Chuangjie Xu, 2013

This corresponds to part of Section 4.2 of the paper

The behaviour of the Fan functional is expressed in T by the
following skolemization of UC:

    f : (Ⓝ ⇨ ②) ⇨ Ⓝ , α : Ⓝ ⇨ ② , β : Ⓝ ⇨ ②

    α ≣[ FAN f ] β →→ f α == f β


module Validation-of-fan where

open import MiniLibrary
open import Sequence
open import Space
open import Space-product
open import Space-exponential
open import Space-discrete
open import not-not
open import Inequality
open import UniformContinuity
open import Fan
open import T
open import C-interpretation-of-T


The interpretation of T formulas:


〔_〕 : {n : }{Γ : Cxt n}  Fml Γ  U  Γ   Set
 M == N  ρ = π₀  M  ρ  π₀  N  ρ
 φ ∧∧ ψ  ρ = ( φ  ρ) × ( ψ  ρ)
 φ →→ ψ  ρ = ( φ  ρ)  ( ψ  ρ)


The "agree with" function in T is defined as a ②-valued function, using the
recursor and the following two auxiliary functions, EQ and MIN.

EQ returns ⊤ iff the two input booleans are equal. And eq is the set
interpretation of EQ


EQ : {n : }{Γ : Cxt n}  Tm Γ   Tm Γ   Tm Γ 
EQ B₀ B₁ = IF  (IF      B₁)  B₁  B₀

eq :     
eq b₀ b₁ = if (if   b₁) b₁ b₀

Lemma[eq] : (b₀ b₁ : )  eq b₀ b₁    b₀  b₁
Lemma[eq]   refl = refl
Lemma[eq]   ()
Lemma[eq]   ()
Lemma[eq]   refl = refl


MIN returns the minimal one of the two input booleans. And min is the set
interpretation of MIN.


MIN : {n : }{Γ : Cxt n}  Tm Γ   Tm Γ   Tm Γ 
MIN B₀ B₁ = IF    B₁  B₀

min :     
min b₀ b₁ = if  b₁ b₀

Lemma[min] : (b₀ b₁ : )  min b₀ b₁    b₀    b₁  
Lemma[min]   ()
Lemma[min]   ()
Lemma[min]   ()
Lemma[min]   refl = ∧-intro refl refl


Instead of arbitrary sequences, we define "agree with" function only for the two
sequences (variables) A and B in the context

  Γ  ≡  F : (Ⓝ ⇨ ②) ⇨ Ⓝ , A : Ⓝ ⇨ ② , B : Ⓝ ⇨ ②.


ν₀ : {n : }{Γ : Cxt (succ n)} 
     Tm Γ (Γ  zero )
ν₀ = VAR zero
ν₁ : {n : }{Γ : Cxt (succ (succ n))} 
     Tm Γ (Γ  succ zero )
ν₁ = VAR (succ zero)
ν₂ : {n : }{Γ : Cxt (succ (succ (succ n)))} 
     Tm Γ (Γ  succ (succ zero) )
ν₂ = VAR (succ (succ zero))
ν₃ : {n : }{Γ : Cxt (succ (succ (succ (succ n))))} 
     Tm Γ (Γ  succ (succ (succ zero)) )
ν₃ = VAR (succ (succ (succ zero)))

Γ : Cxt 3
Γ = ε  ((  )  )  (  )  (  )

F : Tm Γ ((  )  )
F = ν₂

N : Tm Γ 
N = FAN  F

A B : Tm Γ (  )
A = ν₁
B = ν₀


A' and B' are the weakening of sequences A and B.


A' B' : Tm (Γ    ) (  )
A' = ν₃
B' = ν₂


The "agree with" function for the two sequences A and B.
If they are equal up to the first N positions, then A≣[N]B is ⊤.


A≣[N]B : Tm Γ 
A≣[N]B = REC    (LAM (LAM (MIN (EQ (A'  ν₁) (B'  ν₁)) ν₀)))  N


C-spaces validate the theorem that if the sequences A and B are equal up to the
first N positions, then the applications F A and F B are equal.


Theorem : ∀(ρ : U  Γ )   (A≣[N]B == ) →→ (F  A == F  B)  ρ
Theorem ρ EN = fan-behaviour f α β en
  f : Map (ℕSpace  ₂Space) ℕSpace
  f = π₀  F  ρ
  α β : Map ℕSpace ₂Space
  α = π₀  A  ρ
  β = π₀  B  ρ

  g :     
  g n b = π₀ (π₀ (π₀  LAM (LAM (MIN (EQ (A'  ν₁) (B'  ν₁)) ν₀))  ρ) n) b

  lemma : (k : )  rec  g k    π₀ α ≣[ k ] π₀ β
  lemma 0        refl = ≣[zero]
  lemma (succ k) esk  = ≣[succ] IH claim₁
    ek : rec  g k  
    ek = ∧-elim₁ (Lemma[min] (eq (π₀ α k) (π₀ β k)) (rec  g k)  esk)
    IH : π₀ α ≣[ k ] π₀ β
    IH = lemma k ek
    claim₀ : eq (π₀ α k) (π₀ β k)  
    claim₀ = ∧-elim₀ (Lemma[min] (eq (π₀ α k) (π₀ β k)) (rec  g k) esk)
    claim₁ : π₀ α k  π₀ β k
    claim₁ = Lemma[eq] (π₀ α k) (π₀ β k) claim₀

  -- By the above lemma and the assumption that 〔 A≣[N]B == ⊤ 〕 ρ ≡ ₁,
  -- the interpretations of the two sequences are equal up to the first ⟦ N ⟧ position.
  en : π₀ (π₀  A  ρ) ≣[ π₀  N  ρ ] π₀ (π₀  B  ρ)
  en = lemma (π₀  N  ρ) EN
