Jon Sterling, 25th March 2023.

Proof of Cantor's theorem stated for embeddings from the powerset of A
onto A. This proof uses function extensionality, propositional
extensionality, and propositional resizing. Our argument follows
Taylor's Practical Foundations of Mathematics, via the nLab:

This applies Cantor's theorem for surjections, proved in


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Various.CantorTheoremForEmbeddings where

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.Base
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Size
open import Various.LawvereFPT
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open retract-version

 : FunExt
  (A : 𝓤 ̇ )
  (ϕ : (A  Ω₀)  A)
  ¬ is-embedding ϕ
cantor-theorem-for-embeddings {𝓤} fe pe psz A ϕ ϕ-emb =
 cantor-theorem (fe _ _) A retr retr-has-section

  retr-large : A  (A  Ω (𝓤₀   𝓤))
  pr₁ (retr-large a b) = Π U  (A  Ω₀) , (ϕ U  a  U b holds)
  pr₂ (retr-large a b) =
   Π-is-prop (fe _ _) λ U 
   Π-is-prop (fe _ _) λ _ 
   holds-is-prop (U b)

  retr : A  (A  Ω₀)
  pr₁ (retr a b) =
   resize psz
    (retr-large a b holds)
    (holds-is-prop (retr-large a b))
  pr₂ (retr a b) =
   resize-is-prop psz
    (retr-large a b holds)
    (holds-is-prop (retr-large a b))

  retr-has-section : has-section· retr
  pr₁ retr-has-section U = ϕ U
  pr₂ retr-has-section U a =
   to-Σ-= (lem·0 , being-prop-is-prop (fe 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀) _ _)
    fwd : retr-large (ϕ U) a holds  U a holds
    fwd p = p U refl

    bwd : U a holds  retr-large (ϕ U) a holds
    bwd p V q =
       W  W a holds)
      (embeddings-are-lc ϕ ϕ-emb q)

    lem·0 : resize psz (retr-large (ϕ U) a holds) _  U a holds
    lem·0 =
     pe 𝓤₀
      (resize-is-prop psz _ _)
      (holds-is-prop (U a))
      (fwd  from-resize psz _ _)
      (to-resize psz _ _  bwd)
