Chuangjie Xu, 2012

This corresponds to part of Section 2 of the paper


module Space-exponential where

open import MiniLibrary
open import Sequence
open import UniformContinuity
open import Space
open import not-not

infixr 3 _⇒_

_⇒_ : Space  Space  Space
P  Q = Map P Q , R , rc₀ , rc₁ , rc₂ , rc₃
  R : Subset(₂ℕ  Map P Q)
  R r = ∀(p : ₂ℕ  U P)  p  Probe P  ∀(t : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  t  C 
          α  (π₀  r)(t α)(p α))  Probe Q

  rc₀ : ∀(r : ₂ℕ  Map P Q)  constant r  r  R
  rc₀ r cr p pP t uct = cond₃ Q ((π₀(r ))  p)  α  (π₀  r)(t α)(p α)) claim₀ claim₁
    claim₀ : (π₀(r ))  p  Probe Q
    claim₀ = π₁(r ) p pP
    claim₁ : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  [ π₀(r )(p α)  (π₀  r) (t α) (p α) ]
    claim₁ α = hide (fun-ap (ap π₀ (cr  (t α))) (p α))

  rc₁ : ∀(t : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ)  t  C  ∀(r : ₂ℕ  Map P Q)  r  R  r  t  R
  rc₁ t uc r rR p pP t' uc' = rR p pP (t  t') (Lemma[∘-UC] t uc t' uc')

  rc₂ : ∀(r : ₂ℕ  Map P Q) 
         ( \(n : )  ∀(s : ₂Fin n)  (r  (cons s))  R)  r  R
  rc₂ r ex p pP t uc = cond₂ Q  α  (π₀  r)(t α)(p α)) (∃-intro n' prf)
    n : 
    n = ∃-witness ex
    ps : ∀(s : ₂Fin n)  (r  (cons s))  R
    ps = ∃-elim ex
    n' : 
    n' = ∃-witness (Axiom[coverage] n t uc)
    prf : ∀(s' : ₂Fin n')   α  (π₀  r)(t(cons s' α))(p(cons s' α)))  Probe Q
    prf s' = cond₃ Q  α  (π₀  r)(cons s'' (t'' α))(p(cons s' α)))
                      α  (π₀  r)(t (cons s' α))(p(cons s' α)))
                     claim₀ claim₁
      s'' : ₂Fin n
      s'' = ∃-witness (∃-elim (Axiom[coverage] n t uc) s')
      t'' : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ
      t'' = ∃-witness (∃-elim (∃-elim (Axiom[coverage] n t uc) s'))
      uct'' : t''  C
      uct'' = ∧-elim₀ (∃-elim (∃-elim (∃-elim (Axiom[coverage] n t uc) s')))
      eq : [ t  (cons s')  (cons s'')  t'' ]
      eq = ∧-elim₁ (∃-elim (∃-elim (∃-elim (Axiom[coverage] n t uc) s')))
      ps'inP : (p  (cons s'))  Probe P
      ps'inP = cond₁ P (cons s') (Lemma[cons-UC] s') p pP
      claim₀ :  α  (π₀  r)(cons s'' (t'' α))(p(cons s' α)))  Probe Q
      claim₀ = ps s'' (p  (cons s')) ps'inP t'' uct''
      claim₁ : ∀(α : ₂ℕ)  [ (π₀  r)(cons s'' (t'' α))(p(cons s' α)) 
                             (π₀  r)(t(cons s' α))(p(cons s' α)) ]
      claim₁ α = [ap]  x  (π₀  r)(x α)(p(cons s' α))) ([sym] eq)

  rc₃ : ∀(r r' : ₂ℕ  Map P Q)  r  R  ((α : ₂ℕ)  [ r α  r' α ])  r'  R
  rc₃ r r' rR ex p pP t uct = cond₃ Q  α  (π₀  r)(t α)(p α))
                                       α  (π₀  r')(t α)(p α))
                                      (rR p pP t uct)
                                       α  [fun-ap] ([ap] π₀ (ex (t α))) (p α))
