Dr Eike Ritter

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
+ Research

I am a member of the security and privacy group and also the theory group .

My research interests include security, applications of mathematical logic and category theory to computer science, type theory and its applications to functional programming, proof theory and automated theorem proving.

I am one of the investigators of the EPSRC-funded project "Verifying Interoperability Requirements in Pervasive Systems", which is a collaborative project between the Universities of Birmingham, Liverpool and Glasgow.

I'm also part of the EPSRC-funded Trust Domain Project, which is a collaborative project between the Universities of Birmingham, Aberdeen, Oxford and HP Labs Bristol. In April 2004 my monograph Reductive Logic and Proof-search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control, which is joint work with Dvid Pym, was published by Oxford University Press in their Oxford Logic Guides series. A list of errata can be found here.

Together with Richard Kaye I organised the annual meeting of the British Logic Colloquium in Birmingham from 12-14 September 2002. Details can be found here.

I am a committee member of the British Logic Colloquium .

David Pym, Thomas Streicher and I organised a Dagstuhl-seminar on Semantic Foundations of Proof search in April 2001. The programme can be found here.

I was principal investigator of the EPSRC-grant The eXplicit Linear Abstract Machine. The grant finished on 31 March 2000. A summary of the achievements can be found here.

The theory group in Birmingham has academic links with the EU-funded TYPES and APPSEM working groups.

I was one of the local organisers of the 12th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information ( ESSLLI'00) here in Birmingham.

Valeria de Paiva, Josef van Gennabith and I organised a Dagstuhl Seminar on Linear Logic and Applications in August 1999. The programme, abstracts and slides can be found here.

Valeria de Paiva and I are organised a workshop on Logical Abstract machines, to take place here in Birmingham on 14-16 July. For details see here . This workshop was a successor to one with the same title, which took place in 1998 as part of the 10th European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) in Saarbruecken. Talks and papers can be found here.

[ Selected Publications ]
+ Teaching

In the academic year 2015/16 I am teaching the following courses:

In the academic year 2014/15 I am teaching the following courses:

In the academic year 2013/14 I am teaching the following courses:

Available Projects for Final-Year and MSc students

+ Personal

+ How to contact me

My timetable for this term is available.

A calendar with my regular appointments is also available.

Dr Eike Ritter
University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science
B15 2TT

Office: Second floor, room 209
Tel: +44 121 414 4772
Fax: +44 121 414 4281
Email: E.Ritter@cs.bham.ac.uk
Home tel: +44 1827 899954