Autonomous  Robots
To do what no robot has been able to do before

I wish I had this dog as a pet Spot five differences between the two thinkers
Mohan Sridharan
I have moved to the University of Edinburgh (UK) as a Chair in Robot Systems in the School of Informatics. Please see my current home page for updates and contact me at: m [dot] sridharan [at] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk. I was previously a Reader in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham (UK), where I currently hold an honorary position as a professor. Prior to that, I held academic appointments at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Auckland (NZ), and at Texas Tech University (USA). I received my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin.

My primary research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning, cognitive systems, and interactive learning as applied to adaptive robots and agents. I develop architectures and algorithms that enable robots to collaborate with non-expert human participants, acquiring and using sensor inputs and high-level human feedback based on need and availability. Furthermore, I am interested in developing algorithms for estimation and prediction problems in application domains such as agricultural irrigation management, intelligent transportation, and climate informatics. Please contact me if you need any further information regarding my research, teaching or outreach activities.

Links to my: Research Statement, Teaching Statement and Publications.

Please note:
  • Funded PhD/postdoctoral research fellow positions available. Please read this before you contact me. For the funded positions, please look at my papers before you prepare a research proposal.
  • I cannot answer general questions related to admissions and scholarships; these decisions are made by appropriate committees.
  • If you are a student at the University of Birmingham and are interested in working on a research project in robotics or AI, please send me an email.

Contact Information:
Email: m [dot] sridharan [at] bham [dot] ac [dot] uk


Research, Research Group


Robot Outreach

CV, Publications