Chuangjie Xu 2011, with changes by Martin Escardo later.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Naturals.Addition where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (_+_)
open import Naturals.Properties

infixl 31 _+_

_+_ :     
n + 0 = n
n + (succ m) = succ (n + m)

_+ᴸ_ :     
m +ᴸ n = n + m


zero-right-neutral : (n : )  n + 0  n
zero-right-neutral n = refl

zero-left-neutral : (n : )  0 + n  n
zero-left-neutral = ℕ-induction base step
   base : 0 + 0  0
   base = refl

   step : (n : )  0 + n  n  0 + succ n  succ n
   step n IH = 0 + succ n   =⟨ refl 
               succ (0 + n) =⟨ ap succ IH 
               succ n       

addition-associativity : (l n m : )  (l + n) + m  l + (n + m)
addition-associativity l n = ℕ-induction base step
   base : (l + n) + 0  l + (n + 0)
   base = (l + n) + 0  =⟨ refl 
           l + n       =⟨ refl 
           l + (n + 0) 

   step : (m : )  (l + n) + m  l + (n + m)
                   (l + n) + succ m  l + (n + succ m)
   step m IH = (l + n) + succ m   =⟨ refl 
               succ ((l + n) + m) =⟨ ap succ IH 
               succ (l + (n + m)) =⟨ refl 
               l + succ (n + m)   =⟨ refl 
               l + (n + succ m)   

addition-commutativity : (n m : )  n + m  m + n
addition-commutativity n = ℕ-induction base step
   base : n + 0  0 + n
   base = n + 0 =⟨ zero-right-neutral n 
          n     =⟨ (zero-left-neutral n)⁻¹ 
          0 + n 

   step : (m : )  n + m  m + n  n + succ m  succ m + n
   step m IH = n + succ m   =⟨ refl 
               succ (n + m) =⟨ ap succ IH 
               succ (m + n) =⟨ lemma₀ (m + n) 
               1 + (m + n)  =⟨ (addition-associativity 1 m n)⁻¹ 
               (1 + m) + n  =⟨ ap (_+ n) ((lemma₀ m)⁻¹) 
               succ m + n   
      lemma₀ : (k : )  succ k  1 + k
      lemma₀ = ℕ-induction base₀ step₀
         base₀ : succ 0  1 + 0
         base₀ = refl

         step₀ : (k : )  succ k  1 + k  succ (succ k)  1 + succ k
         step₀ k IH = succ (succ k) =⟨ ap succ IH 
                      succ (1 + k)  =⟨ refl 
                      1 + succ k    

trivial-addition-rearrangement : (x y z : )  x + y + z  x + z + y
trivial-addition-rearrangement x y z =
  (x + y) + z =⟨ addition-associativity x y z 
  x + (y + z) =⟨ ap (x +_) (addition-commutativity y z) 
  x + (z + y) =⟨ (addition-associativity x z y)⁻¹ 
  (x + z) + y 


Added 12/05/2020 by Andrew Sneap.

Some more simple properties of addition. The proofs all use induction,
apart from addition-right-cancellable which follows from
addition-left-cancellable and commutativity of addition.


succ-right : (x y : )  x + succ y  succ (x + y)
succ-right x y = refl

succ-left : (x y : )  succ x + y  succ (x + y)
succ-left x = ℕ-induction base step
  base : succ x + 0  succ (x + 0)
  base = succ x + 0   =⟨ refl         
         succ x       =⟨ ap succ refl 
         succ (x + 0) 

  step : (k : )
        succ x + k  succ (x + k)
        succ x + succ k  succ (x + succ k)
  step k IH = succ x + succ k     =⟨ refl       
              succ (succ x + k)   =⟨ ap succ IH 
              succ (succ (x + k)) =⟨ refl       
              succ (x + succ k)   

addition-left-cancellable : (x y z : )  z + x  z + y  x  y
addition-left-cancellable x y = ℕ-induction base step
  base : 0 + x  0 + y  x  y
  base h = x      =⟨ zero-left-neutral x ⁻¹ 
           0 + x  =⟨ h                      
           0 + y  =⟨ zero-left-neutral y    

  step : (k : )
        (k + x       k + y       x  y)
        (succ k + x  succ k + y  x  y)
  step k IH r = IH (succ-lc (lemma₁ r))
    lemma₁ : succ k + x  succ k + y  succ (k + x)  succ (k + y)
    lemma₁ r = succ (k + x)           =⟨ succ-left k x ⁻¹ 
               succ k + x             =⟨ r                
               succ k + y             =⟨ succ-left k y    
               succ (k + y) 

addition-right-cancellable : (x y z : )  x + z  y + z  x  y
addition-right-cancellable x y z r = addition-left-cancellable x y z lemma₀
  lemma₀ : z + x  z + y
  lemma₀ = z + x      =⟨ addition-commutativity z x 
           x + z      =⟨ r                          
           y + z      =⟨ addition-commutativity y z 
           z + y 


We also have that if the sum of two numbers are zero, then the right
argument is zero. The left argument is zero, which can be proved using
commutativity of addition. This function is needed in the HCF file.


sum-to-zero-gives-zero : (x y : )  x + y  0  y  0
sum-to-zero-gives-zero x 0        e = refl
sum-to-zero-gives-zero x (succ y) e = 𝟘-elim (positive-not-zero (x + y) e)
