Martin Escardo, 7 May 2015. This is a literate Agda file. Updated 2015, 2016, 2017 with promises made in 12 May 2015, and a few other minor things (Agda code and remarks), with precise dates given at the update points. Using Yoneda rather than J to present the identity type ------------------------------------------------------- Abstract. We take Yoneda as primitive and then construct J (based path induction) from Yoneda, so that its computation rule holds *definitionally*. This is intended to (1) try to explain the identity type to category theorists in familiar terms and (2) try to explain why "defining functions on refl" is enough for defining them on all paths to (pre HoTT/UF) type theorists. However, at the moment, this is addressed to HoTT/UF practitioners. Related work. Egbert Rijke formulated and proved the type-theoretical Yoneda Lemma in his master thesis under Andrej Bauer: (Section 2.8). This gives the construction J ↦ Yoneda. What we show here is the opposite construction Yoneda ↦ J. Remark. This is about HoTT/UF, but we don't use function extensionality, univalence, or any postulate (and we disable K). We work in MLTT with Π, Σ, Id, U. No other type is needed in this discussion. Brief introduction ------------------ Here by the Yoneda Lemma (or rather the Yoneda Construction) we mean a particular equivalence ((y : X) → x = y → A y) ≃ A x for any X:U, x:X, A:X→U. We regard a function with the lhs type as a natural transformation from Id x to A, and we write Nat (Id x) A ≃ A x. Regarding the type X as an ω-groupoid, its identity type is its Hom, and we write the above as Nat (Hom x) A ≃ A x, in more familiar categorical notation. We start from Yoneda, constructed by pattern matching on the identity path. There are only two definitions by pattern matching for this (and pattern matching on the identity path is not used anywhere else in this file). The use of pattern matching rather than J here is deliberate. The path-induction construction J itself is defined by pattern matching in Agda and in MLTT. Here we instead have Yoneda as primitive, defined by pattern matching. We then construct J (based path induction) from Yoneda, so that its computation rule holds *definitionally*. We could of course have used J to derive Yoneda, but we deliberately don't do that, to make the point that it is possible to present identity types via Yoneda rather than path induction J, and then derive J. But both Yoneda and path induction say essentially the same thing, although in significantly different ways, namely that to define something on all paths, it is enough to say what it does to the identity path. We can view path induction as an alternative, type theoretic, presentation of the categorical Yoneda Lemma. We don't advocate that one is better than the other. In fact, both are rather elegant, in different ways, and equally useful. For category theorists that like "just" explanations: Martin-Lӧf's J is just the Yoneda Lemma presented as an induction principle. See also Technical exposition -------------------- The elements of the universe U are called (homotopy) types and we regard them as ω-groupoids. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} module yoneda where open import NonStandardUniverseNotation \end{code} We let U, V, W range over universes. The Hom of an ω-groupoid is inductively defined under the traditional (homotopy) type-theoretic view, by specifying only the identity paths. This is justified by Yoneda. We perform this justification "synthetically". \begin{code} data Path {U : Universe} {X : U ̇} : X → X → U ̇ where idp : (x : X) → Path x x \end{code} The type x ≡ y is the hom type of paths from x to y, which is itself another ω-groupoid for every x,y:X. Traditional synonyms are the following: \begin{code} Id Hom _≡_ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → X → U ̇ Id = Path Hom = Path _≡_ = Path refl : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x : X} → Id x x refl {U} {X} {x} = idp x \end{code} We use all these notations in the following development, except 'refl' and 'Path' at this time. A "presheaf" on an ω-groupoid X is a function X → V into a universe V. It is automatically functorial in the synthetic approach (see the HoTT book). But (perhaps surprisingly) this is not needed here. Nat A B is the type of natural transformations of presheaves on the ω-groupoid X. The automatic naturality of an element of this type is discussed in the HoTT book, but (again perhaps surprisingly) it is not needed here. \begin{code} Nat : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} → (X → V ̇) → (X → W ̇) → U ⊔ V ⊔ W ̇ Nat A B = ∀ x → A x → B x \end{code} To avoid function extensionality, we work with the following notions of pointwise equality: \begin{code} Π : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} → (X → V ̇) → U ⊔ V ̇ Π A = ∀ x → A x _∼_ : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} → Π A → Π A → U ⊔ V ̇ f ∼ g = ∀ x → f x ≡ g x _≈_ : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} → Nat (Hom x) A → Nat (Hom x) A → U ⊔ V ̇ η ≈ θ = ∀ y → η y ∼ θ y \end{code} The following is defined as in the classical (i.e. non-synthetic) case, by applying the natural transformation to the identity: \begin{code} yoneda-elem : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} (A : X → V ̇) → Nat (Hom x) A → A x yoneda-elem {U} {V} {X} {x} A η = η x (idp x) \end{code} The first use of pattern matching on the identity path (out of two) is to define the (based) recursion principle Id-rec of the identity type former. Then the inverse of yoneda-elem amounts to Id-rec: \begin{code} Id-rec : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} (A : X → V ̇) → A x → (y : X) → x ≡ y → A y Id-rec _ a _ (idp x) = a yoneda-nat : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} (A : X → V ̇) → A x → Nat (Hom x) A yoneda-nat = Id-rec \end{code} And this is the second and last use of pattern matching on identity paths in this file: \begin{code} yoneda-lemma : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} (η : Nat (Hom x) A) → yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A η) ≈ η yoneda-lemma {U} {V} {X} {.x} {A} η x (idp .x) = idp (yoneda-elem A η) \end{code} We could use funext (twice) to get η ≡ yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A η). But we deliberately work in plain MLTT, and in fact in a very spartan subset of it as explained in the introduction. The other way round is trivial (it holds definitionally), and is the computation rule for the Yoneda Construction: \begin{code} yoneda-computation : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} (a : A x) → yoneda-elem A (yoneda-nat A a) ≡ a yoneda-computation = idp \end{code} The following is the HoTT synonym of yoneda-nat, with the arguments permuted: \begin{code} transport : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) {x y : X} → x ≡ y → A x → A y transport {U} {V} {X} A {x} {y} p a = yoneda-nat {U} {V} {X} {x} A a y p \end{code} The essence of the Yoneda Lemma is then that every natural transformation from Hom x to a presheaf A is a transport, or, equivalently, that every such natural transformation is recursively defined. \begin{code} transport-lemma : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} (η : Nat (Hom x) A) (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → transport A p (η x (idp x)) ≡ η y p transport-lemma = yoneda-lemma Id-rec-lemma : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} (η : Nat (Hom x) A) (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → Id-rec A (η x (idp x)) y p ≡ η y p Id-rec-lemma = yoneda-lemma \end{code} There are a number of special cases of interest. Path composition, inversion and application are defined from yoneda-nat (that is, from based path recursion or transport): \begin{code} source : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} → x ≡ y → X source {U} {X} {x} p = x target : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} → x ≡ y → X target {U} {X} {x} {y} p = y _∙_ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y z : X} → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z p ∙ q = yoneda-nat (Id (source p)) p (target q) q Id⁻¹ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → X → U ̇ Id⁻¹ x y = Id y x _⁻¹ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} → x ≡ y → y ≡ x p ⁻¹ = yoneda-nat (Id⁻¹ (source p)) (idp (source p)) (target p) p ap : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : V ̇} (f : X → A) {x y : X} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y ap f {x} {y} = yoneda-nat (λ y → f x ≡ f y) (idp (f x)) y \end{code} We now introduce the usual Agda notation for chains of equalities: \begin{code} _≡⟨_⟩_ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x {y z} : X) → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z _ ≡⟨ p ⟩ q = p ∙ q _∎ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) → x ≡ x _∎ = idp \end{code} The function yoneda-elem is left-cancellable in the following sense: \begin{code} yoneda-elem-lc : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {A : X → V ̇} (η θ : Nat (Hom x) A) → yoneda-elem A η ≡ yoneda-elem A θ → η ≈ θ yoneda-elem-lc {U} {V} {X} {x} {A} η θ q y p = η y p ≡⟨ (yoneda-lemma η y p)⁻¹ ⟩ yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A η) y p ≡⟨ ap (λ e → yoneda-nat A e y p) q ⟩ yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A θ) y p ≡⟨ yoneda-lemma θ y p ⟩ θ y p ∎ \end{code} As in the classical (i.e. non-synthetic) situation, we have that every natural transformation η of representable presheaves is pre-composition with a fixed morphism, that is, a path q in our case, namely name the yoneda element of η: \begin{code} yoneda-nat' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x {y} : X) → Hom x y → Nat (Hom y) (Hom x) yoneda-nat' x = yoneda-nat (Hom x) yoneda-elem' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x {y} : X) → Nat (Hom y) (Hom x) → Hom x y yoneda-elem' x = yoneda-elem (Hom x) yoneda-lemma' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x {y} : X) (η : Nat (Hom y) (Hom x)) (z : X) (p : y ≡ z) → (yoneda-elem' x η) ∙ p ≡ η z p yoneda-lemma' {U} {X} x {y} = yoneda-lemma {U} {U} {X} {y} {Hom x} yoneda-lemma'' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x {y} : X) (η : Nat (Hom y) (Hom x)) (z : X) (p : y ≡ z) → yoneda-nat' x (yoneda-elem' x η) z p ≡ η z p yoneda-lemma'' {U} {X} x {y} = yoneda-lemma {U} {U} {X} {y} {Hom x} \end{code} The above is a generalized version of the main lemma in Hedberg's Theorem: \begin{code} hedberg-lemma : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) (η : Nat (Hom x) (Hom x)) (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → (yoneda-elem' x η) ∙ p ≡ η y p hedberg-lemma x η y p = yoneda-lemma' x η y p \end{code} The following is an alternative construction of the identity type, using the identity type, where path composition becomes simply composition of natural transformations, and hence is definitionally associative with the identity path definitionally its (left and right) neutral element. \begin{code} Id' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → X → U ̇ Id' x y = Nat (Id y) (Id x) idp' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) → Id' x x idp' x y p = p _◦_ : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A B C : X → V ̇} → Nat B C → Nat A B → Nat A C θ ◦ η = λ y p → θ y (η y p) _∙'_ : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y z : X} → Id' x y → Id' y z → Id' x z _∙'_ = _◦_ -- Cheating (because we chase equivalences): _⁻¹' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} → Id' x y → Id' y x _⁻¹' {U} {X} {x} {y} η z p = yoneda-nat (Id⁻¹ z) p y (yoneda-elem (Id x) η) \end{code} To prove (idp x) ∙ p = p, we apply Yoneda to the identity natural transformation. Right neutrality holds definitionally. \begin{code} idp-left-neutral : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} {p : x ≡ y} → idp x ∙ p ≡ p idp-left-neutral {U} {X} {x} {y} {p} = yoneda-lemma (idp' x) y p idp-right-neutral : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) → p ≡ p ∙ (idp y) idp-right-neutral = idp \end{code} Another crucial particular case is when the presheaf A is constant with value B:U ̇. Then every natural tranformation η is constant with value yoneda-elem η. \begin{code} yoneda-const : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {B : V ̇} {x : X} (η : Nat (Hom x) (λ _ → B)) (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → yoneda-elem (λ _ → B) η ≡ η y p yoneda-const {X} {B} {x} η = yoneda-elem-lc (λ y p → yoneda-elem _ η) η (idp (yoneda-elem _ η)) \end{code} We now derive (based) path-induction, called J, from the Yoneda Construction. The idea is that J can be reduced to transport and "sigletons are contractible" (or the type of paths from a given point is contractible). We learned this reduction from Thierry Coquand. (Added 8 May 2015: See also To apply it in our situation, we need to prove that singletons are contractible from Yoneda, but we have already done our homework in yoneda-const. \begin{code} record Σ {U V : Universe} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) : U ⊔ V ̇ where constructor _,_ field pr₁ : X pr₂ : A pr₁ open Σ public _×_ : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ → U ̇ X × Y = Σ \(x : X) → Y paths-from : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → U ̇ paths-from x = Σ \y → x ≡ y is-center-of-contraction : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → X → U ̇ is-center-of-contraction X c = (x : X) → c ≡ x is-contr : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ is-contr X = Σ \(c : X) → is-center-of-contraction X c singletons-contractible : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x : X} → is-center-of-contraction (paths-from x) (x , idp x) singletons-contractible {U} {X} {x} (y , p) = yoneda-const η y p where η : Nat (Hom x) (λ _ → paths-from x) η y p = (y , p) J' : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (x : X) (B' : paths-from x → V ̇) → B' (x , idp x) → ∀ w → B' w J' x B' b w = yoneda-nat B' b w (singletons-contractible w) \end{code} Finally, based path induction then reduces to J' in the obvious way: \begin{code} uncurry : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} → ((y : X) → x ≡ y → V ̇) → (paths-from x → V ̇) uncurry B (y , p) = B y p J : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (x : X) (B : (y : X) → x ≡ y → V ̇) → B x (idp x) → (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → B y p J x B b y p = J' x (uncurry B) b (y , p) \end{code} The computation rule holds definitionally (and this amounts to yoneda-computation, which doesn't need to be mentioned, as it itself holds definitionally): \begin{code} J-computation : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {x : X} {B : (y : X) → x ≡ y → V ̇} (b : B x (idp x)) → J x B b x (idp x) ≡ b J-computation = idp \end{code} J constructed in this way has the following normal form reported by Agda: λ {U} {V} {X} x B b y p → Id-rec b (Id-rec (Id-rec (idp (Id-rec (x , idp x) p)) (yoneda-lemma (λ y p → x , idp x) y p)) (Id-rec (idp (Id-rec (x , idp x) p)) (yoneda-lemma (λ y p → y , p) y p))) Some generalities now (15th Nov 2017). Everything that follows is proved from the Yoneda machinery rather than J, for the sake of illustration. \begin{code} ⁻¹-involutive : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) → (p ⁻¹)⁻¹ ≡ p ⁻¹-involutive {U} {X} {x} {y} = yoneda-elem-lc (λ x p → (p ⁻¹)⁻¹) (λ x p → p) (idp(idp x)) y ⁻¹-contravariant : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) {z : X} (q : y ≡ z) → q ⁻¹ ∙ p ⁻¹ ≡ (p ∙ q)⁻¹ ⁻¹-contravariant {U} {X} {x} {y} p {z} = yoneda-elem-lc (λ z q → q ⁻¹ ∙ p ⁻¹) (λ z q → (p ∙ q) ⁻¹) idp-left-neutral z left-inverse : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) → p ⁻¹ ∙ p ≡ idp y left-inverse {U} {X} {x} {y} = yoneda-elem-lc (λ x p → p ⁻¹ ∙ p) (λ x p → idp x) (idp(idp x)) y right-inverse : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y : X} (p : x ≡ y) → idp x ≡ p ∙ p ⁻¹ right-inverse {U} {X} {x} {y} = yoneda-const (λ x p → p ∙ p ⁻¹) y \end{code} Associativity also follows from the Yoneda Lemma, again with the same proof method. Notice that we prove that two functions (in a context) are equal without using function extensionality: \begin{code} ext-assoc : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {z t : X} (r : z ≡ t) → (λ (x y : X) (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z) → (p ∙ q) ∙ r) ≡ (λ (x y : X) (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z) → p ∙ (q ∙ r)) ext-assoc {U} {X} {z} {t} = yoneda-elem-lc {U} {U} {X} {z} {λ - → (x y : X) (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z) → x ≡ - } (λ z r x y p q → p ∙ q ∙ r) (λ z r x y p q → p ∙ (q ∙ r)) (idp (λ x y p q → p ∙ q)) t \end{code} Then of course associativity of path composition follows: \begin{code} assoc : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y z t : X} (p : x ≡ y) (q : y ≡ z) (r : z ≡ t) → (p ∙ q) ∙ r ≡ p ∙ (q ∙ r) assoc {U} {X} {x} {y} p q r = ap (λ f → f x y p q) (ext-assoc r) cancel-left : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x y z : X} {p : x ≡ y} {q r : y ≡ z} → p ∙ q ≡ p ∙ r → q ≡ r cancel-left {U} {X} {x} {y} {z} {p} {q} {r} s = q ≡⟨ idp-left-neutral ⁻¹ ⟩ idp y ∙ q ≡⟨ ap (λ t → t ∙ q) ((left-inverse p)⁻¹) ⟩ (p ⁻¹ ∙ p) ∙ q ≡⟨ assoc (p ⁻¹) p q ⟩ p ⁻¹ ∙ (p ∙ q) ≡⟨ ap (λ t → p ⁻¹ ∙ t) s ⟩ p ⁻¹ ∙ (p ∙ r) ≡⟨ (assoc (p ⁻¹) p r)⁻¹ ⟩ (p ⁻¹ ∙ p) ∙ r ≡⟨ ap (λ t → t ∙ r) (left-inverse p) ⟩ idp y ∙ r ≡⟨ idp-left-neutral ⟩ r ∎ \end{code} Added 12 May 2015: Contractibility also arises as follows with the Yoneda Lemma. (see A representation of A:X→U ̇ is a given x:X together with a natural equivalence Π(y:X), x=y → A y (i.e. a y-indexed family of equivalences). Then a universal element of A is nothing but a center of contraction (x:X, a:A(x)) of the type Σ(x:X), A(x). So A:X→U ̇ is representable iff Σ(x:X), A(x) is contractible. Example. An interesting instance of this is the case where X is U ̇, B:U ̇ and A(C)=(B≃C), in which we get that A is representable iff the type Σ(C:U ̇), B≃C is contractible. But saying that, for any given B:U ̇, the above "presheaf" A is representable is the same as saying that U ̇ is univalent. Hence U ̇ is univalent = (Π(B : U ̇), contractible(Σ(C:U ̇), B≃C)). We don't develop this example in this version of these Agda notes. The Agda development of this has been added 5 Nov 2015 and 17 Nov 2017: \begin{code} from-Σ-Id : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) {σ τ : Σ A} → σ ≡ τ → Σ \(p : pr₁ σ ≡ pr₁ τ) → yoneda-nat A (pr₂ σ) (pr₁ τ) p ≡ pr₂ τ from-Σ-Id {U} {V} {X} A {x , a} {τ} p = yoneda-nat B (idp x , idp a) τ p where B : (τ : Σ A) → U ⊔ V ̇ B τ = Σ \(p : x ≡ pr₁ τ) → yoneda-nat A a (pr₁ τ) p ≡ pr₂ τ to-Σ-Id : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) {σ τ : Σ A} → (Σ \(p : pr₁ σ ≡ pr₁ τ) → yoneda-nat A (pr₂ σ) (pr₁ τ) p ≡ pr₂ τ) → σ ≡ τ to-Σ-Id {U} {X} A {x , a} {y , b} (p , q) = r where η : Nat (Hom x) (λ _ → Σ A) η y p = (y , yoneda-nat A a y p) yc : (x , a) ≡ (y , yoneda-nat A a y p) yc = yoneda-const η y p r : (x , a) ≡ (y , b) r = yoneda-nat (λ b → (x , a) ≡ (y , b)) yc b q is-universal-element : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) → Σ A → U ⊔ V ̇ is-universal-element A (x , a) = ∀ y (b : A y) → Σ \(p : x ≡ y) → yoneda-nat A a y p ≡ b ue-is-cc : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (σ : Σ A) → is-universal-element A σ → is-center-of-contraction (Σ A) σ ue-is-cc {U} {V} {X} {A} (x , a) u (y , b) = to-Σ-Id A ((u y) b) cc-is-ue : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} (A : X → V ̇) (σ : Σ A) → is-center-of-contraction (Σ A) σ → is-universal-element A σ cc-is-ue A (x , a) φ y b = from-Σ-Id A {x , a} {y , b} (φ(y , b)) \end{code} The following says that if the pair (x,a) is a universal element, then the natural transformation it induces (namely yoneda-nat {U} {X} {x} a) has a section and a retraction (which can be taken to be the same function), and hence is an equivalence. Here having a section or retraction is data not property: \begin{code} id : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → X id x = x _∘_ : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} {Z : W ̇} → (Y → Z) → (X → Y) → X → Z (g ∘ f) x = g(f x) has-section : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ has-section r = Σ \s → r ∘ s ∼ id has-retraction : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ has-retraction s = Σ \r → r ∘ s ∼ id is-equiv : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ is-equiv f = has-section f × has-retraction f _≃_ : ∀ {U V} → U ̇ → V ̇ → U ⊔ V ̇ X ≃ Y = Σ \(f : X → Y) → is-equiv f ideq : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → X ≃ X ideq X = id , ((id , idp) , (id , idp)) Eq : ∀ {U V} → U ̇ → V ̇ → U ⊔ V ̇ Eq = _≃_ universality-section : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (x : X) (a : A x) → is-universal-element A (x , a) → (y : X) → has-section(yoneda-nat A a y) universality-section {U} {V} {X} {A} x a u y = s y , φ y where s : Nat A (Hom x) s y b = pr₁ (u y b) φ : (y : X) (b : A y) → yoneda-nat A a y (s y b) ≡ b φ y b = pr₂ (u y b) \end{code} Actually, it suffices to just give the section, as shown next ( \begin{code} idemp-is-id : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {x : X} (η : Nat (Hom x) (Hom x)) (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → η y (η y p) ≡ η y p → η y p ≡ p idemp-is-id {U} {X} {x} η y p idemp = cancel-left ( η x (idp x) ∙ η y p ≡⟨ hedberg-lemma x η y (η y p) ⟩ η y (η y p) ≡⟨ idemp ⟩ η y p ≡⟨ (hedberg-lemma x η y p)⁻¹ ⟩ η x (idp x) ∙ p ∎ ) natural-section-is-equiv : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (x : X) (r : Nat (Hom x) A) → ((y : X) → has-section(r y)) → ((y : X) → is-equiv(r y)) natural-section-is-equiv {U} {V} {X} {A} x r hass = λ y → (hass y , hasr y) where s : Nat A (Hom x) s y = pr₁ (hass y) rs : {y : X} (a : A y) → r y (s y a) ≡ a rs {y} = pr₂ (hass y) η : (y : X) → x ≡ y → x ≡ y η y p = s y (r y p) idemp : (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → η y (η y p) ≡ η y p idemp y p = ap (s y) (rs (r y p)) η-is-id : (y : X) (p : x ≡ y) → η y p ≡ p η-is-id y p = idemp-is-id η y p (idemp y p) hasr : (y : X) → has-retraction(r y) hasr y = s y , η-is-id y \end{code} We are interested in this corollary: \begin{code} universality-equiv : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (x : X) (a : A x) → is-universal-element A (x , a) → (y : X) → is-equiv(yoneda-nat A a y) universality-equiv {U} {V} {X} {A} x a u = natural-section-is-equiv x (yoneda-nat A a) (universality-section x a u) \end{code} The converse is trivial: \begin{code} section-universality : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (x : X) (a : A x) → ((y : X) → has-section(yoneda-nat A a y)) → is-universal-element A (x , a) section-universality x a φ y b = pr₁(φ y) b , pr₂(φ y) b equiv-universality : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (x : X) (a : A x) → ((y : X) → is-equiv(yoneda-nat A a y)) → is-universal-element A (x , a) equiv-universality x a φ = section-universality x a (λ y → pr₁ (φ y)) \end{code} Next we show that a presheaf A is representable iff Σ A is contractible. \begin{code} _≊_ : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} → (X → V ̇) → (X → V ̇) → U ⊔ V ̇ A ≊ B = Σ \(η : Nat A B) → ∀ x → is-equiv(η x) is-representable : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → (X → U ̇) → U ̇ is-representable A = Σ \x → Id x ≊ A contr-is-repr : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {A : X → U ̇} → is-contr (Σ A) → is-representable A contr-is-repr {U} {X} {A} ((x , a) , cc) = g where g : Σ \(x : X) → Id x ≊ A g = x , (yoneda-nat A a , universality-equiv x a (cc-is-ue A (x , a) cc)) equiv-closed-under-∼ : ∀ {U} {X Y : U ̇} (f g : X → Y) → is-equiv f → g ∼ f → is-equiv g equiv-closed-under-∼ {U} {X} {Y} f g ((s , fs) , (r , rf)) peq = ((s , gs) , (r , rg)) where gs : (y : Y) → g(s y) ≡ y gs y = g (s y) ≡⟨ peq (s y) ⟩ f (s y) ≡⟨ fs y ⟩ y ∎ rg : (x : X) → r(g x) ≡ x rg x = r (g x) ≡⟨ ap r (peq x) ⟩ r (f x) ≡⟨ rf x ⟩ x ∎ is-repr→is-equiv-yoneda : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {A : X → U ̇} (x : X) (η : Nat (Id x) A) (y : X) → is-equiv (η y) → is-equiv (yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A η) y) is-repr→is-equiv-yoneda {U} {X} {A} x η y ise = equiv-closed-under-∼ (η y) (yoneda-nat A (yoneda-elem A η) y) ise (yoneda-lemma η y) repr-is-contr : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} {A : X → U ̇} → is-representable A → is-contr (Σ A) repr-is-contr {U} {X} {A} (x , (η , φ)) = g where σ : Σ A σ = x , yoneda-elem A η is-ue-σ : is-universal-element A σ is-ue-σ = equiv-universality x (yoneda-elem A η) (λ y → is-repr→is-equiv-yoneda x η y (φ y)) g : Σ \(σ : Σ A) → is-center-of-contraction (Σ A) σ g = σ , ue-is-cc σ is-ue-σ \end{code} Here are some further consequences: \begin{code} paths-from-contractible : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) → is-contr(paths-from x) paths-from-contractible x = ((x , idp x) , singletons-contractible) paths-to : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → X → U ̇ paths-to x = Σ \y → y ≡ x rc-is-c : ∀ {U} {X Y : U ̇} (r : X → Y) → has-section r → is-contr X → is-contr Y rc-is-c {U} {X} {Y} r (s , rs) (x , i) = r x , λ y → r x ≡⟨ ap r (i (s y)) ⟩ r (s y) ≡⟨ rs y ⟩ y ∎ pt-pf-equiv : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) → Σ \(f : paths-from x → paths-to x) → is-equiv f pt-pf-equiv {U} {X} x = f , ((g , fg) , (g , gf)) where f : paths-from x → paths-to x f (y , p) = y , (p ⁻¹) g : paths-to x → paths-from x g (y , p) = y , (p ⁻¹) fg : f ∘ g ∼ id fg (y , p) = ap (λ p → y , p) (⁻¹-involutive p) gf : g ∘ f ∼ id gf (y , p) = ap (λ p → y , p) (⁻¹-involutive p) paths-to-contractible : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} (x : X) → is-contr(paths-to x) paths-to-contractible x = rc-is-c (pr₁(pt-pf-equiv x)) (pr₁(pr₂((pt-pf-equiv x)))) (paths-from-contractible x) is-prop : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ is-prop X = (x y : X) → x ≡ y pcubp : ∀ {U} (X Y : U ̇) → is-prop X → is-prop Y → is-prop(X × Y) pcubp X Y i j (x , y) (x' , y') = to-Σ-Id (λ _ → Y) (i x x' , j (yoneda-nat (λ _ → Y) y x' (i x x')) y') c-is-p : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → is-contr X → is-prop X c-is-p {U} {X} (c , φ) x y = x ≡⟨ (φ x) ⁻¹ ⟩ c ≡⟨ φ y ⟩ y ∎ ic-is-p : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → (X → is-contr X) → is-prop X ic-is-p {U} {X} φ x = c-is-p (φ x) x is-embedding : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ is-embedding f = ∀ y → is-prop(Σ \x → y ≡ f x) is-embedding' : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ is-embedding' f = ∀ x x' → is-equiv (ap f {x} {x'}) embedding-embedding' : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} (f : X → Y) → is-embedding f → is-embedding' f embedding-embedding' {U} {V} {X} f ise = g where c : (x : X) → is-contr(Σ \(x' : X) → f x ≡ f x') c x = (x , idp (f x)) , ise (f x) (x , idp (f x)) g : (x x' : X) → is-equiv(ap f {x} {x'}) g x = universality-equiv x (idp (f x)) (cc-is-ue (λ x' → f x ≡ f x') (pr₁ (c x)) (pr₂ (c x))) embedding'-embedding : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} (f : X → Y) → is-embedding' f → is-embedding f embedding'-embedding {U} {V} {X} {Y} f ise = g where e : (x x' : X) → is-center-of-contraction (Σ \(x' : X) → f x ≡ f x') (x , idp (f x)) e x x' = ue-is-cc (x , idp (f x)) (equiv-universality x (idp (f x)) (ise x)) h : (x : X) → is-prop (Σ \(x' : X) → f x ≡ f x') h x σ τ = σ ≡⟨ (e x (pr₁ σ) σ)⁻¹ ⟩ (x , idp (f x)) ≡⟨ e x (pr₁ τ) τ ⟩ τ ∎ g : (y : Y) → is-prop (Σ \(x' : X) → y ≡ f x') g y (x , p) = transport (λ y → is-prop (Σ \(x' : X) → y ≡ f x')) (p ⁻¹) (h x) (x , p) \end{code} 9th Jun 2016: Then it also follows that Id : X → (X → U ̇) is an embedding (the Yoneda-embedding). In fact, the Id-fiber of A:X→U ̇ says that A is representable, which is equivalent to the contractibility of ΣA, which is a proposition. (Hence the injective types are the retracts of the exponential powers of the universe.) This works as follows in outline: If A : X → U ̇ then the Id-fiber of A is Σ \(x : X) → Id x ≡ A. If (x : X , p : Id x = A) is in the fiber, then ap Σ p : Σ (Id x) = Σ A, and hence, being equal to a contractible type, Σ A is contractible. Next we have (*) A x ≃ Nat (Id x) A (yoneda) = (y : Y) → Id x y → A y (definition) ≃ (y : Y) → Id x y ≃ A y (because Σ A is contractible (Yoneda corollary)) ≃ (y : Y) → Id x y ≡ A y (by univalence) ≃ Id x ≡ A (by function extensionality) Hence the type Σ \(x : X) → Id x ≡ A y is contractible, because Σ A is contractible, which shows that Id : X → (X → U) is an embedding. 2017: This relies on univalence. But less than that suffices (!topic/homotopytypetheory/bKti7krHM-c) First, Evan Cavallo showed that it is enough to assume funext and that the canonical map X ≡ Y → X ≃ Y is an embedding. Then, using this idea and the above proof outline, we further generalized this to assume that the canonical map X ≡ Y → (X → Y) is left-cancellable (which is much weaker than assuming that it is an embedding). This is what we record next (9th December 2017), using the original idea (*) in the weakened form discussed above. We have already defined is-embedding, and the next definition is equivalent, although we don't need to pause to show this. \begin{code} is-Embedding : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ is-Embedding f = ∀ y → is-prop(Σ \x → f x ≡ y) left-cancellable : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} → (X → Y) → U ⊔ V ̇ left-cancellable f = ∀ x x' → f x ≡ f x' → x ≡ x' lcccomp : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} {Z : W ̇} (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z) → left-cancellable f → left-cancellable g → left-cancellable (g ∘ f) lcccomp f g lcf lcg x x' = lcf x x' ∘ lcg (f x) (f x') \end{code} If the codomain of a left-cancellable function is a proposition, so is its domain. \begin{code} lcmtpip : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} (f : X → Y) → left-cancellable f → is-prop Y → is-prop X lcmtpip f lc i x x' = lc x x' (i (f x) (f x')) \end{code} We next consider sums and products of families of left-cancellable maps, which again give left-cancellable maps. \begin{code} NatΣ : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} {B : X → W ̇} → Nat A B → Σ A → Σ B NatΣ ζ (x , a) = (x , ζ x a) NatΣ-lc : ∀ {U V W} (X : U ̇) (A : X → V ̇) (B : X → W ̇) (ζ : Nat A B) → ((x : X) → left-cancellable(ζ x)) → left-cancellable(NatΣ ζ) NatΣ-lc X A B ζ ζ-lc (x , a) (y , b) pq = g where p : x ≡ y p = pr₁ (from-Σ-Id B pq) η : Nat (Hom x) B η = yoneda-nat B (ζ x a) q : η y p ≡ ζ y b q = pr₂ (from-Σ-Id B pq) θ : Nat (Hom x) A θ = yoneda-nat A a η' : Nat (Hom x) B η' y p = ζ y (θ y p) r : η' ≈ η r = yoneda-elem-lc η' η (idp (ζ x a)) r' : ζ y (θ y p) ≡ η y p r' = r y p s : ζ y (θ y p) ≡ ζ y b s = r' ∙ q t : θ y p ≡ b t = ζ-lc y (θ y p) b s g : x , a ≡ y , b g = to-Σ-Id A (p , t) NatΠ : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} {B : X → W ̇} → Nat A B → Π A → Π B NatΠ f g x = f x (g x) -- (S combinator from combinatory logic!) happly : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (f g : Π A) → f ≡ g → f ∼ g happly f g p x = ap (λ h → h x) p NatΠ-lc : ∀ {U V W} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} {B : X → W ̇} (f : Nat A B) → ((x : X) → left-cancellable(f x)) → (g g' : Π A) → NatΠ f g ≡ NatΠ f g' → g ∼ g' NatΠ-lc f flc g g' p x = flc x (g x) (g' x) (q x) where q : ∀ x → f x (g x) ≡ f x (g' x) q = happly (NatΠ f g) (NatΠ f g') p \end{code} Any section is left-cancellable, of course: \begin{code} section-lc : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : V ̇} (s : X → A) → has-retraction s → left-cancellable s section-lc {U} {V} {X} {Y} s (r , rs) x y p = (rs x)⁻¹ ∙ ap r p ∙ rs y \end{code} The function-extensionality principle in its univalent mathematics manifestation: \begin{code} FunExt : ∀ U V → U ′ ⊔ V ′ ̇ FunExt U V = {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (f g : Π A) → is-equiv (happly f g) ≃-funext : ∀ U V → FunExt U V → {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (f g : Π A) → (f ≡ g) ≃ ((x : X) → f x ≡ g x) ≃-funext U V fe f g = happly f g , fe f g funext : ∀ {U V} (fe : FunExt U V) {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (f g : Π A) → ((x : X) → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g funext fe f g = pr₁(pr₁(fe f g)) happly-funext : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (fe : FunExt U V) (f g : Π A) (h : f ∼ g) → happly f g (funext fe f g h) ≡ h happly-funext fe f g = pr₂(pr₁(fe f g)) happly-lc : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (fe : FunExt U V) (f g : Π A) → left-cancellable(happly f g) happly-lc fe f g = section-lc (happly f g) ((pr₂ (fe f g))) eqtofun : ∀ {U V} (X : U ̇) → Nat (Eq X) (λ (Y : V ̇) → X → Y) eqtofun X Y (f , _) = f idtoeq : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → Nat (Id X) (Eq X) idtoeq X = yoneda-nat (Eq X) (ideq X) idtofun : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → Nat (Id X) (λ Y → X → Y) idtofun X Y p = eqtofun X Y (idtoeq X Y p) idtofun' : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → Nat (Id X) (λ Y → X → Y) idtofun' X = yoneda-nat (λ Y → X → Y) id idtofun-agree : ∀ {U} (X : U ̇) → idtofun X ≈ idtofun' X idtofun-agree X = yoneda-elem-lc (idtofun X) (idtofun' X) (idp id) idtofun-is-equiv : ∀ {U} (X Y : U ̇) (p : X ≡ Y) → is-equiv(idtofun X Y p) idtofun-is-equiv X Y p = pr₂(idtoeq X Y p) \end{code} Id : X → (X → U) is left-cancellable: \begin{code} Id-lc : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → left-cancellable (Id {U} {X}) Id-lc {U} {X} x y p = idtofun (Id y y) (Id x y) (happly (Id y) (Id x) (p ⁻¹) y) (idp y) \end{code} The Id Embedding Lemma. The idea is to show that the type T := Σ \(x : X) → Id x ≡ A is a proposition by showing that there is a left-cancellable map from it to a proposition, namely the contractible type Σ A. \begin{code} Id-Embedding-Lemma : ∀ {U} → FunExt U U → FunExt U (U ′) → {X : U ̇} → ((x y : X) (A : X → U ̇) → left-cancellable (idtofun (Id x y) (A y))) → is-Embedding(Id {U} {X}) Id-Embedding-Lemma {U} fe fe' {X} iflc A (x₀ , p₀) = h (x₀ , p₀) where T = Σ \(x : X) → Id x ≡ A q : Σ (Id x₀) ≡ Σ A q = ap Σ p₀ c : is-contr(Σ A) c = yoneda-nat is-contr (paths-from-contractible x₀) (Σ A) q f₀ : (x : X) → Id x ≡ A → (y : X) → Id x y ≡ A y f₀ x = happly (Id x) A f₁ : (x : X) → ((y : X) → Id x y ≡ A y) → (y : X) → Id x y → A y f₁ x = NatΠ (λ y → idtofun (Id x y) (A y)) f₂ : (x : X) → Nat (Id x) A → A x f₂ x = yoneda-elem A f : (x : X) → Id x ≡ A → A x f x = f₂ x ∘ f₁ x ∘ f₀ x f₀-lc : (x : X) → left-cancellable(f₀ x) f₀-lc x = happly-lc fe' (Id x) A f₁-lc : (x : X) → left-cancellable(f₁ x) f₁-lc x = g where l : ∀ φ φ' → f₁ x φ ≡ f₁ x φ' → (x : X) → φ x ≡ φ' x l = NatΠ-lc (λ y → idtofun (Id x y) (A y)) (λ y → iflc x y A) g : ∀ φ φ' → f₁ x φ ≡ f₁ x φ' → φ ≡ φ' g φ φ' p = funext fe' φ φ' (l φ φ' p) f₂-lc : (x : X) → left-cancellable(f₂ x) f₂-lc x η η' p = funext fe η η' (λ y → funext fe (η y) (η' y) (l y)) where l : η ≈ η' l = yoneda-elem-lc η η' p f-lc : (x : X) → left-cancellable(f x) f-lc x = lcccomp (f₀ x) (f₂ x ∘ f₁ x) (f₀-lc x) (lcccomp (f₁ x) (f₂ x) (f₁-lc x) (f₂-lc x)) g : T → Σ A g = NatΣ f g-lc : left-cancellable g g-lc = NatΣ-lc X (λ x → Id x ≡ A) A f f-lc h : is-prop T h = lcmtpip g g-lc (c-is-p c) \end{code} The definition of a univalent universe and basic consequences: \begin{code} is-univalent : ∀ U → U ′ ̇ is-univalent U = (X Y : U ̇) → is-equiv(idtoeq X Y) eqtoid : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → (X Y : U ̇) → X ≃ Y → X ≡ Y eqtoid ua X Y = pr₁(pr₁(ua X Y)) idtoeq-eqtoid : ∀ {U} (ua : is-univalent U) → (X Y : U ̇) (e : X ≃ Y) → idtoeq X Y (eqtoid ua X Y e) ≡ e idtoeq-eqtoid ua X Y = pr₂(pr₁(ua X Y)) is-univalent-≃ : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → (X Y : U ̇) → (X ≡ Y) ≃ (X ≃ Y) is-univalent-≃ ua X Y = idtoeq X Y , ua X Y is-univalent-idtoeq-lc : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → (X Y : U ̇) → left-cancellable(idtoeq X Y) is-univalent-idtoeq-lc ua X Y = section-lc (idtoeq X Y) (pr₂ (ua X Y)) \end{code} The funext map is left-cancellable: \begin{code} funext-lc : ∀ {U V} {X : U ̇} {A : X → V ̇} (fe : FunExt U V) → (f g : Π A) → left-cancellable(funext fe f g) funext-lc fe f g = section-lc (funext fe f g) (happly f g , happly-funext fe f g) \end{code} The fact that idtofun is an equivalence is a proposition, assuming function extensionality: \begin{code} jip' : ∀ {U} (fe : FunExt U U) (X Y : U ̇) (p : X ≡ Y) → is-prop(is-equiv(idtofun X Y p)) jip' {U} fe X = J X B go -- Only use of J in this file (can we get rid of it?) where B : (Y : U ̇) → X ≡ Y → U ̇ B Y p = is-prop(is-equiv(idtofun X Y p)) A = Σ \(f : X → X) → f ≡ id a : is-prop A a = c-is-p (paths-to-contractible id) A' = Σ \(f : X → X) → f ∼ id η : (f : X → X) → f ∼ id → f ≡ id η f = funext fe f id η-lc : (f : X → X) → left-cancellable(η f) η-lc f = funext-lc fe f id h : A' → A h = NatΣ η h-lc : left-cancellable h h-lc = NatΣ-lc (X → X) (λ f → f ∼ id) (λ f → f ≡ id) η η-lc b : is-prop A' b = lcmtpip h h-lc a go : is-prop(A' × A') go = pcubp A' A' b b \end{code} Equivalences are propositions, assuming univalence (and function extensionality) (but also without the univalence assumption, although we don't bother): \begin{code} jip : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → FunExt U U → {X Y : U ̇} → (f : X → Y) → is-prop(is-equiv f) jip {U} ua fe {X} {Y} f ije = h ije where e : X ≃ Y e = (f , ije) p : X ≡ Y p = eqtoid ua X Y e f' : X → Y f' = idtofun X Y p h' : is-prop(is-equiv f') h' = jip' fe X Y p ije' : is-equiv f' ije' = idtofun-is-equiv X Y p e' : X ≃ Y e' = f' , ije' q : e' ≡ e q = idtoeq-eqtoid ua X Y e q₁ : f' ≡ f q₁ = ap pr₁ q h : is-prop(is-equiv f) h = yoneda-nat (λ f → is-prop(is-equiv f)) h' f q₁ \end{code} The map eqtofun is left-cancellable assuming univalence (and function extensionality, which is a consequence of univalence, but we don't bother): \begin{code} eqtofun-lc : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → FunExt U U → (X Y : U ̇) → left-cancellable(eqtofun X Y) eqtofun-lc ua fe X Y (f , jef) (g , jeg) p = go where q : yoneda-nat is-equiv jef g p ≡ jeg q = jip ua fe g (yoneda-nat is-equiv jef g p) jeg go : f , jef ≡ g , jeg go = to-Σ-Id is-equiv (p , q) \end{code} The map idtofun is left-cancellable assuming univalence (and funext): \begin{code} is-univalent-idtofun-lc : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → FunExt U U → (X Y : U ̇) → left-cancellable(idtofun X Y) is-univalent-idtofun-lc ua fe X Y = lcccomp (idtoeq X Y) (eqtofun X Y) (is-univalent-idtoeq-lc ua X Y) (eqtofun-lc ua fe X Y) \end{code} Univalence implies that the function Id_X : X → (X → U) is an embedding. \begin{code} UA-Id-embedding-Theorem : ∀ {U} → is-univalent U → FunExt U U → FunExt U (U ′) → {X : U ̇} → is-Embedding(Id {U} {X}) UA-Id-embedding-Theorem {U} ua fe fe' {X} = Id-Embedding-Lemma fe fe' (λ x y a → is-univalent-idtofun-lc ua fe (Id x y) (a y)) \end{code} Streicher's K-axiom: \begin{code} is-set : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ is-set X = {x y : X} → x ≡ y K : ∀ U → U ′ ̇ K U = (X : U ̇) → is-set X \end{code} Implies that istofun is left-cancellable: \begin{code} K-idtofun-lc : ∀ {U} → K (U ′) → {X : U ̇} (x y : X) (A : X → U ̇) → left-cancellable(idtofun (Id x y) (A y)) K-idtofun-lc {U} k {X} x y A p q r = k (Id (Id x y) (A y)) \end{code} The K axiom and function extensionality together imply that the function Id : X → (X → U) is an embedding. \begin{code} K-id-embedding-Theorem' : ∀ {U} → K (U ′) → FunExt U U → FunExt U (U ′) → {X : U ̇} → is-Embedding(Id {U} {X}) K-id-embedding-Theorem' {U} k fe fe' {X} = Id-Embedding-Lemma fe fe' (K-idtofun-lc k) \end{code} But actually function extensionality is not needed for this: K alone suffices. \begin{code} K-lc-e : ∀ {U V} → {X : U ̇} {Y : V ̇} (f : X → Y) → left-cancellable f → K V → is-Embedding f K-lc-e {U} {V} {X} {Y} f f-lc k y (x , p) (x' , p') = to-Σ-Id (λ x → f x ≡ y) (r , q) where r : x ≡ x' r = f-lc x x' (p ∙ (p' ⁻¹)) q : yoneda-nat (λ x → f x ≡ y) p x' r ≡ p' q = k (Id (f x') y) K-id-embedding-Theorem : ∀ {U} → K (U ′) → {X : U ̇} → is-Embedding(Id {U} {X}) K-id-embedding-Theorem {U} k {X} = K-lc-e Id Id-lc k \end{code} Here are the needed precedences for the above code to parse correctly: \begin{code} infixl 4 _,_ infixl 5 _∘_ infix 4 _∼_ infix 1 _≡_ infix 3 _⁻¹ infixl 2 _∙_ infix 1 _∎ infixr 0 _≡⟨_⟩_ \end{code}