Chuangjie Xu, 2013

This corresponds to Section 3.2 of the paper


module Hierarchy where

open import MiniLibrary
open import Inequality
open import Sequence
open import UniformContinuity
open import Space
open import Space-product
open import Space-coproduct
open import Space-exponential
open import Space-discrete


If all maps ₂ℕ → ℕ are uniformly continuous, then so are all ₂ℕ → ₂.


UC-② : Set
UC-② = ∀(p : ₂ℕ  )  locally-constant p

UC-Ⓝ : Set
UC-Ⓝ = ∀(p : ₂ℕ  )  locally-constant p

UC-Ⓝ-to-UC-② : UC-Ⓝ  UC-②
UC-Ⓝ-to-UC-② ucN p = Lemma[LM-₂-least-modulus] p n pr2
  ₂-ℕ :   
  ₂-ℕ  = 0
  ₂-ℕ  = 1
  lemma : ∀(b b' : )  ₂-ℕ b  ₂-ℕ b'  b  b'
  lemma   refl = refl
  lemma   ()
  lemma   ()
  lemma   refl = refl
  n : 
  n = ∃-witness (ucN (₂-ℕ  p))
  prN : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n ] β  ₂-ℕ(p α)  ₂-ℕ(p β)
  prN = ∧-elim₀ (∃-elim (ucN (₂-ℕ  p)))
  pr2 : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n ] β  p α  p β
  pr2 α β en = lemma (p α) (p β) (prN α β en)


Type hierarchy:


data Ty : Set where
  : Ty
  : Ty
 _⊠_ : Ty  Ty  Ty
 _⇨_ : Ty  Ty  Ty


The full type hierarchy:


⟦_⟧s : Ty  Set
  ⟧s = 
  ⟧s = 
 σ  τ ⟧s =  σ ⟧s ×  τ ⟧s
 σ  τ ⟧s =  σ ⟧s   τ ⟧s


The Kleene-Kreisel hierarchy, via C-space manifestation:


⟦_⟧c : Ty  Space
  ⟧c = ₂Space
  ⟧c = ℕSpace
 σ  τ ⟧c =  σ ⟧c   τ ⟧c
 σ  τ ⟧c =  σ ⟧c   τ ⟧c


In this module, the double negation of function extensionality doesn't
seem to be sufficient. Hense we use the full one as a hypothesis, to
show the following:

(1) Probes on the spaces in the Kleene-Kreisel hierarchy are

(2) If two continuous maps in the Kleene-Kreisel hierarchy are
    pointwise equal, the they are identical morphisms.


open import not-not-funext

Lemma[LC-hprop]' : Funext  {X : Set}  hset X  ∀(p : ₂ℕ  X)  (lc₀ lc₁ : LC p)  lc₀  lc₁
Lemma[LC-hprop]' funext hsX p (n₀ , (pr₀ , min₀)) (n₁ , (pr₁ , min₁)) = Lemma[≡-Σ] e ee
  e : n₀  n₁
  e = Lemma[m≤n∧n≤m→m=n] (min₀ n₁ pr₁) (min₁ n₀ pr₀)
  pr₀'min₀' :  (∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n₁ ] β  p α  p β)
              (∀(n' : )  (∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n' ] β  p α  p β)  n₁  n')
  pr₀'min₀' = transport e (∧-intro pr₀ min₀)
  pr₀' : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n₁ ] β  p α  p β
  pr₀' α β en = ∧-elim₀ pr₀'min₀' α β en
  eepr : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  (en : α ≣[ n₁ ] β)  pr₀' α β en  pr₁ α β en
  eepr α β en = hsX (p α) (p β) (pr₀' α β en) (pr₁ α β en)
  epr : pr₀'  pr₁
  epr = funext  α  funext  β  funext  en  eepr α β en)))
  min₀' : ∀(n' : )  (∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n' ] β  p α  p β)  n₁  n'
  min₀' = ∧-elim₁ pr₀'min₀'
  eemin : ∀(n' : )  (pr' : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ n' ] β  p α  p β)  min₀' n' pr'  min₁ n' pr'
  eemin n' pr' = Lemma[≤-hprop] (min₀' n' pr') (min₁ n' pr')
  emin : min₀'  min₁
  emin = funext  n'  funext  pr'  eemin n' pr'))
  ee : (pr₀' , min₀')  (pr₁ , min₁)
  ee = Lemma[≡-∧] epr emin

Lemma[probe-hprop] : Funext  (σ : Ty)  (p : ₂ℕ  U  σ ⟧c)  (pσ₀ pσ₁ : p  Probe  σ ⟧c)  pσ₀  pσ₁
Lemma[probe-hprop] funext  p p2₀ p2₁ = Lemma[LC-hprop]' funext ₂-hset p p2₀ p2₁
Lemma[probe-hprop] funext  p pN₀ pN₁ = Lemma[LC-hprop]' funext ℕ-hset p pN₀ pN₁
Lemma[probe-hprop] funext (σ  τ) r rστ₀ rστ₁ = Lemma[≡-∧] IHσ IHτ
  IHσ : π₀ rστ₀  π₀ rστ₁
  IHσ = Lemma[probe-hprop] funext σ (π₀  r) (π₀ rστ₀) (π₀ rστ₁)
  IHτ : π₁ rστ₀  π₁ rστ₁
  IHτ = Lemma[probe-hprop] funext τ (π₁  r) (π₁ rστ₀) (π₁ rστ₁)
Lemma[probe-hprop] funext (σ  τ) r rστ₀ rστ₁ = goal
  IH : ∀(p : ₂ℕ  U  σ ⟧c)  ( : p  Probe  σ ⟧c)  ∀(t : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  (uc : t  C) 
       rστ₀ p  t uc  rστ₁ p  t uc
  IH p  t uc = Lemma[probe-hprop] funext τ  α  (π₀  r)(t α)(p α)) (rστ₀ p  t uc)
                                                                        (rστ₁ p  t uc)
  goal : rστ₀  rστ₁
  goal = funext  p  funext    funext  t  funext  uc  IH p  t uc))))

Lemma[≡-Map] : Funext  ∀(X : Space)  ∀(σ : Ty)  ∀(f g : Map X  σ ⟧c) 
               (∀(x : U X)  π₀ f x  π₀ g x)  f  g
Lemma[≡-Map] funext X σ (f , cf) (g , cg) ex = Lemma[≡-Σ] e₀ e₁
  e₀ : f  g
  e₀ = funext ex
  cg' : continuous {X} { σ ⟧c} g
  cg' = transport {U X  U  σ ⟧c} {continuous {X} { σ ⟧c}} e₀ cf
  ee₁ : ∀(p : ₂ℕ  U X)  (pX : p  Probe X)  cg' p pX  cg p pX
  ee₁ p pX = Lemma[probe-hprop] funext σ (g  p) (cg' p pX) (cg p pX)
  e₁ : cg'  cg
  e₁ = funext  p  funext  pX  ee₁ p pX))


The main lemma says that if UC holds then all spaces in the
Kleene-Kreisel hierarchy are indiscrete, in the sense that all maps
from cantor space are probes.

Notice that this doesn't depend on function extensionality.


indiscrete : Space  Set
indiscrete X = ∀(p : ₂ℕ  U X)  p  Probe X

Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] : UC-Ⓝ  ∀(σ : Ty)  indiscrete  σ ⟧c
Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN  = UC-Ⓝ-to-UC-② ucN
Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN  = ucN
Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN (σ  τ) = λ p  IHσ (π₀  p) , IHτ (π₁  p)
  IHσ : indiscrete  σ ⟧c
  IHσ = Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN σ
  IHτ : indiscrete  τ ⟧c
  IHτ = Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN τ
Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN (σ  τ) = λ r p _ t _  IHτ  α  π₀(r(t α))(p α))
  IHτ : indiscrete  τ ⟧c
  IHτ = Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN τ


If UC holds for types, then the full type and Kleene-Kreisel
hierarchies agree.


_≅_ : Set  Set  Set
X  Y =  \(f : X  Y)   \(g : Y  X) 
           (∀(x : X)  g(f x)  x)  (∀(y : Y)  f(g y)  y)

Theorem[UC-KK-full] : Funext  UC-Ⓝ  ∀(σ : Ty)   σ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c
Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN  = id , id ,  x  refl) ,  y  refl)
Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN  = id , id ,  x  refl) ,  y  refl)
Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN (σ  τ) = f , g , ex , ey
  IHσ :  σ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c
  IHσ = Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN σ
   :  σ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c
   = π₀ IHσ
   : U  σ ⟧c   σ ⟧s
   = π₀ (π₁ IHσ)
  exσ : ∀(x :  σ ⟧s)    ( x)  x
  exσ = π₀ (π₁ (π₁ IHσ))
  eyσ : ∀(y : U  σ ⟧c)  ( y)  y
  eyσ = π₁ (π₁ (π₁ IHσ))
  IHτ :  τ ⟧s  U  τ ⟧c
  IHτ = Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN τ
   :  τ ⟧s  U  τ ⟧c
   = π₀ IHτ
   : U  τ ⟧c   τ ⟧s
   = π₀ (π₁ IHτ)
  exτ : ∀(x :  τ ⟧s)    ( x)  x
  exτ = π₀ (π₁ (π₁ IHτ))
  eyτ : ∀(y : U  τ ⟧c)  ( y)  y
  eyτ = π₁ (π₁ (π₁ IHτ))
  f :  σ ⟧s ×  τ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c × U  τ ⟧c
  f (x , x') = ( x ,  x')
  g : U  σ ⟧c × U  τ ⟧c   σ ⟧s ×  τ ⟧s
  g (y , y') = ( y ,  y')
  ex : ∀(x :  σ ⟧s ×  τ ⟧s)  g(f x)  x
  ex (x , x') = Lemma[≡-∧] (exσ x) (exτ x')
  ey : ∀(y : U  σ ⟧c × U  τ ⟧c)  f(g y)  y
  ey (y , y') = Lemma[≡-∧] (eyσ y) (eyτ y')
Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN (σ  τ) = f , g , ex , ey
  IHσ :  σ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c
  IHσ = Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN σ
   :  σ ⟧s  U  σ ⟧c
   = π₀ IHσ
   : U  σ ⟧c   σ ⟧s
   = π₀ (π₁ IHσ)
  exσ : ∀(x :  σ ⟧s)    ( x)  x
  exσ = π₀ (π₁ (π₁ IHσ))
  eyσ : ∀(y : U  σ ⟧c)  ( y)  y
  eyσ = π₁ (π₁ (π₁ IHσ))
  IHτ :  τ ⟧s  U  τ ⟧c
  IHτ = Theorem[UC-KK-full] funext ucN τ
   :  τ ⟧s  U  τ ⟧c
   = π₀ IHτ
   : U  τ ⟧c   τ ⟧s
   = π₀ (π₁ IHτ)
  exτ : ∀(x :  τ ⟧s)    ( x)  x
  exτ = π₀ (π₁ (π₁ IHτ))
  eyτ : ∀(y : U  τ ⟧c)  ( y)  y
  eyτ = π₁ (π₁ (π₁ IHτ))
  f : ( σ ⟧s   τ ⟧s)  U( σ ⟧c   τ ⟧c)
  f φ =   φ   , λ p _  Lemma[UC-implies-indiscreteness] ucN τ (  φ    p)
  g : U( σ ⟧c   τ ⟧c)   σ ⟧s   τ ⟧s
  g (ψ , _) =   ψ  
  ex : ∀(φ :  σ ⟧s   τ ⟧s)  g(f φ)  φ
  ex φ = funext claim
    claim : ∀(x :  σ ⟧s)  g (f φ) x  φ x
    claim x = trans e₀ e₁
      e₀ : ((φ(( x))))  ((φ x))
      e₀ = ap (    φ) (exσ x)
      e₁ : ((φ x))  φ x
      e₁ = exτ (φ x)
  ey : ∀(ψ : U( σ ⟧c   τ ⟧c))  f(g ψ)  ψ
  ey ψ = Lemma[≡-Map] funext  σ ⟧c τ (f(g ψ)) ψ claim
    claim : ∀(y : U  σ ⟧c)  π₀ (f (g ψ)) y  π₀ ψ y
    claim y = trans e₀ e₁
      e₀ : ((π₀ ψ (( y))))  ((π₀ ψ y))
      e₀ = ap (    (π₀ ψ)) (eyσ y)
      e₁ : ((π₀ ψ y))  π₀ ψ y
      e₁ = eyτ (π₀ ψ y)
