Jon Sterling, started 24th March 2023 Based on the comments of Martín Escardó on the HoTT Mailing List: This module defines a "semistrict" version of the identity type, i.e. one for which the composition is definitionally associative and unital but for which the interchange laws are weak. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module UF.SemistrictIdentity where open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.Base open import UF.Equiv open import UF.FunExt open import UF.IdentitySystems module _ {A : 𝓤 ̇ } where _=s_ : (x y : A) → 𝓤 ̇ x =s y = (z : A) → z = x → z = y refl-s : {x : A} → x =s x refl-s z p = p _∙s_ : {x y z : A} (p : x =s y) (q : y =s z) → x =s z (p ∙s q) _ = q _ ∘ p _ infixl 10 _∙s_ module _ {x y : A} (p : x =s y) where refl-s-left-unit : refl-s ∙s p = p refl-s-left-unit = refl refl-s-right-unit : p ∙s refl-s = p refl-s-right-unit = refl module _ {u v w x : A} (p : u =s v) (q : v =s w) (r : w =s x) where ∙s-assoc : p ∙s (q ∙s r) = (p ∙s q) ∙s r ∙s-assoc = refl module _ {x y : A} where to-=s : x = y → x =s y to-=s p z q = q ∙ p from-=s : x =s y → x = y from-=s p = p _ refl module _ (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) where to-=s-is-equiv : is-equiv to-=s pr₁ (pr₁ to-=s-is-equiv) = from-=s pr₂ (pr₁ to-=s-is-equiv) q = dfunext fe λ z → dfunext fe (lem z) where lem : (z : A) (p : z = x) → p ∙ q x refl = q z p lem .x refl = refl-left-neutral pr₁ (pr₂ to-=s-is-equiv) = from-=s pr₂ (pr₂ to-=s-is-equiv) refl = refl to-=s-equiv : (x = y) ≃ (x =s y) pr₁ to-=s-equiv = to-=s pr₂ to-=s-equiv = to-=s-is-equiv =s-id-sys : funext 𝓤 𝓤 → Unbiased-Id-Sys 𝓤 A =s-id-sys fe = _=s_ (to-=s-equiv fe) \end{code}