Ettore Aldrovandi ealdrovandi@fsu.edu
Keri D'Angelo kd349@cornell.edu
July 1, 2021
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import Groups.Type renaming (_≅_ to _≣_)
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-Properties
We define the trivial group (in the universe $𝓤$) giving the trivial
group structure to the one-point type in the universe.
module Groups.Triv where
triv : Group 𝓤
triv = 𝟙 , (group-structure-t ,
is-set-t ,
(associative-t ,
(unit-t , (left-neutral-t , right-neutral-t , inv-t))))
group-structure-t : group-structure 𝟙
group-structure-t = λ x y → ⋆
is-set-t : is-set 𝟙
is-set-t = props-are-sets (𝟙-is-prop)
associative-t : associative (group-structure-t)
associative-t = λ x y z → refl
unit-t : 𝟙
unit-t = ⋆
left-neutral-t : left-neutral unit-t group-structure-t
left-neutral-t = λ { * → refl}
right-neutral-t : right-neutral unit-t group-structure-t
right-neutral-t = λ { * → refl}
inv-t = λ x → ⋆ , (refl , refl)
The trivial group is initial and terminal in the obvious sense.
triv-initial : ∀ {𝓤 𝓥} → (G : Group 𝓤) → ⟨ triv {𝓥} ⟩ → ⟨ G ⟩
triv-initial G = λ _ → e⟨ G ⟩
triv-initial-is-hom : ∀ {𝓤 𝓥} → (G : Group 𝓤) → (is-hom (triv {𝓥}) G (triv-initial G))
triv-initial-is-hom G = e⟨ G ⟩ =⟨ (unit-left G e⟨ G ⟩) ⁻¹ ⟩
e⟨ G ⟩ ·⟨ G ⟩ e⟨ G ⟩ ∎
triv-terminal : (G : Group 𝓤) → (⟨ G ⟩ → ⟨ triv {𝓥} ⟩)
triv-terminal G = unique-to-𝟙
triv-terminal-is-hom : (G : Group 𝓤) → (is-hom G (triv {𝓥}) (triv-terminal G))
triv-terminal-is-hom G = refl
If the underlying type of $G$ is contractible then $G$ is isomorphic
to the trivial group. Note that it is not necessary to assume the
center of contraction is the identity.
group-is-singl-is-triv : (G : Group 𝓤) → is-singleton ⟨ G ⟩ → G ≣ (triv {𝓤})
pr₁ (group-is-singl-is-triv G is) = triv-terminal G
pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv G is))) = triv-initial G , λ { * → refl}
pr₂ (pr₁ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv G is))) = (triv-initial G) , λ x → p ∙ (pr₂ is x)
c : ⟨ G ⟩
c = pr₁ is
p : e⟨ G ⟩ = c
p = (pr₂ is e⟨ G ⟩) ⁻¹
pr₂ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv G is)) {x} {y} = triv-terminal-is-hom G {x} {y}
group-is-singl-is-triv' : (G : Group 𝓤) → is-singleton ⟨ G ⟩ → (triv {𝓤}) ≣ G
pr₁ (group-is-singl-is-triv' G is) = triv-initial G
pr₁ (pr₁ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv' G is))) = (triv-terminal G) , λ x → p ∙ (pr₂ is x)
c : ⟨ G ⟩
c = pr₁ is
p : e⟨ G ⟩ = c
p = (pr₂ is e⟨ G ⟩) ⁻¹
pr₂ (pr₁ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv' G is))) = (triv-terminal G) , (λ { * → refl})
pr₂ (pr₂ (group-is-singl-is-triv' G is)) {x} {y} = triv-initial-is-hom G {x} {y}