module AnInfiniteOmniscientSet where -- By Martin Escardo, 2 September 2011. -- -- This is a formal constructive proof in the sense of ML type theory, -- written in Agda notation. -- -- It is based on the author's paper -- --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Infinite sets that satisfy the principle of omniscience -- in all varieties of constructive mathematics --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- to be presented at the Types'2011 meeting in Bergen, Norway, -- September 8-11, -- -- Theorem-3·6 of that paper is proved in the module -- DrinkerParadox. This module derives the main corollary, the fact -- that the infinite set ℕ∞, defined in the module -- GenericConvergentSequence, satisfies the principle of omniscience. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- You can click at any word or symbol to navigate to the module that -- defines it in the html rendering of this set of agda modules. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The agda files are collected together at -- -- open import Logic open import Equality open import Naturals open import Two open import Cantor open import GenericConvergentSequence open import DrinkerParadox Theorem[ℕ∞-is-omniscient] : ------------------------------------ ∀(p : ₂ℕ → ₂) → extensional p → (∃ \(x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ ∧ p x ≡ ₀) ∨(∀ (x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ → p x ≡ ₁) ------------------------------------ Theorem[ℕ∞-is-omniscient] p extensionality-of-p = two-equality-cases case₀ case₁ where e : ∃ \(x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ ∧ (p x ≡ ₁ → ∀(y : ₂ℕ) → y ∈ ℕ∞ → p y ≡ ₁) e = Theorem-3·6 p extensionality-of-p x : ₂ℕ x = ∃-witness e m : x ∈ ℕ∞ m = ∧-elim₀(∃-elim e) case₀ : p x ≡ ₀ → (∃ \(x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ ∧ p x ≡ ₀) ∨ (∀ (x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ → p x ≡ ₁) case₀ r = ∨-intro₀(∃-intro x (∧-intro m r)) case₁ : p x ≡ ₁ → (∃ \(x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ ∧ p x ≡ ₀) ∨ (∀ (x : ₂ℕ) → x ∈ ℕ∞ → p x ≡ ₁) case₁ r = ∨-intro₁(∧-elim₁(∃-elim e) r)