramsky detects --
        Two Puzzles About Computation                                            53

        Paul Vitanyi illustrates the importance of --
        Turing Machines and Understanding Computational Complexity               57

        Gregory Chaitin traces the path --
        From the Halting Problem to the Halting Probability                      63

        Robert Irving Soare expands on --
        Turing and the Art of Classical Computability                            65

        Rainer Glaschick takes us on a trip back to --
        Turing Machines in Munster                                               71


        From K. Vela Velupillai --
        Reflections on Wittgenstein's Debates with Turing during his
        Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics                               77

        Jan van Leeuwen and Jiri Wiedermann on --
        The Computational Power of Turing's Non-Terminating Circular
        a-Machines                                                               80

        Meurig Beynon puts an empirical slant on --
        Turing's Approach to Modelling States of Mind                            85

        Henk Barendregt and Antonio Raffone explore --
        Conscious Cognition as a Discrete, Deterministic and Universal Turing
        Machine Process                                                          92

        Aaron Sloman develops a distinctive view of --
        Virtual Machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 1)                         97

        Artur Ekert on the physical reality of --
        Sqrt(NOT)                                                               102

        Cristian Calude, Ludwig Staiger and Michael Stay on --
        Halting and Non-Halting Turing Computations                             105

        Philip Welch leads us --
        Toward the Unknown Region: On Computing Infinite Numbers                109


1937    On Computable Numbers, with an Application to
        the Entscheidungsproblem by A. M. Turing -- Review by:
        Alonzo Church
        (J. Symb. Log. 2, 42)

        Andrew Hodges finds significance in --
        Church's Review of Computable Numbers                                   117


1937    Computability and Lamnda-Definability
        (J. Symb. Log. 2, 153-63)

        Henk Barendregt, Giulio Manzonetto and Rinus Plasmeijer
        trace through to today --
        The Imperative and Functional Programming Paradigm                      121

        Turing text                                                             127

1937    The p-Function in Lambda-K Conversion
        (J. Symb. Log. 2, 164)

        Henk Barendregt and Giulio Manzonetto point out the subtleties of --
        Turing's Contributions to Lambda Calculus                               139

        Turing text                                                             144


1939    Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals
        (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 45, 161-228)

        Solomon Feferman returns to --
        Turing's Thesis: Ordinal Logics and Oracle Computability                145

        Turing text                                                             151

        Michael Rathjen looks at --
        Turing's 'Oracle' in Proof Theory                                       198

        Philip Welch takes a set-theoretical view of --
        Truth and Turing                                                        202

        Alastair Abbott, Cristian Calude and Karl Svozil describe --
        A Quantum Random Oracle                                                 206

1948    Practical Forms of Type Theory
        (J. Symb. Log. 13, 80.94)

        Some background remarks from Robin Gandy's --
        Preface                                                                 211

        Turing text                                                             213

1942    The use of Dots as Brackets in Church's System
        (J. Symb. Log. 7, 146-156)

        Lance Fortnow discovers --
        Turing's Dots                                                           227

        Turing text                                                             229

1944 The Reform of Mathematical Notation and Phraseology

        Stephen Wolfram connects --
        Computation, Mathematical Notation and Linguistics                      239

        Turing text                                                             245

        Juliet Floyd explores --
        Turing, Wittgenstein and Types: Philosophical Aspects of Turing's
        'The Reform of Mathematical Notation and Phraseology' (1944-5)          250

Part II Hiding and Unhiding Information: Cryptology,
        Complexity and Number Theory                                255

1935    On the Gaussian error function

        Sandy L. Zabell delivers an authoritative guide to --
        Alan Turing and the Central Limit Theorem                               257

        Turing's 'Preface' (1935) to 'On the Gaussian error function'           264


1953    Some Calculations of the Riemann Zeta function
        (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 3, 99-117)

1952-3 On a Theorem of Littlewood

        Dennis Hejhal and Andrew Odlyzko take an in-depth look at --
        Alan Turing and the Riemann Zeta Function                               265

        And Dennis Hejhal adds --
        A Few Comments About Turing's Method                                    279

        Turing text                                                             284

        On a Theorem of Littlewood (S. Skewes and A.M. Turing)                  300

1954    Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
        (Science News 31, 7-23)

        Gregory Chaitin recommends.
        Turing's Small Gem                                                      321

        Turing text                                                             322

        Wilfried Sieg focuses on --
        Normal Forms for Puzzles: A Variant of Turing's Thesis                  332

        K. Vela Velupillai connects --
        Turing on 'Solvable and Unsolvable Problems. and Simon on 'Human
        Problem Solving.                                                        339

1950    The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation
        (Annals of Mathematics, 52 (2), 491.505)

        Gregory Chaitin on --
        Finding the Halting Problem and the Halting Probability in Traditional
        Mathematics                                                             343

        While John L. Britton gives us a brief --
        Introduction to the mathematics                                         344

        Turing text                                                             345

        On Permutation Groups

        John Leslie Britton's informative --
        Introduction                                                            359

        Turing text                                                             360

1948    Rounding-off Errors in Matrix Processes
        (Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 1, 287-308)


        Lenore Blum brings into view.
        Alan Turing and the Other Theory of Computation                         377

        Turing text                                                             385

        A Note on Normal Numbers

        Andrew Hodges on an interesting connection between --
        Computable Numbers and Normal Numbers                                   403

        Turing text                                                             405

        Veronica Becher takes a closer look at --
        Turing's Note on Normal Numbers                                         408

1940    Turing's Treatise on the Enigma (Prof's Book)

        Frode Weierud on Alan Turing, Dilly Knox, Bayesian statistics,
        decoding machines and --
        Prof's Book: Seen in the Light of Cryptologic History                   413

        Excerpts from the 'Enigma Paper.                                        417

        Tony Sale delves into the cryptographic background to --
        Alan Turing, the Enigma and the Bombe                                   426

        Klaus Schmeh looks at --
        Why Turing cracked the Enigma and the Germans did not                   432

1944    Speech System 'Delilah' -- Report on Progress
        (A.M. Turing, 6 June, National Archives, box HW 62/6)

        Andrew Hodges sets the scene for --
        The Secrets of Hanslope Park 1944--1945                                 439

        Craig Bauer presents --
        Alan Turing and Voice Encryption: A Play in Three Acts                  442

        John Harper reports on the --
        Delilah Rebuild Project                                                 451

1949    Checking a Large Routine
        (Paper, EDSAC Inaugural Conference, 24 June.
        In: Report of a Conference on High Speed Automatic Calculating
        Machines, 67-69)

        Cliff B. Jones gives a modern assessment of --
        Turing's "Checking a Large Routine"                                     455

        Turing text                                                             461


1951    Excerpt from: Programmer's Handbook for the Manchester
        Electronic Computer Mark II

        Local Programming Methods and Conventions
        (Paper read at the Inaugural Conference for the Manchester University
        Computer, July 1951)

        Toby Howard describes --
        Turing's Contributions to the Early Manchester Computers                465

        Excerpt from: Programmer's Handbook for the Manchester Electronic
        Computer Mark II                                                        472

Part III Building a Brain: Intelligent Machines,
        Practice and Theory                                        479

        Turing's Lecture to the London Mathematical Society
        on 20 February 1947
        (A more readable guide to the ACE computer than Turing's 1945 ACE

        Anthony Beavers pays homage to --
        Alan Turing: Mathematical Mechanist                                     481

        Turing text                                                             486

1948    Intelligent Machinery
        (Report Written by Alan Turing for the National Physical Laboratory, 1948)

        Rodney A. Brooks and --
        The Case for Embodied Intelligence                                      499

        Turing text                                                             501

        Christof Teuscher proposes --
        A Modern Perspective on Turing's Unorganised Machines                   517

        Nicholas Gessler connects past and future --
        The Computerman, the Cryptographer and the Physicist                    521

        Stephen Wolfram looks to reconcile --
        Intelligence and the Computational Universe                             530

        Paul Smolensky asks a key question --
        Cognition: Discrete or Continuous Computation?                          532

        Tom Vickers recalls --
        Alan Turing at the NPL 1945-47                                          539

        Douglas Hofstadter engages with --
        The Godel.Turing Threshold and the Human Soul                           545

1950    Computing Machinery and Intelligence
        (Mind, 59, 433.460)

        Gregory Chaitin discovers Alan Turing 'The Good Philosopher.
        at both sides of --
        Mechanical Intelligence versus Uncomputable Creativity                  551

        Turing text                                                             552

        Daniel Dennett is inspired by --
        Turing's 'Strange Inversion of Reasoning'                               569

        Aaron Sloman draws together --
        Virtual machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 2)                        574

        Mark Bishop examines --
        The Phenomenal Case of the Turing Test and the Chinese Room             580

       Peter Millican on recognising intelligence and --
       The Philosophical Significance of the Turing Machine and the Turing Test 587

        Luciano Floridi brings out the value of --
        The Turing Test and the Method of Levels of Abstraction                 601

        Aaron Sloman absolves Turing of --
        The Mythical Turing Test                                                606

        David Harel proposes --
        A Turing-Like Test for Modelling Nature                                 611

        Huma Shah engages with the realities of --
        Conversation, Deception and Intelligence: Turing's
        Question-Answer Game                                                    614

        Kevin Warwick looks forward to --
        Turing's Future                                                         620

1953    Digital Computers Applied to Games
        (Bowden, B. V. (Ed.), Faster than Thought. Pitman, London, Chap. 25,

        Alan Slomson introduces --
        Turing and Chess                                                        623

        Digital Computers Applied to Games                                      626

        David Levy delves deeper into --
        Alan Turing on Computer Chess                                           644


1951    Can Digital Computers Think?
        (BBC Third Programme radio broadcast (15 May 1951), transcript edited
        B. J. Copeland)

        Intelligent Machinery: A Heretical Theory
        (Lecture given to 51 Society in Manchester (c. 1951),
        transcript edited B. J. Copeland)

        Can Automatic Calculating Machines Be Said To Think?
        (Broadcast discussion, BBC Third Programme (14 and 23 Jan. 1952),
        transcript edited B. J. Copeland)

        B. Jack Copeland introduces the transcripts --
        Turing and the Physics of the Mind                                      651

        Turing texts                                                            660

        Can Automatic Calculating Machines Be Said To Think?
        By Alan Turing, Richard Braithwaite, Geoffrey Jefferson, Max Newman     667

        Richard Jozsa takes us forward to --
        Quantum Complexity and the Foundations of Computing                     677

Part IV The Mathematics of Emergence: The Mysteries
    of Morphogenesis                                               681

1952    The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis
        (Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B 237, 37-72)

        Peter Saunders introduces --
        Alan Turing's Work in Biology                                           683

        And Philip K. Maini wonders at --
        Turing's Theory of Morphogenesis                                        684

        Turing text                                                             689

        Henri Berestycki on the visionary power of --
        Alan Turing and Reaction.Diffusion Equations                            723

        Hans Meinhardt focuses on --
        Travelling Waves and Oscillations Out of Phase:
        An Almost Forgotten Part of Turing's Paper                              733

        James D. Murray on what happened --
        After Turing -- The Birth and Growth of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
        and Biology                                                             739

        Peter T. Saunders observes Alan Turing --
        Defeating the Argument from Design                                      753

        Stephen Wolfram fills out the computational view of --
        The Mechanisms of Biology                                               756


        K. Vela Velupillai connects --
        Four Traditions of Emergence: Morphogenesis, Ulam-von Neumann
        Cellular Automata, The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem, and
        British Emergentism                                                     759

        Gregory Chaitin takes the story forward --
        From Turing to Metabiology and Life as Evolving Software                763

1954    The Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis

        I. Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis

        II. Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis

        III. (Bernard Richards) A Solution of the Morphogenical
        Equations for the Case of Spherical Symmetry
        (Prepared after December 1954 by N. E. Hoskin and B. Richards, using
        manuscripts of Turing and notes from his lectures in Manchester)

        Bernard Richards recalls Alan Turing and --
        Radiolaria: The Result of Morphogenesis                                 765

        The Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis

        Part I. Geometrical and Descriptive Phyllotaxis                         773

        Part II. Chemical Theory of Morphogenesis                               804

        Part III. A Solution of the Morphogenetical Equations for the Case of
        Spherical Symmetry                                                      818

        Peter Saunders comments on the background to --
        Turing's Morphogen Theory of Phyllotaxis                                827

        Jonathan Swinton explores further --
        Turing, Morphogenesis, and Fibonacci Phyllotaxis: Life in Pictures      834

        Aaron Sloman travels forward to --
        Virtual Machinery and Evolution of Mind (Part 3)
        Meta-Morphogenesis: Evolution of Information-Processing Machinery       849

        Outline of the Development of the Daisy
        (Prepared from Turing's notes by P.T. Saunders for the Collected Works
        and updated by J. Swinton.)

        Jonathan Swinton's updating of the texts --
        An Editorial Note 858

        Outline of the Development of the Daisy 860


Afterword                                                                       867

Bibliography                                                                    877

Index                                                                           879


Install Date: 28 Jun 2013
28 Aug 2014 (A few new reviews added.)
10 Feb 2014 (Expanded Prose award notice)
26 Jan 2014 (Added Paris review). 6 Feb 2014 (Added Prose award, and more reviews.)
7 Sep 2013 (formatting fixes); List of contributors added 14 Aug 2013; 15 Aug 2013: replaced images with text.;

Document installed at location:
by: Aaron Sloman
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK