Dr Rami Bahsoon's Profile
|Contact||Profile|| Research Lab| |Publications| |Teaching|
Brief Background
I am Reader in Distributed and Autonomous Software Engineering at the School of Computer Science, the Universityof Birmingham, UK. Previously, I was Senior Lecturerin Software Engineering(~Associate Professor) and Lecturer in Software Engineering(~Assistant Professor) at the school. I am founding member of the Birmingham Distributed, Autonomous and Intelligent Software Engineering Group, and previously the The Birmingham Software Engineering Research Group and the Cloud Software Engineering "interest group" at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham. I am also an active member of The Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications(CERCIA), member of the The Birmingham Security and Privacy Center and the newly established Birmingham Centre on Responsible AI. During my sabbatical year in 2018, I was visiting researcher at the Software Engineering group at the University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (March 2018), visiting scientist at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University, USA (June-August 2018) and was the 2018 Melbourne School of Engineering (MSE) Visiting Fellow at the Cloud and Distributed Systems lab of The School of Computing and Information Systems, the University of Melbourne(August to Nov 2018). I am Associate Editor for IEEE Software and Editor of the Wiley Software Practice and Experience. Between Jan 2006 and Dec 2007, I held a lectureship post in Software Engineering and acted as the PhD tutor for Computer Science at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Aston University. During my stay at Aston, I originated the Aston MSc in IT Project Management, a joint offering between Computer Science, Aston Business School and Engineering Management programmes. Between 2001 and 2005, I was a member of the Software Systems Engineering group, Dept of Computer Science, University College London and a member of London Software Systems (a joint UCL-Imperial College London Software Engineering programmes) working towards a PhD in Software Engineering. During my PhD, I was awarded a London Business School (LBS)-UCL fellowship to attend LBS for MBA-level studies in new communications industries, technology strategy and strategy dynamics. I was also an online tutor for the Open Distance Learning Unit of the Dept. of Computer Science, Queen's Mary, University of London during my PhD. I hold BS and MS in Computer Science (Software Engineering), from the Lebanese American University, Beirut. I am a member of IEEE, ACM and an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
See my academic genealogy
- Doctor of Philosophy(PhD), Dept. of Computer Science, University College London(UCL), U. of London, UK. Thesis title: Evaluating Architectural Stability with Real Options Theory. Supervisors: Prof Wolfgang Emmerich and Prof Anthony Finkelstein. PhD Awarded 2006.
- MS in Computer Science, School of Arts & Sciences, Dept of Computer Science & Mathematics, Lebanese American University, Beirut. Thesis Title: Reduction-based methods and metrics for selective regression testing. Advisor: Prof. Nashat Mansour. MS Awarded 2000.
- BS in Computer Science, School of Arts & Sciences, Dept of Computer Science & Mathematics, Lebanese American University, Beirut. Thesis Title: Studies on the environment and geography of Lebanon using GIS. BS Awarded 1997.
- MBA-level Fellowship(focus on Business Foundation Skills, New Communication Industries, Technology Strategy and Strategy Dynamics). London Business School(LBS), Spring 2003-Fall 2005, London, UK.
Research Interests in Brief
My research expertise lies within the area of Distributed Software Engineering with intersection to Economics and Computation. I conduct research in economics-driven software engineering; software architectures(architecture evaluation, self-*, self-aware and autonomic architectures, architectural level testing, architecture stability and evolution; software architectures for ultra-large systems and emerging paradigms(e.g., cloud, IoT); economics-driven software architecting etc.); self-adaptive and managed software engineering; software engineering for cloud, services, micorservices, IoT and Blockchain; technical debt management in software engineering; security software engineering; sustainability software engineering and computational intelligence in Software Engineering. For more than a decade, my research has revolved around developing economics-inspired frameworks and systematic methods, which link engineering design decisions in software to value creation considering development, operational and evolution uncertainties. My group was among the first to conduct reserach in software engineering in/for the cloud, self-adaptive and managed cloud architectures, software architecture for cloud and Bigdata, cloud elasticity and auto-scaling, microservices and very recently software engineering for IoT. For more information, please visit my publications page.
Seminars, Invited Talks, Panelists
- University of Edinburgh, Informatics, Distinguished Lecture Series (2019)
- Monash University, Australia(2018)
- University of Melbourne, Australia(2018)
- University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign(2018)
- Dagsthul Seminar on Managing Technical Debt(2016)
- IT University of Copenhagen(2016)
- Green in Software Engineering workshop in conjunction with Global Software Engineering Conference(2015), Keynote
- Newcastle University, UK(2015)
- Leicester University, UK(2015)
- Measurement and Metrics for Green and Sustainable Software (MeGSuS 2014), Keynote
- EPSRC Software for the Future(2012)
- EPSRC-NSF Panel for the Software Grand Challenges in the Chemical Sciences(2012)
- UCL, Open Crest Workshops(2011)
- International Workshop on Software Research and Climate Change (WSRCC), in affiliation with ACM/IEEE the 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Cape Town, South Africa (2010)
- Open university lunch- time seminar(2010)
- Keele University, Software Engineering Group(2010)
- IBM Watson Research & Informs(2007)
- Talks to Keele, Durham, St Andrews, UCL, Birkbeck College London, Newcastle, Aston(2005-2007)
Editorial, Conference and Workshop Organisation
- Associate Editor of IEEE Software
- Editor of Wiley Software Practice and Experience
- Editorial Board, Services Society(S2) Journal for Internet of Things(IoT)
- Guest editor for a special issue on the Future of Software Engineering IN and FOR the Cloud. Systems and Software, ELSEVIER Science.
Guest editor for a special issue on Software Architecture and Mobility. Systems and Software, ELSEVIER Science, Volume 83, Issue 6 (2010).
Programme Chair, IEEE 13th SERVICES 2017
- Visionary track chair IEEE 12th SERVICES 2016, 23rd ICWS 2016, SCC 2016, 9th CLOUD 2016 and 4th Big Data 2016
- IEEE Services 2017, the 7th Emerging Technologies Track on Software Engineering In/For the Cloud Emerging track (Founder/lead organisor)
- IEEE Services 2016, the 6th Emerging Technologies Track on Software Engineering In/For the Cloud Emerging track (Founder/lead organisor)
- IEEE Services 2016, the 2nd Emerging Technologies Track on Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud, Edge Computing and Mobility(Organiser)
- Visionary track chair IEEE 11th SERVICES 2015, 22nd ICWS 2015, SCC 2015, 8th CLOUD 2015 and 3rd Big Data 2015
- Data Science Special Track on Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud and Mobile Services. In conjunction with IEEE Cloud 2015, ICWS 2015, and SCC2015, MS2015 and Big Data 2015, IEEE Services 2015, NY. Co-chaired with Liping Zhao and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
- IEEE Services 2015 UK Satellite Theme: Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud and Mobile Services, May 21, 2015, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK. Co-chaired with Liping Zhao and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec.
- The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud, in conjunction with IEEE 11th SERVICES 2015, 22nd ICWS 2015, SCC 2015, 8th CLOUD 2015 and 3rd Big Data 2015 (Founder/lead organisor)
- The IEEE Services Visionary Track on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems, EMSOS (3rd version). In conjunction with IEEE Cloud 2015, ICWS 2015, and SCC2015, MS2015 and Big Data 2015, IEEE Services 2015, NY, USA. *Co-chair with Nour Ali and Ian Gorton.
- The Doctoral Symposium: ACM/IEEE Conf. on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014)
- Chair of the federated workshops: IEEE 10th SERVICES 2014, 21st ICWS 2014, SCC 2014, 7th CLOUD 2014 and 2nd Big Data 2014, Alaska, USA
- Chair of the Utility Computing Track: The 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
- The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud (Founder/lead organisor)
- Chair for The Third IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud (Founder/lead organisor)
- Chair for The Second IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud (Founder/lead organisor)
- Chair for The First IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering IN and FOR the Cloud(FoSEC) in conjunction with IEEE Cloud 2011 and Services 2011 (Founder/lead organisor)
- Workshops and Tutorial Chair. The 7th European Conference on Modeling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2011)
- Co-chair IEEE 2010 First International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS), Miami, Florida, USA, July 5-10, 2010 in conjunction with ICWS 2010, SCC 2010, and CLOUD 2010
- Co-chair. IEEE International Workshop on Testing Security and Evaluating its Effectiveness, "The Second IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT2010). August 20-22, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- Chair The Second International Workshop on Software Architectures and Mobility Workshop (SAM) at ICSE 2009 in Conjunction with the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering
- Chair Track co-organizer with Bashar Nuseibeh(Lero). Software Engineering in Arabic. With the 6th International Computing Conference in Arabic 2010, May 19-20, 2010. Hammamet, Tunisia.
- The First International Workshop on Software Architectures and Mobility (SAM), in conjunction with the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Leipzig, Germany 10 - 18 May 2008.(co-chaired with Licia Capra, Wolfgang Emmerich and M.E. Fayad)
- The First OOPSLA Workshop on Unified Data Mining Engine. In conjunction with OOPSLA 2007, Canada, ACM/IEEE CS October 21-22,2007. With M.E. Fayad (Chair) and his colleagues
- The Second IEEE International Workshop on Software Stability at Work (SSW 2007), in conjunction with IEEE IRI-07 Las Vegas, USA, IEEE CS August 13-15. With M.E. Fayad (Chair) and his colleagues
- The Second IEEE International workshop Towards Stable and Adaptable Software Architectures (SASA 2007) in conjunction with IEEE IRI-07 Las Vegas, USA, IEEE CS August 13-15.With M.E. Fayad (Chair) and his colleagues
Selected Scholarly Services
- SEAMS@ICSE2020, ICSA 2020, SCC2020
- ICSE 2019(Software Engineering for Society Track), UCC 2019, ASWEC 2019, SEAMS@ICSE2019, SCC 2019, SAC 2019, TechnicalDebt@ICSE 2019, SBSE 2019.
- ICSE 2018(Software Engineering for Society Track), SEAMS@ICSE2018, ECSA 2018, SCC 2018, SAC 2018, Blockchain 2018.
- ICSE 2017(Software Engineering for Society Track), SEAMS@ICSE 2017, ECSA 2017, SCC 2017, SAC 2017.
- ICSE 2016 (Software Engineering for Society Track), ECSA 2016, SAC 2016, SCC 2016.
- The International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE) 2015- Software Engineering for Society Track, WICSA 2015, ECSA 2015, ICT4S2015, ASWEC 2015.
- ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2014), Search-based Software Engineering Track.
- 14th International Conference on Web Engineering(2014).
- 2nd international conference on ICT for Sustainability(ICT4S 2014)
- The 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing (SEAGC 2014).
- The International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2013).
- International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (Greens 2013), the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering
- The 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2013).
- The Third IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud within IEEE SERVICES 2013 (Co-located with ICWS 2013, SCC 2013, CLOUD 2013)(Organiser)
- The Second IEEE International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering FOR and IN Cloud,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA within IEEE SERVICES 2012 (Co-located with ICWS 2012, SCC 2012, CLOUD 2012, MS 2012, SE 2012).(Organiser)
- The third International Workshop on Requirements@Run.time, the 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE12).
- The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Conference, GECCO, Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'2012).
- The International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2012).
- International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (Greens 2012), the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering
- The 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2012).
- Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'2011), co-located with ESEC/FSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary.
- The 22nd Dexa: The International Conference on ICT as Key Technology for the Fight against Global Warming Toulouse, France August 29-Sept 2, 2011.
- The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO, track on Search Based Software Engineering, July 2011, Dublin.
- The International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2011), co-located with WICSA, Boulder, Colorado June 20-24 2011.
- The 23rdInter Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE2011), Miami Beach, USA, July 7-9, 2011.
- SERVICES, ENERGY, & ECOSYSTEM with the Eighth International Conference on Service Oriented Computing December 7-10, 2010, San Francisco, California.
- Search-based Software Engineering, ACM GECCO 2009.
- Search-based Software Engineering, ACM GECCO 2008.
- The Third Asia-Pacific Workshop on Software Architectures and Components Technologies (SACT 08) collocated with 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 08).
- Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2008.
- The First International Workshop on Management and Economics of Software Product Lines (MESPUL 07), in Nagoya, Japan, December 3, 2007 Collocated with 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 07).
- Search-Based Software Engineering Track. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, London, UK.
- The First OOPSLA IEEE International Workshop on Patterns Languages: Addressing Challenges (PLAC 2007) (in conjunction with OOPSLA 2007).
- The Second IEEE International Workshop on Software Stability at Work (SSW 2007).
- The Second IEEE International workshop Towards Stable and Adaptable Software Architectures (SASA 2007).
- The 19th Conference on Software Engineering and Training (SSEET, 2006), the 21st Century Track on SE Education.
Regular Reviewer for
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution
- IET Software Proceedings Journal
- IEEE Software
- Journal of Systems and Software
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
- Journal of Information and Software Technology
- ACM Computing Surveys
- The Computer Journal
- Wiley Software Practice and Experience
- Several ACM, IEEE, Elsevier, Springer journals etc.
Funding Peer Review
- Associate Member of the EPSRC College
- Regular reviewer for the Belgium, Dutch, Canadian, Swedish, UK, NSF, SA, Indian etc. funding research councils among the others.