module GenericConvergentSequence where

open import Logic
open import Equality
open import Naturals
open import Two
open import Cantor

-- Definition (The generic convergent sequence).
ℕ∞ : ₂ℕ  Ω
ℕ∞ x = ∀(i : )  x i  x(succ i)
-- We use x,y,z to range over ℕ∞ and α,β to range over ₂ℕ.

-- Definition (Set membership).
_∈_ : {X : Set}  X  (A : X  Ω)  Ω
x  A = A x

-- We now describe the elements of ℕ∞ explicitly.  The following is
-- the characteristic function of the (>) relation on ℕ, viewed in a
-- different way.

-- Definition (Embedding of ℕ into ℕ∞).
underline :   ₂ℕ
underline 0 i = 
underline (succ n) 0 = 
underline (succ n) (succ i) = underline n i

Lemma[underline-0] :
  ∀(n : )  underline n n  
Lemma[underline-0] 0 = refl
Lemma[underline-0] (succ n) = Lemma[underline-0] n

Lemma[underline-1] :
  ∀(n : )  underline(succ n) n  
Lemma[underline-1] 0 = refl
Lemma[underline-1] (succ n) = Lemma[underline-1] n

Lemma[underline[ℕ]⊆ℕ∞] :
  ∀(n : )  underline n  ℕ∞
Lemma[underline[ℕ]⊆ℕ∞] 0 i r = ⊥-elim(Lemma[b≡₁→b≠₀] r refl)
Lemma[underline[ℕ]⊆ℕ∞] (succ n) 0 r = refl
Lemma[underline[ℕ]⊆ℕ∞] (succ n) (succ i) r = Lemma[underline[ℕ]⊆ℕ∞] n i r

-- Definition (Infinity).
 : ₂ℕ
 = λ i  

Lemma[∞∈ℕ∞] :
Lemma[∞∈ℕ∞] i r = refl

Lemma[x0≡₀→x≣underline0] :
  ∀{x : ₂ℕ}  x  ℕ∞  x 0    x  underline 0
Lemma[x0≡₀→x≣underline0] {x} m base = by-induction
  by-induction : ∀(i : )  x i  
  by-induction 0 = base
  by-induction (succ i) =
    Lemma[[a≡₁→b≡₁]→b≡₀→a≡₀] (m i) (by-induction i)

-- Definition (Successor and predecessor functions on ℕ∞).

suc : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ
suc α 0  = 
suc α (succ n) = α n

prd : ₂ℕ  ₂ℕ
prd α n = α(succ n)

Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-suc] :
   (x : ₂ℕ)  x  ℕ∞  suc x  ℕ∞
Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-suc] x f       0  = λ r  refl
Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-suc] x f (succ i) = f i

Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-prd] :
   {x : ₂ℕ}  x  ℕ∞  prd x  ℕ∞
Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-prd] {x} f  = f  succ

Lemma[prd∞=∞] :
Lemma[prd∞=∞] = refl

Lemma[prd∘suc=id] :
  prd  suc  id
Lemma[prd∘suc=id] = refl

-- Exercise: ∀ (n : ℕ) → suc(underline n) ≣ underline(succ n)

Lemma[xn≡₁→x[n+1]≡₀→x≣underline[n+1]] :
  ∀{x : ₂ℕ}  x  ℕ∞  ∀{n : } 
    x n    x(succ n)    x  underline(succ n)
Lemma[xn≡₁→x[n+1]≡₀→x≣underline[n+1]] {x} m {n} r s =
 by-induction n x m r s
  by-induction :  ∀(n : ) 
                  ∀(x : ₂ℕ)  x  ℕ∞ 
                    x n    x(succ n)    x  underline(succ n)
  by-induction 0 x m r s i = by-cases i
    by-cases : x  underline 1
    by-cases 0 = r
    by-cases (succ i) = by-nested-induction i
     where by-nested-induction : ∀(i : )  x(succ i)  
           by-nested-induction 0 = s
           by-nested-induction (succ i) =
            Lemma[[a≡₁→b≡₁]→b≡₀→a≡₀] (m (succ i)) (by-nested-induction i)
  by-induction (succ n) x m r s 0 = by-nested-induction (succ n) r
    by-nested-induction : ∀(n : )  x n    x 0  
    by-nested-induction 0 t = t
    by-nested-induction (succ n) t =
     by-nested-induction n (m n t)
  by-induction (succ n) x m r s (succ i) =
   by-induction n (prd x) (Lemma[ℕ∞-closed-under-prd] m) r s i

Lemma[ℕ∞∖underline[ℕ]⊆[∞]] :
  ∀(x : ₂ℕ)  x  ℕ∞ 
   (∀(n : )  ¬(x  underline n))  x  
Lemma[ℕ∞∖underline[ℕ]⊆[∞]] x m f = Lemma
  Lemma : ∀(n : )  x n  
  Lemma 0 = Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁] claim
    claim : x 0  
    claim r = f 0(Lemma[x0≡₀→x≣underline0] m r)
  Lemma (succ n) = Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁] claim
    IH : x n  
    IH = Lemma n

    claim : x(succ n)  
    claim r =
     f(succ n)(Lemma[xn≡₁→x[n+1]≡₀→x≣underline[n+1]] m IH r)

Lemma[density] :
  ∀(p : ₂ℕ  )  extensional p 
 (∀(n : )  p(underline n)  ) 
  ∀(x : ₂ℕ)  x  ℕ∞  p x  
Lemma[density] p extensionality-of-p f r x m = Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁] Lemma
  Claim : ∀(n : )  p x    ¬(x  underline n)
  Claim n = (contra-positive
               s  transitivity(extensionality-of-p s) (f n)))

  Claim' : p x    ∀(n : )  ¬(x  underline n)
  Claim' g n = Claim n g

  Claim-∞ : p x    ¬(x  )
  Claim-∞ = (contra-positive
               s  transitivity(extensionality-of-p s) r))

  Lemma : p x  
  Lemma t = (Claim-∞ t)(Lemma[ℕ∞∖underline[ℕ]⊆[∞]] x m (Claim' t))