Please feel free to ask me for papers which are not linked from this page (e.g. drafts)
José Moreira, Mark D. Ryan, and Flavio D. Garcia.
Protocols for a Two-Tiered Trusted Computing Base.
In 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 2022.
Thalia Laing, Eduard Marin, Mark D. Ryan, Joshua Schiffman, and Gaëtan Wattiau.
Symbolon: Enabling Flexible Multi-device-based User Authentication.
In IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC), 2022.
Rujia Li, Qin Wang, Qi Wang, David Galindo, and Mark Ryan.
SoK: TEE-assisted Confidential Smart Contract.
In Privacy Enhancing Technology Symposium (PETS), 2022.
Georgios Fotiadis, José Moreira, Thanassis Giannetsos, Liqun Chen, Peter B Rønne, Mark D Ryan, and Peter YA Ryan.
Root-of-Trust Abstractions for Symbolic Analysis: Application to Attestation Protocols.
In International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, pages 163-184. Springer, 2021.
Robert H. Deng, Feng Bao, Guilin Wang, Jian Shen, Mark Ryan, Weizhi Meng, and Ding Wang.
Proceedings of Information Security Practice and Experience.
In 16th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2021), Nanjing, China, December 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13107, Springer 2021.
Jiangshan Yu, and Mark Ryan.
Evaluating web PKIs.
In Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud, 105-126, 2017.
Matteo Maffei, and Mark Ryan.
Proceedings of Principles of Security and Trust.
In 6th International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2017), European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2017) Uppsala, Sweden, April 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10204, Springer 2017.
Myrto Arapinis, Loretta Ilaria Mancini, Eike Ritter, Mark D. Ryan.
Analysis of privacy in mobile telephony systems.
In International Journal of
Information Security, 16(5): 491-523, 2017.
Springer version.
Kevin Milner, Cas Cremers, Jiangshan Yu, Mark Ryan
Automatically Detecting the Misuse of Secrets: Foundations, Design Principles, and Applications.
In IEEE Computer Security
Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2017.
Jiangshan Yu, Mark Ryan and Liqun Chen.
Authenticating compromisable storage systems.
In 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in
Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-17), 2017.
Mark D. Ryan.
Making Decryption Accountable.
In 25th Security Protocols
Workshop, Springer LNCS, 2017.
Michael Denzel, Mark D. Ryan and Eike Ritter.
malware-tolerant, self-healing industrial control system framework.
In 32nd International Conference on ICT
Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP-SEC 2017), 2017.
Jia Liu, Myrto Arapinis, Eike Ritter and Mark Ryan.
Stateful applied pi calculus: observational equivalence and labelled bisimilarity.
In Journal of Logical and
Algebraic Methods in Programming, 89: 95-149, 2017.
Jia Liu, Mark D. Ryan and Liqun Chen.
Balancing Societal
Security and Individual Privacy: Accountable Escrow System.
In 27th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2014.
Mark D. Ryan.
Enhanced certificate transparency and end-to-end encrypted mail.
In Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2014.
Myrto Arapinis, Loretta I. Mancini, Mark
D. Ryan and Eike Ritter.
Privacy through Pseudonymity in Mobile Telephony Systems.
In Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2014.
Myrto Arapinis, Sergiu Bursuc, and Mark
D. Ryan.
Privacy-supporting cloud computing by in-browser key translation.
In Journal of Computer Security, 2014.
Myrto Arapinis, Joshua
Phillips, Mark
D. Ryan and Eike Ritter.
StatVerif: Verification of Stateful Processes.
In Journal of Computer Security, 2014.
Myrto Arapinis, Jia Liu, Eike Ritter, Mark Ryan.
Stateful applied pi calculus.
In POST'14.
Shiwei Xu, Ian Batten, Mark Ryan.
Dynamic Measurement and Protected Execution: Model and Analysis.
In Trustworthy Global Computing, 2013.
Mark Dermot Ryan.
Cloud computing security: The scientific challenge, and a survey of
In Journal of Systems and
Software 86(9): 2263-2268, 2013.
Masoud Koleini and Mark D. Ryan.
Model checking agent knowledge in dynamic access control policies.
In TACAS, 2013. (Longer tech report.)
Gurchetan S. Grewal, Mark D. Ryan, Sergiu
Bursuc and Peter Y. A. Ryan.
Caveat Coercitor: coercion-evidence in electronic voting.
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2013.
Myrto Arapinis, Veronique Cortier, Steve Kremer, Mark Ryan.
Practical Everlasting Privacy.
In POST'13.
Sergiu Bursuc, Gurchetan Grewal and Mark Ryan.
Trivitas: Voters Directly Verifying Votes.
In VoteID 2011.
Ben Smyth, Mark Ryan and Liqun Chen.
analysis of anonymity in ECC-based Direct Anonymous Attestation
In Proceedings of the Eighth International
Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST'11).
Masoud Koleini and Mark Ryan.
A knowledge-based verification method for dynamic access control policies.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2011).
Mark Ryan.
Cloud Computing Privacy Concerns on our Doorstep.
In Communications of the ACM, 54(1), pp. 36-38. January 2011.
Mark Ryan and Ben Smyth.
The Applied Pi Calculus.
In Véronique Cortier and Steve Kremer editors,
Formal Models and Techniques for Analyzing Security Protocols,
chapter 6, IOS Press.
Myrto Arapinis, Eike Ritter and Mark Ryan.
StatVerif: Verification of Stateful Processes.
In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2011),
pp. 33-47.
Stéphanie Delaune, Steve Kremer, Mark Ryan and Graham Steel.
Formal analysis of protocols based on TPM state registers.
In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2011),
pp. 66-82.
A. Mukhamedov and M. D. Ryan.
Anonymity Protocol with Identity Escrow and Analysis in the Applied pi-calculus.
In ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC). 13(4), article 41. December 2010.
H. Qunoo and M. Ryan.
Modelling Dynamic Access Control Policies for Web-Based Collaborative Systems.
In S. Foresti and S. Jajodia editors,
Proceedings of the 24th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy.
LNCS 6166, Springer, pp. 295-302, 2010.
T. T. A. Dinh and M. Ryan.
Verifying Security Property of Peer-to-Peer Systems Using CSP.
In Proceedings of the fifteenth European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'10). LNCS, Springer, pp. 319-339, 2010.
M. Arapinis, T. Chothia, E. Ritter and M. Ryan.
Analysing unlinkability and anonymity using the applied pi calculus.
In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Computer Security Foundations symposium (CSF 2010). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 107-121, 2010.
S. Delaune, S. Kremer, M. D. Ryan and G. Steel.
A formal analysis of authentication in the TPM.
In Proceedings of Seventh International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST'10). LNCS, Springer.
S. Kremer, M. D. Ryan and B. Smyth.
Election verifiability in electronic voting protocols.
In Proceedings of the fifteenth European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'10). LNCS, Springer, volume 6345, pp. 389-404, 2010.
K. Ables and M. D. Ryan.
Escrowed data and the digital envelope.
In Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST 2010), pages 246-256. LNCS, Springer, 2010.
L. Chen and M. D. Ryan.
Attack, solution and verification for shared authorisation data in TCG TPM.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST'09). LNCS, Springer, 2010.
S. Cabuk, L. Chen, D. Plaquin and M. D. Ryan.
Trusted Integrity Measurement and Reporting for Virtualized Platforms.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Trusted Systems (INTRUST'09). LNCS, Springer, 2010.
S. Delaune, S. Kremer and M. D. Ryan.
Symbolic bisimulation for the applied pi calculus.
In Journal of Computer Security, 18(2), pp. 317-377, 2010.
M. Koleini, H. Qunoo and M. Ryan.
Towards Modelling and Verifying Dynamic Access Control Policies for Web-Based Collaborative Systems.
W3C Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios, 2009.
S. Delaune, S. Kremer and M. D. Ryan.
Verifying Privacy-type Properties of Electronic Voting Protocols.
In Journal of Computer Security, 17(4), pages 435-487. IOS Press, 2009.
T. T. A. Dinh, T. Chothia and M. D. Ryan.
A Trusted Infrastructure for P2P-Based Marketplaces.
In 9th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'09), 2009. Pages 151-154.
L. Chen and M. D. Ryan.
Offline dictionary attack on TCG TPM weak authorisation data, and solution.
In D. Grawrock, H. Reimer, A. Sadeghi, C. Vishik, editors,
Future of Trust in Computing,
Vieweg & Teubner, 2009.
A. Mukhamedov, A. Gordon and M. D. Ryan.
Towards a Verified Reference Implementation of the Trusted Platform Module.
In 19th International Workshop on Security Protocols,
LNCS, Springer,
A. Mukhamedov and M. D. Ryan.
Fair Multi-party Contract Signing using Private Contract Signatures.
Information and Computation. 206(2-4), pages 272-290, Academic Press, 2008.
N. Zhang, D. P. Guelev and Mark Ryan.
Synthesising Verified Access Control Systems through Model Checking.
Journal of Computer Security 16(1):1-61. 2008
S. Delaune, S. Kremer and M. D. Ryan.
Composition of Password-based Protocols.
In 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
(CSF'08), IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, 2008.
A. Brown and M. D. Ryan.
Synthesising Monitors from High-level Policies for the Safe Execution of Untrusted Software,
in Fourth Information Security Practice and Experience Conference
(ISPEC 2008). LNCS, Springer, 2008.
A. Salaiwarakul and M. D. Ryan.
Verification of Integrity and Secrecy Properties of a Biometric Authentication Protocol,
in Fourth Information Security Practice and Experience Conference
(ISPEC'08). LNCS, Springer, 2008.
A. Brown and M. D. Ryan.
Monitoring the Execution of Third-party Software on Mobile Devices (Extended Abstract).
11th International Symposium On Recent Advances In Intrusion Detection
(RAID'08), LNCS, Springer, 2008.
A. Salaiwarakul and M. D. Ryan.
Analysis of a Biometric Authentication Protocol for Signature Creation Application.
Third International Workshop on Security
(IWSEC'08), LNCS, Springer, 2008.
S. Delaune, M. Ryan and B. Smyth.
Automatic verification of privacy properties in the applied pi calculus.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and Security (IFIPTM'08). IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, volume 263, pp. 263-278, Springer-Verlag 2008.
Tien Tuan Anh Dinh and Mark Ryan.
A Sybil-Resilient Reputation Metric for P2P Applications.
In Third International Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer Systems (DAS-P2P 2008), in conjunction with the
2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2008).
- Nikos Gorogiannis and Mark Ryan. Requirements,
specifications and minimal refinement. Formal Aspects of Computing 19(4), pp.417-444, Springer-Verlag 2007. (DOI:10.1007/s00165-006-0014-3).
Code supporting the paper: ACTL tableau generator,
by Nikos Gorogrannis. It outputs SMV or DOT code for
the resulting finite state automaton. Written in C++, should work
under Unix or Windows without significant changes.
- D. P. Guelev, Mark D. Ryan and
Pierre-Yves Schobbens. Model-checking
the Preservation of Temporal
upon Feature Integration. International Journal on
Software Tools for Technlogy Transfer, 9(1), 53-62, 2007.
- Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Mark Ryan (eds). Computer Networks, 51(2). Special
issue on Feature Integration. Guest
Editorial. Elsevier, 2007.
- A.
Mukhamedov and M. Ryan. Anonymity
protocol with identity escrow, and analysis in the applied pi calculus.
In G.
Barthe and C. Fournet, eds, Trustworthy
Global Computing, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2007
- S. Delaune, S. Kremer and M. Ryan.
Symbolic bisimulation for the applied pi calculus.
Foundations of Software Technology and
Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS'07), Springer-Verlag, 13pp,
- S. Delaune, S. Kremer and M. Ryan.
Symbolic bisimulation for the applied pi calculus (extended abstract). International
Workshop on Security Issues in Concurrency, LNCS, Springer-Verlag,
- B. Smyth, L. Chen, and M. D. Ryan, Direct
Anonymous Attestation: ensuring privacy with corrupt administrators.
F. Stajano et al. (eds.), Procedings of the Fourth European Workshop on
Security and Privacy in
Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, pp. 218-231, LNCS 4572,
Springer-Verlag 2007.
- A. Mukhamedov and M. D. Ryan. Improved
multi-party contract
signing. Financial Cryptography
and Data Security,
LNCS 4889, Springer, pages 179-191, 2007.
- Dimitar
P. Guelev, Mark Ryan, and Pierre Yves Schobbens. Synthesising Features
by Games. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated
Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2005), edited by R. Lazic and
R. Nagarajan. Electronic Notes
in Theoretical Computer Science volume 145, pages 79-93. 2005.
- Aybek Mukhamedov and Mark D. Ryan, On
Anonymity with Identity Escrow. Proceedings
of the Third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in
Security and Trust (FAST2005). LNCS volume 3866, pages
235-243. Springer-Verlag,
- N. Zhang, Mark D. Ryan and Dimitar Guelev, Evaluating
Access Control Policies Through Model Checking. Eighth
Security Conference (ISC'05).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 3650, pages 446-460,
- Aidan Harding, Mark Ryan and Pierre Yves Schobbens. A New
Algorithm for Strategy Synthesis in LTL Games.
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'05). Lecture Notes in Computer Science
volume 3440, edited by Nicolas Halbwachs and Lenore D. Zuck. Pages
477-492. Springer-Verlag.
- Steve Kremer and Mark D. Ryan. Analysis
of an Electronic Voting Protocol in the Applied Pi Calculus. In
Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'05),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 3444,
pages 186-200. Springer Verlag, 2005.
- Steve Kremer and Mark D. Ryan. Analysing
the vulnerability of protocols to produce known-pair and chosen-text
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security Issues in
Coordination Models, Languages, and Systems (SecCo 2004), Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume
128, Issue 5, pages 87-104, 2004.
- N. Zhang, Mark Ryan, and D. P. Guelev, Synthesising
Verified Access Control Systems in XACML. 2nd ACM Workshop on
Formal Methods in Security Engineering, LNCS, Springer-Verlag,
pages 56-65, 2004.
- D. P. Guelev, Mark D. Ryan and
Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Model-checking
the Preservation of Temporal
upon Feature Integration.
Proceedings of the Fouth International Workshop on Automated
Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2004), edited by M.R.A. Huth. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
Science, Volume
128, Issue 6, pages 311-324.
- D. P. Guelev, Mark D. Ryan and
Pierre-Yves Schobbens. Model-checking
Access Control
Policies. Seventh
Security Conference (ISC'04).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 3225, Springer-Verlag,
2004. 16 pages.
- M. Ryan, J.-J. Meyer, H.-D. Ehrich (editors), Objects,
Agents and
Features: Structuring
mechanisms for
contemporary software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.
2975. Springer-Verlag, 2004. 227 pages.
- M. Huth and M. D. Ryan, Logic in Computer
Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems. Second Edition
with major revisions and updates. Cambridge University Press,
2004. 427 pages.
- H. Harris and M. D. Ryan, Theoretical
Foundations of Updating Systems. In Proceedings of Automated
Software Engineering 2003, 18th IEEE International Conference. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 2003. 8 pages.
- D. P. Guelev, P. Y. Schobbens and M. D. Ryan, Feature
Integration by
Substitution. In D. Amyot and L. Logrippo (editors), Feature Interactions in Telecommunications
and Software Systems VII, IOS Press, pp.
275-291, 2003.
- H. Harris and M. Ryan, Feature
Integration as an Operation of Theory Change, in Proceedings
of ECAI 2002, 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ed., F. van Harmelen, pp. 546-550. IOS Press, 2002.
- Nikos Gorogiannis and Mark D. Ryan, Requirements,
Specifications and Minimal Refinement, In 9th Workshop on Logic,
Language, Information and Computation, volume 67 of Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, September 2002 (local
copy). 15 pages.
- A. Harding, P.-Y. Schobbens and M. D. Ryan, Approximating
ATL* in ATL. Third International Workshop on Verification,
Checking and Abstract Interpretation, pages 289-301, LNCS 2294, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
- M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens. Agents and Roles: Refinement
in Alternating-Time Temporal Logic. In J.-J. Meyer, ed., International
Workshop on Agent Theories Architectures and Languages (ATAL-01), pages 100-114,
Springer-Verlag, 2002. 16pp.
- H. Andreka, M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens. Operators
and Laws for Combining Preference Relations. Journal of Logic
Computation 12(1) pp.13--53, 2002.
- Nikos Gorogiannis and Mark D. Ryan, Implementation
of Belief Change Operators using BDDs. Studia
Logica 70(1), 131-156; Feb 2002.
- M. Plath and M. D. Ryan. Feature
Integration using a Feature Construct. Science of Computer
Programming. 41(1), pp.53-84. Code
to support the paper.
- F. Cassez, C. Jard, B. Rozoy and M. D. Ryan (eds.). Modelling
and Verifying Parallel Processes. Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- S. Gilmore and M. D. Ryan. Language
Constructs for Describing Features, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- M. Plath and M. D. Ryan, Defining
Features for CSP: Reflections on the Feature Interaction Contest.
In S. Gilmore and M. D. Ryan, editors, Language Constructs for
Describing Features, Springer Verlag, London, 2001.
- F. Cassez, M. D. Ryan, and P.-Y. Schobbens, Proving
feature non-interaction with Alternating-Time Temporal Logic. In S.
Gilmore and M. D. Ryan, editors, Language Constructs for
Describing Features, Springer Verlag, London, 2001.
- A. Lomuscio, R. van der Meyden, and M. D. Ryan, Knowledge
in Multi-Agent Systems: Initial Configurations and Broadcast. ACM
Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Volume 1, Issue 2, pp.
247-284. ACM Press. October 2000. (RAE2001)
- M. R. Huth and M. D. Ryan. Logic
in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems.
387 pages. Cambridge University Press, 2000. Foreword by Ed Clarke.
- M. Plath and M. D. Ryan. Entry
for FIW'00 Feature Interaction Contest. Technical Report,
University of Birmingham, 9 pages, 2000.
- M.Plath and M. D. Ryan, The
feature construct for SMV: semantics. 16pp, Sixth
International Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications
and Software Systems, IOS Press, 2000.
- A. Lomuscio and M. D. Ryan, An
algorithmic approach to knowledge evolution. Artificial
Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM),
Vol. 13, No. 2 (Special issue on Temporal Logic in Engineering),
pp.119-132, 1999. (RAE2001)
- M. C. Plath and M. D. Ryan. SFI:
a feature integration tool. In R. Berghammer and Y. Lakhnech,
editors, Tool Support for System Specification, Development and
Verification, Advances in Computing Science, pages 201-216.
Springer, 1999.
- Alessio Lomuscio and Mark Ryan. A
Spectrum of Modes of Knowledge Sharing between Agents. Sixth
International Workshop on Agent Theories Architectures and Languages
(ATAL-99), pages 13-26, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- Malte Plath and Mark Ryan, A
Feature Construct for Promela. In SPIN'98 -- Proceedings of the
4th SPIN workshop, November 1998.
- M. Plath and M. Ryan, Plug
and Play Features, 28pp, Fifth International Workshop on
Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems,
IOS Press, 1998.
- A. Lomuscio and M. Ryan. Model
refinement and model checking for S5n. Proceedings of the
ECAI-98 Workshop on Practical Reasoning and Rationality, Brighton
(UK), 1998.
- A. Lomuscio and M. Ryan. Ideal
agents sharing (some!) knowledge. In Proceedings of ECAI-98,
13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. John Wiley
& Sons, 5pp, 1998.
- F. Miguel Dionisio, Stefan Brass, Mark Ryan and Udo W.
Lipeck, Hypothetical
Reasoning with Defaults. Workshop on Computational Aspects of
Nonmonotonic Reasoning-CNMR'98 (Held in conjunction with the Seventh
International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning), 1998
- A. Lomuscio and M. Ryan. On
the relation between Interpreted Systems and Kripke Models. Proceedings
of the AI97 Workshop on Theoretical and Practical Foundation of
Intelligent Agents and Agent-Oriented Systems, pages 46-59.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
- C. Baier, E. Clarke, V. Garmhausen-Hartonas, M.
Kwiatkowska, and M. Ryan, Symbolic
Model Checking for Probabilistic Processes. In ICALP'97, LNCS 1256,
pages 430-440. April 1997. (RAE2001)
- M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens. Counterfactuals
and updates as inverse modalities. Journal of Logic, Language
and Information, 6, pp. 123-146, 1997. (RAE2001).
- A. Lomuscio and M. Ryan. A note on the
relation between Interpreted Systems and Kripke Models. 2nd
Workshop on Practical Reasoning and Rationality, Manchester, April.
- A. Lomuscio and M. Ryan. Combining
Logics for Multi-Agent systems (Abstract). ModelAge'97,
Proceedings of the Esprit WG Workshop. Siena, January.
- M. d'Inverno, M. Fisher, A. Lomuscio,
M. Luck, M. de Rijke, M. Ryan and M. Wooldridge. Formalisms for
multi-agent systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 12:3,
1997, 315-321.
- M. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens. Intertranslating
counterfactuals and updates. In W. Wahlster, editor, 12th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), pages 100--104. John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1996.
- A. S. Guerra and M. Ryan. Feature- and object-oriented
specifications. In P.-Y. Schobbens, editor, ModelAge'96:
Proceedings of the Esprit WG Workshop, 1996.
- M. Ryan, P.-Y. Schobbens, and O. Rodrigues.
Counterfactuals and updates as inverse modalities. In Y. Shoham,
editor, TARK'96: Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and
Knowledge, pages 163--173. Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
- A. Finkelstein, M. Ryan, and G. Spanoudakis. Software
package requirements and procurement. In Proc. 8th
International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-8).
IEEE CS Press, 1996.
- Riccardo Poli, Mark Ryan, and Aaron Sloman. A
new continuous propositional logic. In C. Pinto-Ferreira and N. J.
Mamede, editors, Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Seventh
Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA'95, volume
990 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 17--26,
- H. Andreka, M. D. Ryan, and P.-Y. Schobbens. Operators and
laws for combining preference relations. In R. J. Wieringa and R. B.
Feenstra, editors, Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability
(Selected Papers). World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995.
- M. D. Ryan, A. Sernadas, and C. Sernadas. Adjunctions
between default frameworks. In R. J. Wieringa and R. B. Feenstra,
editors, Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability (Selected
Papers). World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995.
- M. D. Ryan and P.-Y. Schobbens. Belief
revision and verisimilitude. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,
36(1), 1995.
- M. D. Ryan. Belief
revision and ordered theory presentations. In A. Fuhrmann and H.
Rott, editors, Logic, Action and Information. De Gruyter
Publishers, 1994. Also in Proc. Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium on Logic,
University of Amsterdam, 1991.
- M. D. Ryan. Prioritising
preference relations. In G.L. Burn, S.J. Gay, and M.D. Ryan,
editors, Theory and Formal Methods 1993: Proceedings of the First
Imperial College, Department of Computing, Workshop on Theory and
Formal Methods, Isle of Thorns Conference Centre, Chelwood Gate,
Sussex, UK, 29--31 March 1993. Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computer
- G. L. Burn, S. J. Gay, and M. D. Ryan, editors. Theory
and Formal Methods 1993: Proceedings of the First Imperial College,
Department of Computing, Workshop on Theory and Formal Methods,
Isle of Thorns Conference Centre, Chelwood Gate, Sussex, UK, 29--31
March 1993. Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computer Science.
- M. D. Ryan. Defaults
in specifications. In A. Finkelstein, editor, Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'93), pages
142--149, 1993.
- M. D. Ryan. Towards specifying norms. Annals of
Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 9:49--67, 1993.
- M. D. Ryan and M. R. Sadler. Valuation systems and
consequence relations. In S. Abramsky, D. Gabbay, and T. Maibaum,
editors, Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, volume 1.
Oxford University Press, 1992.
- M. D. Ryan, J. Fiadeiro, and T. Maibaum. Sharing
actions and attributes in modal action logic. In T. Ito and A.
Meyer, editors, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, pages
569--593. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 526, Springer Verlag, 1991.
- M. D. Ryan. Defaults
and revision in structured theories. In Proc. Sixth IEEE
Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), pages 362--373.
Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
- H. Fuks, M. Ryan, and M. Sadler. Outline of a commitment
logic for legal reasoning. In Proc 3rd International Conference on
Logics, Informatics and Law, volume 44, pages 167--207, 1990.