
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Groups.index where

import Groups.Type            -- by [1]
import Groups.Subgroups       -- by [1], copied to this place by [3]
import Groups.Free            -- by [2]
import Groups.Large           -- by [2]
import Groups.Type-Supplement -- by [3]
import Groups.Aut             -- by [3]
import Groups.Cokernel        -- by [3]
import Groups.GroupActions    -- by [3]
import Groups.Homomorphisms   -- by [3]
import Groups.Image           -- by [3]
import Groups.Kernel          -- by [3]
import Groups.Opposite        -- by [3]
import Groups.Quotient        -- by [3]
import Groups.Symmetric       -- by [1]
import Groups.Torsors         -- by [3]
import Groups.Triv            -- by [3]


[1] Martin Escardo
[2] Bezem, Coquand, Dybjer and Escardo
[3] Ettore Aldrovandi and Keri D'Angelo