Chuangjie Xu 2012

This corresponds to part of Section 2 of the paper


module Space-cantor where

open import MiniLibrary
open import Sequence
open import Inequality
open import UniformContinuity
open import Space
open import Space-discrete
open import Space-exponential
open import not-not


The Cantor space ₂ℕ with the monoid C form a C-space, which
is isomorphic to the exponential ℕSpace ⇒ ₂Space.


Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] : (r : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  r  C 
      \(φ : ₂ℕ  U (ℕSpace  ₂Space))  φ  Probe (ℕSpace  ₂Space)
Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] r ucr = ∃-intro φ prf
  φ : ₂ℕ  U (ℕSpace  ₂Space)
  φ α = r α , Lemma[discrete-ℕSpace] {₂Space} (r α)
  prf : ∀(p : ₂ℕ  )  p  LC  ∀(t : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  t  C 
          α  (π₀  φ)(t α)(p α))  LC
  prf p ucp t uct = Lemma[LM-₂-least-modulus] q l pr
    q : ₂ℕ  
    q α = (π₀  φ)(t α)(p α)
    m : 
    m = ∃-witness ucp
    f : ₂Fin m  
    f s = p (cons s )
    eq : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α  f (take m α)
    eq α = ∧-elim₀ (∃-elim ucp) α (cons (take m α) ) (Lemma[cons-take-≣[]] m α )
    k' : 
    k' = ∃-witness (max-fin f)
    k'-max : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α  k'
    k'-max α = transport {}  i  i  k'} (sym (eq α)) (∃-elim (max-fin f) (take m α))
    k : 
    k = succ k'
    k-max : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  p α < k
    k-max α = ≤-succ (k'-max α)
    ucrt : uniformly-continuous-₂ℕ (r  t)
    ucrt = Lemma[∘-UC] r ucr t uct
    n : 
    n = ∃-witness (ucrt k)
    l : 
    l = maximum m n
    m≤l : m  l
    m≤l = ∧-elim₀ (Lemma[≤-max] m n)
    n≤l : n  l
    n≤l = ∧-elim₁ (Lemma[≤-max] m n)
    pr : ∀(α β : ₂ℕ)  α ≣[ l ] β  r(t α)(p α)  r(t β)(p β)
    pr α β awl = transport {}  i  r(t α)(p α)  r(t β) i} eqp subgoal
      awm : α ≣[ m ] β
      awm = Lemma[≣[]-≤] awl m≤l
      eqp : p α  p β
      eqp = ∧-elim₀ (∃-elim ucp) α β awm
      awn : α ≣[ n ] β
      awn = Lemma[≣[]-≤] awl n≤l
      awk : r (t α) ≣[ k ] r (t β)
      awk = ∧-elim₀ (∃-elim (ucrt k)) α β awn
      subgoal : r(t α)(p α)  r(t β)(p α)
      subgoal = Lemma[≣[]-<] awk (p α) (k-max α)


In particular, the identity map is also a probe.


ID : ₂ℕ  U(ℕSpace  ₂Space)
ID = ∃-witness (Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] id Lemma[id-UC])

Lemma[ID-[≡]] : ∀(α : U (ℕSpace  ₂Space))  [ α  ID (π₀ α) ]
Lemma[ID-[≡]] α = Lemma[Map-₂] ℕSpace α (ID (π₀ α))  n  refl)

ID-is-a-probe : ID  Probe(ℕSpace  ₂Space)
ID-is-a-probe = ∃-elim (Lemma[₂ℕ→₂ℕ-to-₂ℕ→ℕ⇒₂] id Lemma[id-UC])


As the underlining category C contains only one object, the
Yoneda lemma equivalently says that the set of continuous maps
from the Yoneda embedding to any C-space is isomorphic to the
C-topology of that space.


Lemma[Yoneda] : ∀{X : Space}  Map (ℕSpace  ₂Space) X 
                  \(p : ₂ℕ  U X)  p  Probe X
Lemma[Yoneda] (f , cts) = (f  ID) , (cts ID ID-is-a-probe)
