Martin Escardo
The type of truth values and its basic notions and properties. More
notions and properties are in UF.SubtypeClassifier-Properties.
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module UF.SubtypeClassifier where
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Notation.CanonicalMap
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
Ω : ∀ 𝓤 → 𝓤 ⁺ ̇
Ω 𝓤 = Σ P ꞉ 𝓤 ̇ , is-prop P
Ω₀ = Ω 𝓤₀
_holds : Ω 𝓤 → 𝓤 ̇
(P , i) holds = P
module _ {𝓤 : Universe} where
canonical-map-Ω-𝓤 : Canonical-Map (Ω 𝓤) (𝓤 ̇ )
ι {{canonical-map-Ω-𝓤}} = _holds
holds-is-prop : (p : Ω 𝓤) → is-prop (p holds)
holds-is-prop (P , i) = i
to-Ω-= : funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ {P Q : 𝓤 ̇ }
{i : is-prop P} {j : is-prop Q}
→ P = Q
→ (P , i) =[ Ω 𝓤 ] (Q , j)
to-Ω-= fe = to-subtype-= (λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe)
from-Ω-= : {P Q : 𝓤 ̇ }
{i : is-prop P} {j : is-prop Q}
→ (P , i) =[ Ω 𝓤 ] (Q , j)
→ P = Q
from-Ω-= = ap _holds
SigmaΩ : {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe} (p : Ω 𝓤) (q : p holds → Ω 𝓥) → Ω (𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥)
SigmaΩ p q = (Σ h ꞉ p holds , q h holds) ,
Σ-is-prop (holds-is-prop p) (λ (h : p holds) → holds-is-prop (q h))
syntax SigmaΩ p (λ x → q) = ΣΩ x ꞉ p , q
infixr -1 SigmaΩ
⊥ ⊤ : Ω 𝓤
⊥ = 𝟘 , 𝟘-is-prop
⊤ = 𝟙 , 𝟙-is-prop
⊥-doesnt-hold : ¬ (⊥ {𝓤} holds)
⊥-doesnt-hold = 𝟘-elim
⊤-holds : ⊤ {𝓤} holds
⊤-holds = ⋆
⊥-is-not-⊤ : ⊥ {𝓤} ≠ ⊤ {𝓤}
⊥-is-not-⊤ b = 𝟘-elim (𝟘-is-not-𝟙 (ap _holds b))
not : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀ → Ω 𝓤 → Ω 𝓤
not fe (P , i) = (¬ P , negations-are-props fe)
true-gives-equal-⊤ : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) (i : is-prop P)
→ P → (P , i) = ⊤
true-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe P i p = to-Σ-= (holds-gives-equal-𝟙 pe P i p ,
being-prop-is-prop fe _ _)
holds-gives-equal-⊤ : propext 𝓤 → funext 𝓤 𝓤 → (p : Ω 𝓤) → p holds → p = ⊤
holds-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe (P , i) = true-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe P i
equal-⊤-gives-holds : (p : Ω 𝓤) → p = ⊤ → p holds
equal-⊤-gives-holds .⊤ refl = ⋆
equal-⊥-gives-not-equal-⊤ : (fe : Fun-Ext)
(pe : propext 𝓤)
(p : Ω 𝓤)
→ p = ⊥
→ not fe p = ⊤
equal-⊥-gives-not-equal-⊤ fe pe p r = γ
s : p holds = 𝟘
s = ap _holds r
t : ¬ (p holds) = 𝟙
t = ap ¬_ s ∙ not-𝟘-is-𝟙 fe pe
γ : not fe p = ⊤
γ = to-subtype-= (λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe) t
false-gives-equal-⊥ : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) (i : is-prop P)
→ ¬ P → (P , i) = ⊥
false-gives-equal-⊥ pe fe P i f =
to-Ω-= fe (pe i 𝟘-is-prop (λ p → 𝟘-elim (f p)) 𝟘-elim)
fails-gives-equal-⊥ : propext 𝓤 → funext 𝓤 𝓤 → (p : Ω 𝓤) → ¬ (p holds) → p = ⊥
fails-gives-equal-⊥ pe fe (P , i) = false-gives-equal-⊥ pe fe P i
equal-⊥-gives-fails : (p : Ω 𝓤) → p = ⊥ → ¬ (p holds)
equal-⊥-gives-fails .⊥ refl = 𝟘-elim
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤ : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) (i : is-prop P)
→ is-decidable P
→ ((P , i) = ⊤)
+ ((P , i) = ⊥)
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤ pe fe P i (inl p) =
inl (true-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe P i p)
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤ pe fe P i (inr ν) =
inr (false-gives-equal-⊥ pe fe P i ν)
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤' : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ (p : Ω 𝓤)
→ is-decidable (p holds)
→ (p = ⊤)
+ (p = ⊥)
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤' pe fe p =
decidable-truth-values-are-⊥-or-⊤ pe fe (p holds) (holds-is-prop p)
not-equal-⊤-gives-equal-⊥ : (fe : Fun-Ext)
(pe : propext 𝓤)
(p : Ω 𝓤)
→ not fe p = ⊤
→ p = ⊥
not-equal-⊤-gives-equal-⊥ fe pe p r = γ
f : (not fe p) holds
f = Idtofun (ap _holds r ⁻¹) ⋆
t : p holds = 𝟘
t = empty-types-are-=-𝟘 fe pe f
γ : p = ⊥
γ = to-subtype-= (λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe) t
different-from-⊤-gives-equal-⊥ : (fe : Fun-Ext)
(pe : propext 𝓤)
(p : Ω 𝓤)
→ p ≠ ⊤
→ p = ⊥
different-from-⊤-gives-equal-⊥ fe pe p ν = II
I : ¬ (p holds)
I = contrapositive (holds-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe p) ν
II : p = ⊥
II = false-gives-equal-⊥ pe fe (p holds) (holds-is-prop p) I
equal-⊤-gives-true : (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) (i : is-prop P) → (P , i) = ⊤ → P
equal-⊤-gives-true P hp r = f ⋆
s : 𝟙 = P
s = (ap pr₁ r)⁻¹
f : 𝟙 → P
f = transport id s
Ω-extensionality : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ {p q : Ω 𝓤}
→ (p holds → q holds)
→ (q holds → p holds)
→ p = q
Ω-extensionality pe fe {p} {q} f g =
to-Ω-= fe (pe (holds-is-prop p) (holds-is-prop q) f g)
Ω-extensionality' : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ {p q : Ω 𝓤}
→ (p holds ≃ q holds)
→ p = q
Ω-extensionality' pe fe {p} {q} 𝕗 =
Ω-extensionality pe fe ⌜ 𝕗 ⌝ ⌜ 𝕗 ⌝⁻¹
Ω-ext : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ {p q : Ω 𝓤}
→ (p = ⊤ → q = ⊤)
→ (q = ⊤ → p = ⊤)
→ p = q
Ω-ext pe fe {P , i} {Q , j} f g = III
I : P → Q
I x = equal-⊤-gives-true Q j (f (true-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe P i x))
II : Q → P
II y = equal-⊤-gives-true P i (g (true-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe Q j y))
III : P , i = Q , j
III = Ω-extensionality pe fe I II
Ω-ext' : propext 𝓤
→ funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ {p q : Ω 𝓤}
→ (p = ⊤) ≃ (q = ⊤)
→ p = q
Ω-ext' pe fe 𝕗 = Ω-ext pe fe ⌜ 𝕗 ⌝ ⌜ 𝕗 ⌝⁻¹
Ω-discrete-gives-EM : funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ propext 𝓤
→ ((p q : Ω 𝓤) → is-decidable (p = q))
→ (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-prop P → P + ¬ P
Ω-discrete-gives-EM {𝓤} fe pe δ P i = f (δ p q)
p q : Ω 𝓤
p = (P , i)
q = (𝟙 , 𝟙-is-prop)
f : is-decidable (p = q) → P + ¬ P
f (inl e) = inl (equal-𝟙-gives-holds P (ap pr₁ e))
f (inr ν) = inr (λ (x : P) → ν (to-subtype-=
(λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe)
(holds-gives-equal-𝟙 pe P i x)))
Without excluded middle, we have that:
no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ : funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ propext 𝓤
→ ¬ (Σ p ꞉ Ω 𝓤 , (p ≠ ⊥) × (p ≠ ⊤))
no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe ((P , i) , (f , g)) = φ u
u : ¬ P
u h = g l
l : (P , i) = ⊤
l = Ω-extensionality pe fe unique-to-𝟙 (λ _ → h)
φ : ¬¬ P
φ u = f l
l : (P , i) = ⊥
l = Ω-extensionality pe fe (λ p → 𝟘-elim (u p)) unique-from-𝟘
no-three-distinct-propositions : funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ propext 𝓤
→ ¬ has-three-distinct-points (Ω 𝓤)
no-three-distinct-propositions fe pe ((p , q , r) , u , v , w) = XI
I : p ≠ ⊥
I a = no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe (q , II , III)
II : q ≠ ⊥
II b = u (a ∙ b ⁻¹)
III : q ≠ ⊤
III c = no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe (r , IV , V)
IV : r ≠ ⊥
IV d = w (d ∙ a ⁻¹)
V : r ≠ ⊤
V e = v (c ∙ e ⁻¹)
VI : p ≠ ⊤
VI a = no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe (q , VII , X)
VII : q ≠ ⊥
VII b = no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe (r , VIII , IX)
VIII : r ≠ ⊥
VIII c = v (b ∙ c ⁻¹)
IX : r ≠ ⊤
IX d = w (d ∙ a ⁻¹)
X : q ≠ ⊤
X e = u (a ∙ e ⁻¹)
XI : 𝟘
XI = no-truth-values-other-than-⊥-or-⊤ fe pe (p , I , VI)
The above function was added 19th March 2021.
The above implies that if Fin n is embedded in Ω 𝓤, then n ≤ 2. That
is, every finite subset of Ω has at most two elements. See the module
Added 3rd September 2023.
no-three-distinct-propositions' : funext 𝓤 𝓤
→ propext 𝓤
→ (p₀ p₁ q : Ω 𝓤) → p₀ ≠ q → p₁ ≠ q → ¬ (p₀ ≠ p₁)
no-three-distinct-propositions' fe pe p₀ p₁ q ν₀ ν₁ ν =
no-three-distinct-propositions fe pe ((p₀ , q , p₁) , (ν₀ , ≠-sym ν₁ , ≠-sym ν))